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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. After a freeze, post the last diagnostics zip file that the plugin captured, plus the FCPsyslog_tail.txt
  2. Once you have that running, highlight the folder you wish to analyze and go to Tools, Disk Usage.
  3. Have a read here, and see if it answers your questions.
  4. Yes, with the newest editions of unraid you are really limiting yourself. As long as you don't want to use any add ons, dockers or VM's, you should still be ok though. It's also possible the automatic GUI update may not work for you, but you can still manually upgrade by replacing the files on the USB stick. Unraid and its capabilities have grown immensely in the past 5 years, it's no longer just a NAS, it's a platform for all things home server. ?
  5. google search works fine for the unraid forum. add site:lime-technology.com to the search terms you want to find. I know tone is hard to read online, but your post makes me want to help you less, knowing that you value your time more than all the other forum members. It sounds like you are so important that you deserve personal attention instead of trying to find the info yourself. Sorry if that's not what you meant, but I spend a fair amount of time on here trying to help people, and I prefer to help people who put in the time to read what others have written and still need help or clarification rather than just posting a new thread about what has been discussed many many times over in the specific support thread. It's usually not necessary to reread 100's of pages, typically only the newest 5 or 10 pages have good info.
  6. Install and enable "Troubleshooting Mode" as described.
  7. Start with this post and read through to the solution many posts later.
  8. Or an ongoing data transfer in progress.
  9. Settings, Configure Krusader, General, Delete Mode
  10. Just keep it unplugged when not needed to boot the server. Just a random bit of electronics in the junk room. Or, since it doesn't need much power, if you really wanted to be stealthy and secure you could mount it on your roof in a standalone box with battery and solar. Kind of a security through obscurity. Who would even think to investigate a solar battery charger control box, much less associate it with being the key to unlocking your server? Or, piggy back it inside another device that normally hangs around plugged in, like a lamp or something. The possibilities are endless.
  11. Unraid is not hardened. Do not expose the GUI to the internet, if you want to manage it remotely, use a VPN.
  12. Unraid users are for file access, not WEBGUI. Only root can log in to the WEBGUI, and root is not allowed network file access.
  13. You're welcome. It's not technically platform dependent, but since the vast majority of development is done on unraid or generic linux systems, troubleshooting other platforms is hit or miss. It's not like the developer (singular) has access to a bunch of different proprietary systems to work with. It's not that big of a deal, just letting you know. unraid has a free one month trial, if you have some spare hardware it wouldn't take long to set it up and see if the symptoms are the same, or if it's truly a platform issue. If you get the same symptoms on unraid, then tracking down the cause may be easier since the diagnostics are familiar to more people running it.
  14. Since this is an unraid forum, maybe run it on unraid?
  15. This is an english speaking forum, please don't post only foreign language, if you must post other language to get your point across, please also post a best translation to english. To your point though, if someone hacks your router, you have bigger issues. But when you are done using this docker, turn it OFF. ONLY RUN THIS DOCKER WHEN YOU NEED TO USE IT. DO NOT AUTO START IT AND LEAVE IT RUNNING.
  16. bummer. So, at this point the best advice would be to either disable the trash function in krusader and be extra careful, or manually clean out the Trash folder? I've never really needed a trash function, but I've recovered plenty of stuff from clients machines recycle bins, so I know some people seem to rely on a trash function to recover from user error.
  17. The license check is only done at array start, you are definitely allowed to plug in a USB hard drive after the array is already started to move files around. Just make sure you unplug it when you need to restart the array.
  18. No. But you could look up the appropriate command line switches and use badblocks to accomplish the same thing.
  19. So are you going to change to empty = 0 on future releases for those values?
  20. If the key file is properly copied intact, the new stick should attempt to automatically migrate the license with the help of a wizard. This is allowed once a year, if it's sooner than that since your last transfer, yes, contact limetech and tell them your situation. Also, after copying the files you will need to do the "make bootable" procedure just like you did with the original stick.
  21. Awesome job on the container! Much better than the previous implementation. I have an idea for a feature, which may not be fully possible, but maybe partially workable. Right now the trash feature of krusader copies the deleted files into the appdata config folder, ideally it would be nice to somehow integrate the samba recycle bin so that files deleted either by samba or krusader could be managed together. Alternatively, could we have a separate mapping for the krusader trash? It would be nice to map that to the user share system so deleted files could stay on the same drive they were deleted from instead of being copied into the appdata share.
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