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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If by that you mean add a cache disk and use it for the config folders, yes. Without a cache disk, I don't think there is anything you can do right now except wait for a new release or downgrade to 6.6.7
  2. Wherever the host part of the path is set to. The container side lists what the docker sees, the host side shows where it is in unraid.
  3. Here's my take on the situation. The sql thing has been an issue for a LONG time, but only under some very hard to pin down circumstances. The typical fix was just to be sure the sql database file was on a direct disk mapping instead of the user share fuse system. It seems to me like the sql software is too sensitive to timing, gives up and corrupts the database when the transaction takes too long. Fast forward to the 6.7.x release, and it's not just the fuse system, it's the entire array that is having performance issues. Suddenly, what was a manageable issue with sql corruption becomes an issue for anything but a direct cache mapping. So, I suspect fixing this concurrent access issue will help with the sql issue for many people as well, but I think the sql thing will ultimately require changes that are out of unraid's direct control, possibly some major changes with the database engine. The sql thing has been an issue in the background for years.
  4. Did you try setting the drive types to what they explicitly are instead of auto? The fact that some are encrypted and some not may not be auto detected, and you may need to click on each drive slot and define the format type for each drive.
  5. A GUI function for this would be great, I would definitely use it, specifically to help with start and stop routines. I have certain groups of containers that are dependent on others. However, for right now, it's easy to set groups up manually using scripts, which can be handily dealt with in the user scripts plugin. Here's a ferintstance. You could save this as a script to start a media gather operation. Save another script substituting docker stop <container> to shut them all down again with one click. If you really want to get fancy, you can link a script to an icon in your OS, by using plink. Here's a windows command to launch a script saved in the user scripts plugin in your unraid. Assumes you have putty installed. c:\<path to putty>\plink -pw <password> root@<unraid ip> /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/<nameofscript>/script #!/bin/bash docker start binhex-nzbget docker start binhex-delugevpn sleep 30 docker start binhex-sonarr docker start binhex-radarr
  6. Wow. Just curious, what was your motivation for posting this question? 1. Trying to be funny? 2. Too lazy to read the FAQ? 3. Honestly didn't understand what you read in the FAQ? If the answer is 3, I am truly sorry for my attitude here, and apologize profusely. What part of the FAQ explanation needs more work?
  7. Cache only won't move anything. You want cache prefer.
  8. Yeah, except when they do. I very recently had a CT480BX200SSD1 fail on me, and a couple months before it died completely it started kicking pending sectors followed by reallocating them. As long as you don't ignore a rising reallocated count I guess it would be ok to ignore pending.
  9. Known firmware issue with that specific series (MX500) of Crucial drive. How worried? In isolation, it's fine. However, it is dangerous in the sense that you will either need to set the system to no longer alert you to the issue, or get bombarded with false alerts. Either way, it's the boy who cried wolf. If the drive actually starts having issues you won't notice as readily. I don't know of a fix that doesn't involve ignoring the error.
  10. If it helps at all, I was able to get in to the container while there was a non functional unpack, and did htop. There was only one unrar process, sitting there taking up cpu time. I killed it, and it respawned, but did NOT progress. I killed it multiple times, just to be sure, each time the CPU counter started over, but it never actually did anything. Dunno if I'm reading that correctly, but it seems to me that unrar isn't the problem, it's the invocation somehow. If unrar was at fault, I would expect killing it to allow a clean restart of the unrar process that would continue. Since it doesn't, it feels like its related to how nzbget is calling the unrar command. Only restarting the container worked.
  11. Did you build another test tag since you built the one you referenced on the 3rd? I just got an update indication, and it pulled data, so it looked like a real update. However, is it possible the test tag I pulled on the 3rd wasn't actually finished building yet so I got an old :test? I'll continue to monitor for hangs either way.
