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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Do the drives show free space available in the main gui tab?
  2. Try creating a new VM, but select the current vdisk. It's the equivalent of moving a hard drive to a new tower.
  3. I get it, but before you go through that hassle, maybe try one of the other binhex vpn enabled torrent clients to see if you can salvage the situation. The beauty of containers is that you can set up multiple versions to test without tearing down what you already have. I guess it boils down to how you want to spend your time.
  4. The adhesive on electrical tape tends to be kinda nasty after a bit, so replace with Kapton ASAP. Also, electrical is WAY thicker, so it could spread out the contacts far enough to cause issues if you need those pins to make connection in the future.
  5. I haven't been following the discussion, but idle and TDP really have nothing to do with each other. TDP is a design spec that determines how much heat sink mass, airflow and overall heat rejection must be accounted for. Two processors from the same die family, one with limited TDP, both will idle at nearly identical power. The difference at full load will be significant, with the low power model throttled back to reduce the amount of work done so it doesn't need as much cooling. However, it will take much longer to complete the same task. During that time, the rest of the system will still be running at full power, so the net effect is that a low TDP processor may actually take more power over the long term with the tradeoff being much lower peak draw. Laptops are a good candidate for low TDP, servers, not so much.
  6. Because there are many reasons to inspect and possibly make changes to the array before it starts. A fair number of settings must be done with the array stopped. Many (most?) people (myself included) keep their servers running 24/7/365, and when the server is shut down, it's for a major reason, typically hardware changes. Bringing it back up, I want a chance to look things over, make sure all drives are still healthy, connected and detected properly before I start the array. If the array auto starts with missing disks, you can paint yourself into a corner that has data loss risk associated with it. I prefer to not take those risks.
  7. yes. I'm wondering If need to expose the folder out of the container. [Guide] Fixing Nextcloud Uploads Filling up Docker Image - Docker Containers - Unraid No clue whether it works or breaks things in the long run, but it sounds logical, and I've made the change to see what might happen.
  8. It's likely to be one of the heaviest things in the area, so low is good. It also will require battery replacement every few years, so try not to bury it too deeply, or put it in a location that requires a huge amount of rearranging to access. It does create some heat, but as long as it's got a little air exposure it'll be fine. Try to manage it so the batteries are never depleted too far, or you will be replacing batteries sooner. As a rule of thumb, I like to attempt never to go below 50% charge, which means if things don't go as planned you have a healthy margin before things get bad. Keep in mind the recharge rate is likely around 10 or more to 1, meaning if you discharge for 5 minutes it's probably going to take close to an hour to fully recover. During discharge and recharge it will get significantly warmer. The long recharge is another reason to not deeply discharge, it would suck to go to all the trouble of setting up a good battery backup and have 2 back to back outages negate all your effort with a dirty shutdown. The batteries are SLA, sealed lead acid, so sort of like a car battery in some ways.
  9. Create the thread in an area where you do have permission, (Lounge?) and report the post with a note to please move it to plugin support. A moderator will be along shortly and move it.
  10. Long experience proves otherwise.
  11. There is a very high chance that controller is marvell chipset, so not recommended. I don't know of any 4 port controllers that will work well. Your options are asmedia based 2 port, or JMB585 based 5 port cards, or LSI based 8 port cards. There are some asmedia 4 port cards, but they use port multipliers, so also not recommended. This should work. https://www.amazon.in/CREST-Internal-Non-Raid-Controller-Bracket/dp/B07ST9CPND/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=JMB585&qid=1601386545&sr=8-2
  12. I am unsure where the min free space setting is checked, but I suspect it's at the network share level, so direct disk writes by a local (docker container) source probably will not trigger the out of space error until the disk is actually filled. I've never actually checked, so I'm speculating.
  13. How many leads from the PSU are you using? I prefer not powering more than 4 drives from any single run, otherwise you can get voltage droop during mass power draw.
  14. That path is wrong, it consists of all root folders named cache on any disk in the array. Don't create user shares with the same name as disk shares, it will be very confusing to you.
  15. This is my method of UPS testing. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/85784-ups-issues/?do=findComment&comment=795247
  16. Well, I must admit I found out the hard way why you shouldn't do it, but yeah, pretty silly. That was 20+ years ago. At least the only thing I smoked was a power strip that was plugged into the UPS. Worst part, I have a degree in electronics engineering, and still yanked a UPS plug out. Electronics != Electrical, (generally low power vs. high power), but I still should have known better. I educated myself really quickly on floating grounds with line power circuits. For even more fun, throw a small generator into the mix. Having a single earth point with a continuous ground circuit makes all the difference. The little details really can kill you.
  17. It's a chipset / CPU / motherboard issue. Mainly CPU.
  18. Don't do that unless you have bonded the UPS ground to earth through some other means. Any current imbalance between the equipment powered by the UPS and other equipment still grounded will travel through whatever connections are still there, probably your network at the very least. Turn off the circuit at the breaker, or temporarily plug the UPS into a switched outlet or power strip, but don't just yank the plug out of the wall.
  19. https://wiki.unraid.net/Unraid_6/Troubleshooting#Persistent_Logs
  20. Any drive that is removed without being replaced and rebuilt will lose the data that's on it. So, no not automatically. You could definitely copy the data from the 2TB to free space elsewhere on the array using any one of many available tools, and then rebuild parity without that drive. The number of drives spinning is a big factor in power consumption, so yes, fewer platters rotating = power saved. AFAIK costco doesn't private label drives, so I'm sure if you search for the brand, model number, disassembly instructions you will find an example on youtube.
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