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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Cool! When do you get your spiffy red Administrator label?
  2. Are you sure you replied in the correct thread?
  3. Apps tab, show previous apps, check off the ones you want and select install all. No reconfiguration necessary. Only takes a couple clicks and you are done, automated download and set up exactly as they were.
  4. If there is data stored in your docker image file, you are doing it wrong. A properly set up system can automatically recreate a working docker image file from nothing in a matter of a few minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
  5. Your choice, just keep in mind if you use the default settings, you will end up with only 256GB of space on the cache pool if you use the 256GB drive with the 500. You don't give any information about how you use your server, whether you have dockers or plugins that would benefit from the speed, whether you leave info on the cache that might benefit from a pool. So, in light of the info not given, nobody can give you an informed answer.
  6. That sounds like something @limetech ought to at least investigate.
  7. Exactly. In host mode, the whole range of ports are exposed, no NAT'ing involved, so whatever the application itself opens and listens on is used. In bridge, the host port is opened and redirected to the specified container port. The GUI currently doesn't handle that not so subtle difference well, ideally I think when host mode is selected all port assignments should be hidden, because they aren't going to be used in any way.
  8. Wait, have you tried actually connecting from an external address, or are you just trying to connect from inside the same network?
  9. How did you come to that conclusion? Does your new IP respond to pings externally? Does your domain properly resolve to that IP?
  10. LOL. I think this is one of the few times I've seen "It's not a bug, it's a feature" applied accurately and without irony.
  11. Not always directly correlated, but since the drive is showing current pending, and you are seeing the drastic drop in performance, I'd say it's time to retire the drive from array duty. Both together gives me a very bad feeling about the drive. It's not a very good feeling to have a known bad drive, and suddenly a drive you had no warning goes bad and you have to cross your fingers and hope the iffy drive survives long enough to recreate the failed one. I would rather proactively replace than limp along and hope.
  12. That assumes your VPN provider gives you enough discrete logins for all your desired connections. Many limit you to very few simultaneous logins.
  13. Not discounting your project, but just be aware that if you are using one of @binhex's VPN enabled dockers, of which I'm pretty sure the qBittorent docker that you forked was originally forked from, you already HAVE a proxy(privoxy) baked into the VPN enabled docker. You just have to enable it.
  14. See if the result is repeatable. If something was attempting to access the drive at the same exact time the benchmark tried to run it could cause that kind of result.
  15. This tickled something in my memory. I believe there exists a project somewhere that presents a file system with processor transcoded mp3's when you point it at a folder of flacs. Found it with a quick google. https://khenriks.github.io/mp3fs/ I leave it to you as a research project to figure out if and how you could set that up, but the possibility is obviously there.
  16. If you have the global share settings tunable direct i/o set to yes, try changing it.
  17. Why? If you are connecting through your VPN, you normally don't need a blocklist. I find the blocklists to largely be useless anyway.
  18. Connect a screen and keyboard to the unraid machine and see what shows up.
  19. Not sure exactly what you are asking, but I'll take a stab at it and say yes, you can transfer your license to a new stick once a year, when you boot it up and log in to the webgui it will walk you through the license transfer procedure automatically. All this is supposing that you have a copy of at least your license key file from the config folder, preferably you have a backup of the USB drive's config folder that you can use on the new stick. However... what makes you think your current USB is faulty? Perhaps it would be better to post the diagnostics zip file or if you can't get that far describe your issue more fully. If it's a matter of file corruption you would be much better off redoing your current stick instead of doing a license transfer.
  20. For the most part it has been fixed. It's broken for sure if you enable the global share settings tunable direct I/O
  21. Do you happen to have Settings, Global Share Settings, Tunable enable DirectIO set to Yes instead of Auto?
  22. In the future, if you cannot wait for volunteer free support, please contact limetech directly for their paid support.
  23. Yeah, he posted about his issue in multiple threads. IIRC, he got it solved already. Very irritating.
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