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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. So the testing release erroneously shows 21.0.0 as the installed version?
  2. How much experience do you have with Unraid?
  3. Loaded, theoretically what would happen if I updated inside the app?
  4. Done. If you are a linux desktop user kdiff3 is very interesting to compare old and new.
  5. I have at least 4 copies on 2 different servers. What forum do you think I'm on here?🤣
  6. kdiffing the old and new files revealed a BUNCH of changes, hopefully none of my other legacy settings comes back to bite me.
  7. Yep, changing both the WebDir and ConfigTemplate variables in the config file fixed it right up. Also had to edit my GUI fix script, same edit change bin to share. Everything is "working", but I haven't pushed a file to it yet.
  8. Still 6789? I get a 404 on that port when I changed repositories with existing config. Or do I need to set it up fresh with a blank config?
  9. https://unraid.net/policies All purchases are final. No refunds. We recommend you try our product for free before purchasing to ensure it meets your personal needs and use case.
  10. The parity check tuning plugin can operate with segments of a check, so the consequences of a cancel aren't quite that dire, but your point about cancel vs proceed is definitely valid.
  11. The reason this is not the default is the damage you can cause if you don't understand how user shares work. Don't ever copy between any /mnt/user path and any disk or pool paths, until you can articulate why and how you can cause permanent data loss copying between the two types of paths.
  12. When a container is started, if there is an error, the container is removed. Why a specific container has an error on starting is an exercise for the reader. Perhaps a referenced device is unavailable at that specific point in time?
  13. I know this is a spice thread, but the answer is nomachine
  14. Change the mapped port to what you want on the host side.
  15. If they came from the same vendor, or even worse all in the same shipping box, the delivery company probably played a game of warehouse rugby with it.
  16. Attach the zip file to your next post in this thread.
  17. Try a different endpoint from the list of port forwarding addresses.
  18. Can you try without that card installed?
  19. https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md First see Q15, then work your way through from top to bottom.
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