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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Sorry, I have no first hand experience with disk shelves, all my servers have the drives local to the motherboard / hba. Maybe @johnnie.black has some insight, but it may be several hours before he checks back in.
  2. What about the DC path of the supplies to the drives? All tight connections and sufficient gauge and quantity of wires?
  3. Power and supply wiring to the backplanes / drives?
  4. I can confirm the qcow file is indeed behaving correctly for me during the install process. Sorry for the initial alarm, I didn't go beyond getting the apparent size and allocated size for the created file, which obviously behaves quite differently than the raw file.
  5. 2 servers would probably be quicker. If the second server is easy to set up, that's what I would do, for several reasons.
  6. Looks like it's showing the 2 cores as a hyperthread pair, loaded at 16% and 20% respectively.
  7. If you can't reproduce at your end, I can give you remote access to my machine.
  8. @limetech, I can confirm for the listed options in the create VM screenshot of qcow that it indeed creates a very small sparse file in my b25 test install I'm torn about the urgent label, but I'm going to let it stand until reviewed by @bonienl and company. However, the sparse qcow file does indeed expand appropriately during install, so I failed to replicate the actual issue.
  9. Post a screenshot of the Add VM page right before you would hit the "create" button.
  10. In that case it's probably going to be more productive to ask the sonarr authors. https://forums.sonarr.tv/
  11. Or, since mover is just a fancy script in itself, there is nothing keeping you from implementing your own script that does exactly what you want since you are a software developer. It's really not that complicated, the worst part is going to be ensuring that the clients see and work with only the latest copy, and not overwriting a more recent version with your script. All the data can be accessed directly from each disk, through /mnt/diskX and /mnt/cache, the user shares are simply the merged content of the root folders on all the disks. The reason it's not been done so far is that there are many other ways to accomplish what you are asking instead of breaking the current behaviour of mover which assumes there are only uniquely named files in a specific path on each disk. Backup routines are plentiful and well thought out, like I said earlier you can copy the data to a second location on a schedule with a one line script. If you are dead set on implementing this exactly as you suggested, you are certainly welcome to experiment with it, you won't "break" Unraid, but you might get some unexpected results. Unraid is extremely flexible, you can do all sorts of things that aren't officially supported. Have a play and see what happens when you put the same file name on a second disk with the same path. Like /mnt/disk1/test/testing.txt and /mnt/cache/test/testing.txt. When you access /mnt/user/test/testing.txt, only one of the files will be there. If you populate the file with content when you create it like "this file is on disk1" and "this file is on cache", you can see what's happening. If you delete the file shown in /mnt/user/test, the second file will magically take its place, making it appear that the deletion didn't work. You can also use this "feature" to hide files you don't want shown in a user share, simply by manually creating a file with the same same on a higher priority disk. Keep in mind that Unraid sees this as an error condition, so don't expect the existing mover script to play well with it, you will need to make your own mover script.
  12. Hint. Find a way to get him a license for the game. If it's too expensive for you personally, reach out to other users in this thread that have expressed interest in the game and coordinate a purchase somehow.
  13. Do you have the guest agent installed in the VM?
  14. More correctly, it boots and unpacks from the USB into RAM, and runs from RAM, only occasionally reading and writing configuration files that live on the USB. Running from RAM is MUCH faster than running on even the fastest NVME drives, but means that Unraid is cut down and streamlined to fit into the smallest footprint that is practical.
  15. You don't have an option "At stopping of array" under "schedule disabled"?
  16. Are channel downloads currently supported? I get There was an error while checking playlists: CheckAll: CheckNow: From c.GetMetadata(): ERROR: vP0ZfcuiR2c: YouTube said: Unable to extract video data when I try to download channels.
  17. https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-krusader
  18. This is not something that will ever be done, for multiple reasons. The biggest reason is if you make a copy instead of moving, then it's no longer clear which copy should be presented in the user share. You can accomplish what you are trying to do with a user script that periodically copies from your active share to a backup share. rsync -arv /mnt/user/active/ /mnt/user/backup or something similar. Set the "backup" share to cache: yes, that way the copy will be done on the cache drive, and the mover will put it on the array.
  19. Try filling in the blank time fields with good values.
  20. How confident are you in the health of your data drives? Easiest way forward would be to set up a new Unraid USB stick, and assign all the data drives and cache drive. Leave both parity slots empty for the moment, and you should be able to access all your data. If you don't write anything to the drives, and you can find a current backup, you should be able to get everything back the way it was. As long as you don't assign anything to the parity slots, nothing should get overwritten. If at any point it asks you to format anything, DON'T. Post back with diagnostics and a screenshot of the Main GUI page. If you at all suspect you may have a failing data drive, we need to approach things a little differently.
  21. Do you have a general idea of which drives were array and which were cache?
  22. I guess it either works or it doesn't. I have multiple clients of various flavours, linux, windows 7, windows 10, and they all work just fine. Did you find any references to your error message when you googled it?
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