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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. read the help text in the GUI, hover your mouse over the use cache pool and click on the question mark. post back if you need more.
  2. You have a single cache drive, which means any files there have no redundancy. If you add another 250GB drive in the default RAID1 the notification will change to protected. However... I personally would rather see you set up and use real backup for those files, not simply disk redundancy. CA appdata backup, and backing up any VM's would be a better use of resources.
  3. What I meant was balance back to RAID 1, then try going back to RAID 5.
  4. Sounds like the boot USB may be dropping off, diagnostics zip file collected after the symptoms present themselves should provide some info.
  5. What directions did you follow to change the RAID level from the stock RAID1?
  6. So is mine. The passed through video cards have HDMI to cat5 extenders linking to the endpoints. The rest of the VM's are accessed through nomachine, vnc, or rdp.
  7. Here's my everyday usage. 1. Hardware passthrough home theatre and entertainment. I have a vm that uses the projector and surround sound, another that is connected to a hdmi over cat5 splitter that feeds 4 tv's around the house. Both those vm's are linux mint cinnamon. 2. Persistent desktop. I have a several remote only vm's in various flavours for different purposes, a windows vm for stuff that isn't linux friendly, a bare debian with search tools and vpn only connections, an android for experimenting, a daily driver mint desktop, several others that I don't keep running, just fire up when needed. 3. pfSense router. For advanced users only, having a VM for your main router means you have as much horsepower as you need to keep a fully encrypted gigabit WAN connection running wide open. You still have to keep a backup router up to date when you have to take down your server, but for day to day, it's nice having a way overpowered router.
  8. lol I have no idea where you got that from ha. Im in Canada. https://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/history/slogan.asp If a process stores a 1, and the disk returns a confident 0, then yes, you will have problems. Thing is, that's not the way disks work, as Frank tried to tell you. If the disk is having issues, it returns a read error, which triggers unraid to calculate from all the remaining disks what SHOULD be there, and write the correct data back to the disk. If the write succeeds, a read error is shown, and life moves on. If the disk returns a write error, then unraid fails the disk and all further operations to that slot happen purely from emulated data. A parity check is just reading the data from all the devices and making sure the maths are correct. A read error during a parity check is handled the exact same way as normal operations, as I said in the above paragraph. Data corruption occurs elsewhere in the chain of custody. Bad RAM, untidy shutdown, buggy application code, and the like are what can cause what should have been a 1 to be a 0 or vice-versa. Once the data has been sent to the disks, it's either returned as it was sent, or a disk error is generated that causes Unraid to reconstruct it. Writes are sent to the data slots first then the parity slots, so if the power is pulled during a write, it's necessary to do a parity check to make sure everything that went to the data drives also updated parity.
  9. The parity array is the Unraid "special sauce" and currently you can only have one of those, limited to 2 parity and 28 data. The cache pool(s) are normal BTRFS RAID volumes, you can have 1 with up to 24 drives in the release version 6.8.3, you can have multiple pools in the 6.9 beta 25 version, I'm not sure what the drive limits are there, nobody I've seen has hit a limit. Drives not assigned to either the main parity array or cache pool(s) can be used in other ways, writing directly to them or passing them through to virtual machines. Unlimited means no limit on attached drives regardless of use, not unlimited drives in any specific function, like each cache pool or the main parity array.
  10. The cache pool can contain multiple drives in any valid BTRFS RAID configuration, it defaults to RAID1. The newest beta as of this writing can have multiple cache pools, each with their own BTRFS RAID level if you wish. The parity array is limited to 2 parity and 28 data members. The overall drive limits are as stated, unlimited for Pro, 12 for Plus, 6 for Basic. License drive limits are for whether or not the array will start with that number of attached storage devices, not how many are assigned to any specific function.
  11. That will inevitably lead to a slower system, both the VM and the server. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/93358-accessing-unraid-gui-causes-vm-stutter/?do=findComment&comment=864668
  12. Since general is for unraid specific support, that's not the right place in my mind. Lounge would be a much better fit. https://forums.unraid.net/forum/16-lounge/
  13. When downloading subscriptions with historical content, it's a hit or miss (mostly miss) that old videos will show up in the GUI. The videos definitely download and are playable from disk, they just don't show up in the GUI. All new content caught with the check interval referenced above seem to show up fine. On the github there is a reference to that issue, but it looked like it was marked as solved for new subscriptions, along with filling in existing subscriptions that had the issue. Is there an update that hasn't been pushed to this container?
  14. Are you saying that you have a public IP with no firewall assigned to Unraid? Don't do that. Unraid itself is not hardened for internet exposure. You must have another firewall in place. You certainly can expose individual container's specific ports and IP's, just not Unraid's native ports.
  15. Your symptoms are typical of a failed mount of the USB for some reason. Because you are virtualizing Unraid, the causes and fixes are probably linked to the host and how you are attaching the USB. Virtualizing Unraid isn't officially supported, so your best chance of getting help is in this section where others are discussing how they accomplished successful virtualized setups.
  16. The boot USB is the only place that has the key file in normal use. If you can't find a backup of that key file somewhere you will need to email support and tell them the situation and the email address that you used when you purchased your key and they can look it up. Have you tried reading the drive in another computer to see if you can get any files off of it?
  17. I think you owe your friend an apology.
  18. The polite thing would be to share your solution so that others may learn from your experience. However, if that isn't what you want, tell me and I'll delete the thread.
  19. Try putting the local mount point inside your home directory instead of /mnt cd to your Documents folder, and mkdir Nextcloud there, don't use sudo. Then change the fstab local folder to /home/<ubuntu user>/Documents/Nextcloud and see how you get on. P.S. Please replace <ubuntu user> with the correct characters. Like /home/owner/Documents/Nextcloud, if your Ubuntu username was owner.
  20. If your credentials don't use brackets, yes. Brackets are perfectly legal characters in a password.
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