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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If you really want to keep using tower, then you will need to tell windows what IP it is. A few ways to do that, easiest is to add an entry in the hosts file.
  2. Are you using \\ipaddress\share in windows explorer?
  3. In a nutshell, yes, you should have paid more attention. However... the defaults are likely the best of a poor compromise. Some dockers, (don't know for sure if this is one) don't work correctly unless you specify a disk destination, e.g. /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2,/mnt/cache, etc. If you specify /mnt/user/folder, for some reason the FUSE filesystem that generates the /mnt/user tree from the individual disks gives the docker fits. This has been mostly corrected, but there are some situations and configurations that just don't work with it, and for the few that don't, it's just easier to force a disk. The template maker has to make a choice, either set the default to /mnt/cache that will work for the majority, or specify /mnt/disk1 and deal with the flack of people complaining that the docker keeps their array spun up all the time. It's bad either way, but /mnt/cache is the better default for most, as it's been well established in the documentation that the preferred way to set up unraid is to keep the docker appdata OFF the parity protected array so the array drives can spin down when needed.
  4. If you forced it to write to a drive that's not actually there, it probably created the folders in RAM, and they are gone after a reboot.
  5. This sounds like a bug that @limetech needs to squash in the next release. Probably should start the array normally, and alert the user with a notification that VM's are enabled but a path is missing so they won't start until corrected in settings, VM Manager.
  6. It's all about timing. Do you really need it to run before things really get rolling?
  7. Dunno, @johnnie.black is probably the one to ask. My suspicion would be that the adapters wouldn't be the bottleneck, more likely the motherboard PCIe lanes or the drives themselves. If you describe your hardware in detail as far as motherboard, hba's and drives and what's plugged in where, maybe we could get a better idea. Have you run the disk speed test script?
  8. https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/openvpn/openvpn.zip Open the file, extract ONE of the ovpn files along with the crt and pem files, probably the netherlands, and place it in the openvpn folder inside the appdata config folder for this container.
  9. The first data drive on a single parity system suffers no slowdown because it's treated like a RAID1, adding the 2nd data drive changes to the normal parity algorithm and no added slowdowns for any further drives, unless your motherboard and / or HBA adapters don't have enough bandwidth to service all the drives at once.
  10. Ideally you don't want to regularly run lead acid batteries below 50% or so, the less you discharge the longer the life. The time to recharge after an outage can be 10X or much more of the outage time, so you really don't want to drain them far at all in case you have more outages in a short period. The last thing you want is to boot the server back up only to get another outage that completely drains the batteries before you can get it safely shut down. If you NEED 1/ 2 hour of power regularly, I'd spec a backup that will comfortably supply at LEAST 1 hour of power, preferably 2. Depending on load, that may be a very large unit, or one with stackable battery modules. Personally, if the power is out for more than 5 minutes, it's going to be out for hours, so all my equipment starts the shutdown cycle at the 3-5 minute mark, depending on if it's a desktop or a server. The infrastructure (modem, pfsense pc, switches, wifi, etc) are all on low current long life backups, so they stay up for more than an hour for phones, tablets and laptops.
  11. Slow your roll. One of two things happened here. Either @Squid made a mistake and picked up the wrong statistics plugin, in which case a fix will be forthcoming, or, and this is more likely, the statistics plugin referenced was installed by, and ONLY used, by the preclear plugin to submit preclear statistics to the cloud for mass analysis of preclear data, and preclear data ONLY. In which case, yes, the Stats have something to do with Preclear. Are you SURE you don't have the preclear stats plugin?
  12. This looks like it might be backwards, but hard to tell with just this little snippet. Try switching original and forward-to.
  13. I assumed you saw the other responses in this thread. Cox cable blocks port 80, no way around that.
  14. No, unless you control the other endpoint and have ports forwarded through the VPN. Most commercial VPN's don't forward port 80, so pointing your domain name at the VPN's IP address isn't going to work. If you have a VPN to a server elsewhere that you control, and that remote servers WAN connection has incoming port 80 open, then yes, you should be able to get it set up.
  15. Follow irandumi's lead, and post screenshots showing the docker, GUI and router configurations. What he posted allowed us to quickly and easily parse through and figure out what could be the issue.
  16. Your router is set to forward EXTERNAL 8083 to INTERNAL 80. Swap that, so when LE talks to port 80 on your WAN, your router sends it to 8083 on unraid, which sends it back to the LE docker on 80. You've got internal and external switched in your router.
  17. Yes, but perhaps with a notation that starting from an already running array may have different results than a cold start. The only way to recreate a cold start is doing it, so expecting identical results may give someone the wrong impression.
  18. Can I make a request? I would like to be able to toggle the LE automation using a docker environment variable so that we can start the container without the renewal logic, just start NGINX with existing credentials. I know in the long run that's probably a bad fix, but for now it would be helpful to get people back running without having to set up another container and migrating configs.
  19. I've wanted that option a few times. You can accomplish it other ways, but it would be nice to have a "Make it so" button on that same page, preferably that would act on only the dockers managed by the plugin.
  20. Most UPS's use bog standard sealed lead acid batteries, but many try to tape them together, and / or use special looking wiring harnesses taped or glued to the batteries to make them look like something special or proprietary. You may not be able to find out without disassembling that specific model and looking for yourself, but from looking at the online manual, it appears to be either 2 or 3 of a standard PS-1290 F2 battery taped together in a block. BTW, that looks like a VERY nice unit, don't know if it's NUT compatible, but probably is.
  21. I just had it happen. When I clicked on "Activity", it showed an unread post, even though unread content showed nothing. Next time it happens to you, try clicking on Activity beside home on the unread content page. It points to https://lime-technology.com/discover/
  22. Happens to me as well. If you go to the "normal" forum view, you will see which subforums contain unread content by the icon change, yet unread lists clear. It's been happening to me since the forum change. My suspicion is that it has to do with the filters, because the forum really does know what threads you've visited, it updates the icons in the main list properly.
  23. It works fine as long as you don't enable nginx authentication on that specific site. I have my emby reverse proxied and it works just fine to android phone apps, don't know about any other apps. The downside is you are relying totally on emby to keep itself secure from hacks, but given how high profile the software is, I figure if it were exploited, it would be newsworthy in the geek community and fixed quickly.
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