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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Close the case and recheck temp. All airflow through the case must pass by the drives, if not, you need to seal up any openings that allow air get through without cooling the drives. If in doubt, post a picture of your case, lid on and off, with arrows showing fan flow direction.
  2. Just use a live iso of whatever OS you are comfortable working with to download and copy the installation files normally. If you use a live windows iso, you should be able to use the usb creator method, otherwise just download the unraid zip file, extract it to the key, then run whichever make bootable script is applicable to the live distro you used. Depending on the current format of the USB stick, you will probably need to use a partition or formatting tool like rufus to make the USB stick FAT32 with a label of UNRAID before you copy the files.
  3. If you can run a dedicated Cat5e or better wire, you can extend the USB with that. I'm successfully running mice and keyboards from multiple locations to a powered USB hub plugged in to a passed through USB port on my Unraid server. I found the powered hub to be vital to the equation, it seems to provide signal cleanup to ensure good speed and connectivity across the Cat5 USB extension.
  4. That's actually fairly typical, the video card just renders whatever is in the framebuffer. Until something flushes the buffer or otherwise resets the card, it's just going to show whatever was stuffed into those memory addresses last. If you kill the VM and nothing else takes control of the card, it will just stay at the last state. Normal hardware machines typically take back control of the video card after the OS shuts down.
  5. No. Parity check only confirms that the real time parity calculations have been maintained correctly.
  6. After things are stable, you can investigate the old drives, they may actually contain a better copy of your data.
  7. Short and sweet, your server must be notified by the UPS that the power is out, and the computer needs to shutdown now. How that notification happens, there are various methods as Ford mentioned. I differ from him on how much capacity you should use, for several reasons. I prefer to have things set up to be fully shut down BEFORE the battery in the UPS reaches 50% discharge. 1st reason, battery lifespan. The shallower the discharge, the longer lifespan the battery should have. 2nd reason, the nature of power outages. A second outage within a short period of the power returning is very likely, as the crews temporarily restore power to the greatest number of customers, then come back through and make permanent repairs. The recharge time is WAY longer than the time used on battery, 10 to 20 times. So, if you drain the batteries to 30% left, and start everything back up as soon as power is restored, you will likely not have enough capacity left for a clean shutdown if the power is lost a second time. The goal of a consumer level battery backup is NEVER to replace power during an outage, it's to safely shut things down in a controlled timeframe. If you want extended runtime, there are commercial units available with add on battery banks, or size things so you can fire up a generator to replace the mains for an extended outage. In my area, if the power is out more than a minute, it's probably going to be out way longer than a UPS can handle, so I have things start shutting down pretty much immediately, with the server the last to go down after 10 minutes of outage. VM's get the signal from the server that the power is out using the apcupsd program, there are clients available for pretty much any OS. So the VM's start shutting down after 1 minute of outage, various desktops as well. If everything goes as planned, the server has no client connections after 5 minutes or so, and can shut down.
  8. Attach the diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  9. With CGNAT, your "public" IP is private and non-routable. Typically no way to expose ports.
  10. Possibly with all the drives connected, the PSU overcurrent protection kicked in before it fried anything, but with only a couple plugged in the PSU fired up and appeared to work while frying the 2 remaining drives?
  11. Did you, by any chance, replace a modular power supply with another one? If so, did you switch ALL the cables to the new ones? Just because the old modular cables fit, doesn't mean they are compatible. Running with the wrong cables for even a second or two can burn up drives.
  12. Rebuilding to new disks would be best, it's very possible the 2 disks that dropped will have better copies than the rebuild, so it would be helpful to keep those 2 old drives intact.
  13. Yes, assuming parity was perfectly valid before the drives went offline. When was your last parity check with zero errors?
  14. In that case, I believe you have a compromised device on your network. It appears someone logged in to your unraid and using the command line installed the packetstream container along with watchtower to automatically keep the packetstream container updated and running. If not you, somebody else is apparently making money from your bandwidth.
  15. @bellyup, please read the red text in the first post.
  16. Do you have any affiliation with https://packetstream.io/
  17. Know anybody in Kenya that should be accessing your server? Are there ANY ports forwarded to Unraid's IP?
  18. rank isn't edited, it's replaced by member title.
  19. Click on your name at the top of this page, profile, edit profile, member title.
  20. Leave it alone? I don't see any benefit, and plenty of ways to screw it up. Granted, it wouldn't be that hard to fix, but what would you gain? You are currently only using a little over 1/4 of the allocated space. If the USB firmware is intelligent, it will use the remaining capacity behind the scenes for wear leveling anyway. Think of it as a little aggressive over-provisioning that should extend the life of your device. If you do start to run close, address it then.
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173 Try all the fixes mentioned here.
  22. Have you watched SpaceInvader One's youtube videos on Unraid VM's?
  23. You do realize the irony of posting about an issue and then saying you don't like to "fix" things that aren't broken?
  24. You really should stay more current. Unraid's upgrades are free, and each one adds fixes for issues found along the way. Staying so far behind makes you vulnerable.
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