  12. Last log entry in a hung condition Tue Sep 10 15:50:35 2019 INFO Unpacking Blahhh Tue Sep 10 15:50:35 2019 DETAIL Unpacking into /downloads/complete/TV/Blahhh/_unpack Restarted container, logging resumes, postprocessing resumes successfully, filenames have been redacted/replaced. Tue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 INFO nzbget 21.0 server-mode [?1049h[22;0;0t[1;24r(B[m[4l[?7h[?1h=[?25l[39;49m[39;49m[37m[40m[H[2J[39;49m[37m[40m[H[2J[37m[44m Files for downloading - 7 / 0 files in queue - 22.71 MB / 0 MB Up 00:00:00[2;1H[37m[40m[1200] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol00[3;1H[1201] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol00[4;1H[1202] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol00[5;1H[1203] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol01[6;1H[1204] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol03[7;1H[1205] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol06[8;1H[1206] Blahhh/obfuscated.vol12[9;1H[37m[44m Messages[K [32m[40mINFO [37m[40mnzbget 21.0 server-mode [23d[34m[47m 9 threads, 0 KB/s, 0 MB remaining, 1 post-job, Avg. 0 KB/s[K [37m[44m(Q)uit | (E)dit | (P)ause | (R)ate | (W)indow | (G)roup | (T)ime | n(Z)b[K[80G(B[m[39;49m[37m[40mTue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 INFO Unpacking Blahhh Tue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 DETAIL Unpacking into /downloads/complete/TV/Blahhh/_unpack Tue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 INFO Unrar: UNRAR 5.60 beta 3 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Alexander Roshal Tue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 INFO Unrar: Extracting from obfuscated.part01.rar Tue Sep 10 16:06:30 2019 INFO Unrar: Extracting obfuscated.mkv etc, etc. The hang occurs right before this next line in a successful pass INFO Unrar: UNRAR 5.60 beta 3 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Alexander Roshal So, I'm assuming the unrar process never gets far enough to send the version back to nzbget. Could be a red herring though, nzbget may just never get to the stage of actually invoking it. I haven't tried to examine the ps list in a hang state.
  13. Have you pulled the CPU heatsink off and checked the mounting and redone the paste?
  14. Also be sure memory timings are correct. 3200 is way overclocked IIRC.
  15. Not definitively. I gave up trying to wade through a 2+GB log file.
  16. Confirmed, unpacking still occasionally hangs. Just had a series of 10 files come in where 2 different files caused unpacking stalls.
  17. I took a good look around their website, and I found two pertinent things. 1, they only allow P2P / torrenting on some of their endpoints, 2, they don't mention how to get an open port, so you are going to need to get in touch with their tech support to see if they even support port forwarding. You are probably going to be swimming upstream pretty hard trying to get this working, I guess it depends how much your time is worth chasing it.
  18. It should if it's not obstructed. When is the last time you cleaned and checked the inside of the case? Dust is a very good insulator, it builds up over time.
  19. All server HBA cards will overheat if not actively cooled. They are designed for rack mount cases with plenty of forced through ventilation, putting them in desktop cases means being sure there is airflow directed over the heatsink, as most desktop cases have a pocket of stagnant air around the PCIe slots. It's assumed high draw devices like video cards in desktop rigs will have their own fan.
  20. Are you using the proper version? Many plugins have not yet been updated to work with 2.X
  21. Not yet. However... is there anything you changed that would have messed with communication with the nntp server? I'm currently not able to use one of my servers (easynews) as it keeps saying blocking for 10 seconds, occasionally there will be an authentication failure message. I've logged in to my account online and nothing has changed, and I haven't seen any other people complaining.
  22. Because it's unlikely the game server talks http or https, which are primarily what a proxy does. It's more complicated than that, but suffice it to say you will probably not have any success trying to use a proxy in front of a game server for the game control portion. If you play the game through a web browser as opposed to a dedicated game program, then yes, you may be able to use a proxy.
  23. Sure. 2,000 blu-rays backed up at 50GB / disk. When you have well over $20,000 worth of blu ray disks, surely you would want a backup of your data, right? 🤣
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