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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. It's quicker to rebuild parity, but the general idea is to completely fill the drives you want to remove with binary 0's, then do a new config with the remaining drives and select that parity is already valid then do a parity check to make sure things went well.
  2. Were they shipped in the same box? Maybe the shipper played a rousing game of catch with it.
  3. No clue. If you go to tools, registration, what info does it give you? Does the flash GUID look like a random string of numbers and letters?
  4. JonathanM

    VPN Provider?

    You could use binhex's sabnzbdvpn container, it has a privoxy instance built in that you can point radarr and sonarr to.
  5. Compare to what? If someone is selling a counterfeit, they are not likely to post pictures of the actual article they are selling that reveal the differences, and if you already have the product in hand, you simply need to follow the advice given to ask the manufacturer if that particular serial number is one of theirs. If you have doubts about a specific seller, ask them for the serial number of the exact piece you intend to buy, and contact broadcom.
  6. Not wrong, just maybe not the best method to get the best answers. Regarding keeping all the answers together, the longer a thread ages, the more outdated the advice and knowledge is. For some things, it doesn't really matter much, for others, the information and answers may well be completely wrong as technology has moved on. If you are upgrading an existing drive that's full, there is no need to move things around before the upgrade. Just keep the drive you pulled intact until the upgrade has completed successfully, that way if there is an issue you still have a copy of all the files. When the upgrade is done you will have plenty of free space on that drive for new files. Don't move data around without a good reason. Every time you move data it involves some risk of corruption or accidental deletion. That risk is usually very small, but it wouldn't exist if you leave it be. Eventually all your smaller drives will be upgraded. As long as nothing is written or deleted on the full drives, the chances of file system corruption that would need the extra space for recovery is non-existent.
  7. JonathanM

    VPN Provider?

    NordVPN does not do port forwarding. That means torrent applications will not fully work, and can not be used with private trackers. Specifically what traffic are you wanting to send through Nord?
  8. IF it works, then your license would be tied to the motherboard. Can't hurt to try, you will have to follow the directions to manually install Unraid onto the flash. When you boot it and try to register your trial install it will let you know if it can't be licensed. I'm kind of betting that it won't work at all though.
  9. Don't actually unplug it, switch off the power to the outlet. Removing the plug breaks the ground circuit, and has the possibility of damaging equipment as any current imbalance travels through network or other still connected cables. You can do a full live test without hurting anything, but it's a little complicated. You need 2 power strips, plug the UPS into one, and the stuff that's normally plugged into the UPS into the other. Approximate the load as accurately as possible, and load up the UPS output to match. Incandescent light bulbs make good small loads, space heaters for stuff above 250ish watts. Run the server up to typical usage, all containers and VM's running as normal, then turn off the power strip running the UPS. The UPS should signal the outage, and hopefully the server will fully shut down before the UPS quits powering the dummy load. Ideally it should be totally done before the batteries reach 50% charge, so as not to stress them.
  10. The parity drive is separate, yes. That doesn't mean the parity drive by itself has any recovery data, in fact it's just a bunch of nonsense ones and zeroes by itself. It operates as part of the parity equation that uses all the rest of the data drives. https://wiki.unraid.net/Parity#How_parity_works
  11. Using drives that you don't trust to hold data is a very bad idea. Unraid's drive recovery uses all the capacity of all the drives to maintain parity, and when one drive fails, all the remaining drives must be perfect to rebuild the failed drive. So, be sure to fully test any drive that will be included in the parity array, and discard any that show signs of failure.
  12. Sounds like the batteries in the UPS are failing.
  13. Do you have any ports forwarded through your firewall / router? Unraid is not secured and must not be directly exposed to the internet.
  14. Parity is not a backup. It can't correct file system errors or fix corrupt files. Its only use is to recreate the bits on a missing drive exactly how they were, corrupted or not.
  15. Depends. The instructions are written to as close to the lowest common denominator as possible. If you are capable of determining that no process will be writing to the source or destination for the duration of the copy, then it is safe. If you are unable to guarantee that, then you need to shut everything down as the instructions state. It's on you to determine that.
  16. Read the recommended post pinned at the top of every page on this topic.
  17. What he was trying to tell you is that if you have parity built using the full set of disks you intend to use with unraid, you should be able to force fail a single drive at a time and unraid will move the partition for you. non-correcting parity check, zero errors, one or more drives showing unmountable because of partition layout physically disconnect one of the unmountable drives with the array powered down start the array, the disconnected disk should now be mountable and accessible, if so, you can safely rebuild to the same physical disk Repeat that sequence until all drives are corrected. Now, having said all that, it sounds like you may not have full backups. If that's the case, you are playing with fire. Recovery of encrypted volumes that get corrupted is very difficult or impossible sometimes, so I don't recommend experimenting until you have current backups.
  18. Try the latest beta, it has support for some of the newer network components.
  19. It looks like you have major network issues. Can you describe your infrastructure? Switches, wiring, etc.
  20. If you are only physically moving the drives and don't want to change the logical slots in the GUI, then you don't have to do anything. The new config is only necessary when you want to assign different drives to the logical slots, nothing to do with the physical location.
  21. As in no VM's or containers running, or disabled the services in settings?
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