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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Just a heads up for others, direct copy paste from the forums to the GUI user scripts editor may transfer some unprintable characters that keep the script from running. I recommend copying the script into a competent editor first then look through it and sanitize it. @Squid, the error return for an unstartable container is usable, but could be nicer looking. Error response from daemon: Container ed0edd32c5756ff55aba3b1eeac3430c387b42c516b68172971bc9ff7b9517ef is not running activ-lazylibrarian Size: Logs: 1.3kB It still returns the log size, which is very useful.
  2. Just curious, do you have a way to determine the percentage of page views done with each theme? I would love to know the actual numbers of light vs. dark.
  3. I always suspected you were on the dark side. Nice use of 😎 BTW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8
  4. I'm lost. Why did you want to go through setting up Minio when you already had Nextcloud running? Duplicati will back up to nextcloud just fine, and you get quota's and user management in one app instead of dealing with multiple minio instances.
  5. Yep. In your docker setup screenshot, notice the container path says /output, and the host path says /mnt/user/Dump. The container is jdownloader, the host is unraid, so /output = /mnt/user/Dump
  6. What is your docker mapping, specifically, both the host and container side? And what folder are you telling Jdownloader to save to, exactly?
  7. True, but you could walk through all the containers one by one, if it's stopped, start it, measure it, stop it, move on. Notate any failed starts in the size output. Yeah, I know, write my own script if I want, this one already does what it needs to. 😁
  8. Be careful. A clone card is not guaranteed to perform or work like the genuine article. I would be disinclined to use something like that with data I considered precious. BTW, circuit boards are cheap, and easy to clone. Chips on the other hand are not as easy to get right. You can directly compare the circuit board visually, the insides of the chip, not so much. I would much prefer to get a working pull from a server that likely was built from genuine parts at full cost than risk a brand new clone that doesn't have the backing of LSI.
  9. Keep in mind the connections are subject to vibration, heat cycling, and corrosion. Sometimes things degrade slowly but don't show signs of failure until, well, they fail. Reseating the connections is a good troubleshooting step.
  10. That's not likely to happen any time soon.
  11. This would probably need to be built into the emby docker, not the unraid system.
  12. So remove or comment out the duplicate line. The error message tells you exactly which line and where it is. The only decision you have to make is which of the two lines you want to keep, if they have different values.
  13. Having array drives attached via USB is not ideal. It will work when everything is healthy, but error handling and recovery is sub par, and smart reporting can be problematic.
  14. Overclocking by definition means running above specified safe limits. Safe being defined as what the manufacturer of the part recommends for a normal lifespan. Running out of spec may initially work fine, but as parts age, things can change. Overclocking can accelerate that aging process, causing premature failure. Servers are designed to be reliable 24/7/365 for years on end. Overclocking is not a good idea if you wish to retain that reliability for the long term.
  15. Try setting the proxy directly in the browser instead of trying to apply it system wide.
  16. I'm not quite sure what you are saying. Can you screenshot the browser's configuration where you entered the proxy info? There is no way I know of to use privoxy to tunnel torrent traffic. It's purely for browser (or any application that reads web pages) use AFAIK.
  17. Yes. You have a problem with your browser configuration. Are you sure you specified to use the proxy for all protocols? I just verified using firefox on mint, both whatismyip.com and speedtest.net show the VPN endpoint address.
  18. Think of a docker as a mini-VM. The container update is for the OS of the VM, even though the application itself doesn't get upgraded. Both need to be upgraded to keep things secure.
  19. Yeah, apparently Nextcloud doesn't upgrade well as an embedded docker update, since there are scripts that need to be run as a part of the update to modify the database and other stuff.
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