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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. It's a webserver, NGINX, like apache, but not. It has scripting built in to leverage the free ssl certificates issued by https://letsencrypt.org/ You can use it to host your own website, or you can configure it to reverse proxy other sites hosted on your network. Those sites may be your web GUI apps, if they support reverse proxy configurations. Each app may have unique quirks about reverse proxy, so they need to be configured manually on an individual basis. linuxserver.io has some example configurations, and many individual examples have been posted in this thread, or in the threads of the specific apps.
  2. With the USB sticks inserted in a windows machine, right click on them and check the format. Is it FAT32?
  3. There is no rule that forbids multiple copies of the file to exist. For example... /mnt/disk1/share1/folder1/file.txt and /mnt/disk2/share1/folder1/file.txt both are mapped to /mnt/user/share1/folder1/file.txt If you edit /mnt/user/share1/folder1/file.txt, only /mnt/disk1/share1/folder1/file.txt is changed, and the copy on disk2 is still the original file. That can create some serious confusion, so generally you don't want to create that situation on purpose, but there is no rule that forbids it. The user share system concatenates all the root folders with the same name on the disks into a single share folder, so you can access multiple disks under one folder tree. However, when the user share system encounters a naming collision like I laid out, only the first instance found is shown in the user share. The cache disk isn't special in regards to the user share system, it participates as an equal to the array disks. The question that hasn't been answered here, and only because nobody has come forward after trying it to see, is whether /mnt/cache is parsed for user shares before /mnt/diskX, and thus would take precedence, or parsed last in which case the the diskX copy would be shown in the user share tree. It would only take a minute or two to find out, it's not complex. Your questions seem to be trying to parse out a much more complex system than actually is in use. It's really just as simple as I just laid out, it's not really a "layered" file system.
  4. A quick google and I found this... https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-recent-upcoming-pe-updates/2860593-how-do-i-set-up-a-home-server-for-better-together
  5. Perhaps it would be easier for you to use mc instead of mv. That way you have a graphical layout of source and destination. Navigate to /mnt/disk17/t in the left pane, and /mnt/disk17 in the right pane, highlight all the folders on the left pane using insert, and then press the appropriate F key to move/rename them to the right pane.
  6. Even if you manage to get it connected, it's not going to work for seeding. That vpn service doesn't support port forwarding.
  7. Try switching the vdmk to boot order 1 and the vdisk to boot order 2. Why do you even have a vdisk entered? I thought you were trying to run the vdmk as the VM's hard drive?
  8. Is the image UEFI compatible? Try creating a new VM template, this time select SeaBIOS instead of OVMF before starting it for the first time. Advanced view.
  9. Change the password. In the current world of computers and hacking, the complexity of a single character is insignificant. Length is much more important. aa is just as secure as &&, and aaa is more secure. If you want to increase your password security, add characters instead of using complex characters that confuse parsing algorithms.
  10. You may want to flag this container as advanced users only or post other warnings. I can definitely see it being useful for some folks, but not on a normal consumer level ISP. Fixed IP is a must, as is the ability to set PTR records to match the mail DNS name. A business internet account with a fixed IP would probably be a minimum requirement. Trying to get this working with a dynamic IP would be an automatic fail on all levels.
  11. Just keep in mind if you set this up, you need to be able to set the PTR record for your public IP. Many if not most ISP's will NOT want to do this, resulting in your outgoing emails being tagged as spam and / or immediately bounced on almost every major email provider. Sending email from a normal consumer ISP connection without it being tagged as spam is difficult to impossible.
  12. It definitely is, but if somebody doesn't want to rely on one of his privoxy enabled containers, it would be nice to have a standalone option. The privoxy proxy does some filtering that may not be desirable in all circumstances, and a direct connection to the VPN would be preferred.
  13. Maybe you could collaborate with @binhex and add a VPN support module.
  14. I think I know what you mean in the big picture, but you do know you just described exactly to a T what currently is in place with the normal array + BTRFS RAID 1 cache that is set up by default if you add 2 SSD's to the cache pool, right? Or were you being funny and making a point that we already have exactly what is needed without additions? Sorry if I misinterpreted your intent, it just came across to me as amusing.
  15. Check through EACH of the individual disks, not just the user path. The /mnt/user is a synthetic creation, and it's possible for it to get out of synch with the real files on the disk. Another explanation would be file system corruption. Do you have the "Fix common problems" plugin installed? I'd run it and see if it gives any clues.
  16. List the EXACT paths for source and destination. That symptom sounds like you moved between a /mnt/diskX/folder/ and a /mnt/user/folder/ path. Never mix disk and user unless you know what you are doing. Only move disk-disk and user-user.
  17. That triggered an idea. Perhaps offer the option of trim SSD data drives + rebuild parity zeroing it first if it was SSD as well, with the warning that until the function has completed, your array data (ALL OF IT) is at risk. For some, that could be an acceptable risk in return for the performance return. Some SSD's have good enough spare sector wear leveling and internal management that they don't suffer from performance drops nearly as bad as other models. Perhaps if the incentive was there, we could figure out which specific SSD's could be used as is right now. @johnnie.black did some testing a while back which seemed to indicate that certain models worked fine in unraid as array drives in certain circumstances, even without trim enabled.
  18. Either give both containers separate addresses, or leave both on unraid's IP. You can't easily mix and match.
  19. Plugging in both has a couple advantages, if you have the available connection straight from the PSU (NO SPLITTERS) Two connections halves the current in each wire, meaning less heat dissipation. Not too significant a benefit, probably not even worth talking about for the power levels involved. However, if you have two independent paths to the PSU, you reduce the chances of vibration or other mechanical issues causing dirty power. In the long term, that alone is probably worth the second connection if you have it available. Do not, under any circumstances, add a splitter connected to the drive cage to connect that second slot. Adding a power splitter negates the first point directly, and worsens the second point by adding more mechanical connections in the power path.
  20. And log in to your account and change your password for PIA.
  21. Easiest way to get remote access in a situation like that is to rely on a third party solution, like teamviewer or logmein. You can set up a basic windows VM with no passthrough, just VNC, and set up teamviewer in host mode. Set the VM to autostart, and remote in to it to manage your network. There are theoretically other ways to accomplish remote access through NAT, but none that I know of that don't have a reliance on a connection made from inside to a system outside the NAT.
  22. Sounds like perfect offline backup drive stash for your really important personal files. External drive dock + padded drive storage box + periodic data refresh = best backup with little cash outlay.
  23. In your run command you've got 81 mapped to 81 inside the container. That won't work because the container is listening on 80. You need to change the mapping for container 80, host 81.
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