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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Thinking about it, there probably ought to be a notation in the FAQ about adding a cache drive to run the mover with services disabled for the initial run up. It's probably still going to be an ongoing issue though. Maybe the mover script ought to have an option to log only files that DIDN'T get moved because they were open but would otherwise be targets for moving.
  2. The mover script will only move files that aren't open, so to transition from no cache to adding one requires that you run the mover script while the VM and docker services are not running. No harm no foul in your case, but be aware that cache prefer shares can get files "stuck" on the array if they are consistently in use while the mover runs.
  3. I don't think canyouseeme will work if there isn't an answering service on the port. Docker not started=no answer. Perhaps we need a quick test docker with no unraid files mapped to exploit that answers on configurable ports, that way you can spin that up check for connectivity.
  4. I'll leave it to those with experience to the specific boxes you listed for the first question. Unraid loads from the USB, but runs in RAM. It doesn't technically get "installed" anywhere. After the boot process is done, only config and state changes are normally written to the flash drive, everything is running from the RAMDisk created at boot. USB drives can be a little finicky, so searching the forums for specific models known to work would be advised. I'd recommend smaller if you can find it, as there really isn't much it's used for. My main do everything 13 drive multiple VM multiple docker pro box is only using 1.7GB on the flash drive. 4GB is plenty, but may be hard to find a quality new drive that small. SSD cache drives are very much recommended, especially for plex metadata, it speeds up the browsing and processing appreciably. I leave all my active machines running and spun down, my backup machines typically only run when needed. The small bit of power that is used by a spun down box is a welcome addition to the climate during winter, and not too onerous in summer. Computers, after all, are small space heaters with a healthy dose of air cleaner mixed in. Dust removal keeps the heater portion of the computer functioning properly. :-) If you want to get the attention of the mods, click on the "report this post" button that appears when you hover your mouse at the top right of your post. Explain yourself in the report, and they will take care of you.
  5. If you are wondering why the answers to your question are kind of thin, here's why. Most people here probably use sonarr and radarr, which automatically do what you are asking. They take care of everything, from finding the torrent / nzb, sending it to the appropriate download client, harvesting the actual media file from the download, discarding extra files that came along for the ride, and placing the media file in the proper destination and collecting artwork and nfo about the media. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could disable the search function, and manually import the files you downloaded but still use the sorting function of radarr / sonarr, but it seems like kind of a waste.
  6. Why did you quote my reply to a totally unrelated issue?
  7. I use spin up groups, but this issue was raised to see if anybody still used it. If a feature has outlived its purpose, and nobody uses it, then continuing to support a feature that no one wants is a foolish use of time that could be put towards stuff people do want. I'm all for pruning useless code, it makes it easier to support the functions that people actually use. This particular feature is staying put for the time being.
  8. This thread is short compared to many others, I'd recommend reading the entire thread thoroughly.
  9. Watch the log file. You will also need to pair your device(s), which is done by attempting to connect to the library on the device, watching the log file for the response, and adding a text file named .remote with your device pairing code into the root of your music library.
  10. True for most SSD's, some SSD's do plenty of housekeeping internally, and don't need trim. Best to research your SSD choice thoroughly, many tiers of quality are available on the market, and not necessarily differentiated by brand or price.
  11. Delete the current .ovpn file and extract the one you want to use in its place.
  12. I recommend emailing your request to [email protected] You will probably get a quicker response.
  13. That generally means the VPN is not negotiating a connection. The web UI won't run unless the VPN is correctly configured, so you can't accidentally think you are protected when you are not. Focus on your VPN config files and credentials. You seem to be missing some required VPN files. The log piece you posted says which ones near the bottom.
  14. I just want to say WOW! It is SO nice to log in to a clean forum again. Thanks so much to all the moderators that are doing gatekeeper duty, it makes life so much better here for the rest of us!
  15. That's true for some types of transfers, but not torrents. Each individual block is almost a whole new connection latency wise, especially since you may jump from peer to peer for each new block, and each block is verified complete.
  16. I think maybe your issue is more related to latency than throughput. When you ask for a chunk of data, it takes 10X or more of the time to acknowledge and start transmitting than a normal terrestrial connection. The block sizes and the way torrents negotiate connections is the likely culprit for the lack of speed. Maybe look into cell data service options? The pricing in some areas is quite competitive to satellite, and the speeds can be much better due to way less latency.
  17. Because I, and MANY others, don't want any information leaving my system without my direct action. Submitting information voluntarily is fine, but background anything to do with collecting and submitting metadata is NOT ok with me.
  18. Perhaps you should let unraid send you texts? It's not difficult with most providers, typically an email to <phone number>@providertextingaddress.com will do the trick. You can find your specific provider here. http://www.emailtextmessages.com/
  19. http://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=16959 Google is your friend.
  20. Not currently, which is one of the reasons it's not recommended to expose the GUI to the internet.
  21. Sort of. You stated the problem very well. If port 80 is blocked, you can't use httpval. Period. End of Sentence. You will have to figure out one of the other methods for getting certificates from LE.
  22. If the drives were filled in an orderly fashion, probably not worth it. On the other hand, if you are in the habit of deleting stuff, moving files from one drive to another to "balance" things, overwriting files, all the activities that produce some measure of fragmentation, then perhaps it might be worth it just to get a clean fill. Drives that are thrashed are a little harder to recover, as they are less predictable as far as physical file location when the recovery software is used. Since modern file systems are designed so fragmentation is not a huge issue any more, defragmenting a drive isn't really a thing. Formatting and putting the data back in one contiguous copy operation will defragment it.
  23. To make it simpler, just try to force all the air that will flow through the case to flow over the hard drives. Air will follow the path of least resistance, so seal up any openings that will allow air to bypass the drives, and like you said, you would want to turn that bottom front fan around so it will exhaust air and help the drives suck in air.
  24. Or bent pin in either the PC or switch port. I've seen it happen when someone jammed a telephone cable into a cheap ethernet jack.
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