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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Shouldn't be too hard. I just Select the protocol and use the Search Workgroup button, but entering the IP of the Mac also works. Then enter your username and password. Clicking Load Shares will give you a pull down list of shares available.
  2. I use an external drive mounted via UD for all my Deluge files so that they don’t take up a bunch of space on my array. No parity protection but I don’t really care since they’re all going to get deleted sooner or later anyway.
  3. Both Sonarr and Radarr have options to either copy files (which leaves the original in place) or move files (which should delete the original but I haven’t tested this to be honest). If you delete the file from your complete folder it will stop the seeding. The AutoRemovePlus plugin is what I use to control when the completed torrents get deleted. It has settings for seed time, number of torrents, minimum disk space, seed ratio and probably a few others.
  4. IIRC, if you use “custom” you must enter a custom cron entry to set the frequency of the updates.
  5. Not sure this is really true. The preclear script should work. I haven’t tested it with the most recent unRAID version (yet), but also haven’t seen any posts regarding problems.
  6. Yes, 3 minutes. Runtime reported by the UPS is an estimate. Just because it says it will provide 3 minutes of runtime doesn’t mean that it will if your batteries aren’t in good condition. Since your other variables are set to zero you’ll get a hard shutdown if your batteries run down before the 3 minute runtime is reached. That’s why I suggested testing it, since I don’t know the power consumption of your server or the capacity of your UPS.
  7. Should work, assuming your UPS will provide that much runtime. Will shutdown at the first trigger reached. A test might not be a bad idea though. Runtime can be very inaccurate depending on the condition of your batteries.
  8. Not sure about creating a share, but you should be able to use the Config File Editor plugin to open the log file in your browser and just copy/paste to a text file.
  9. I know it does take longer. Of course preclearing is completely optional these days.
  10. I’m not. You could always just run the script through and not use the plugin.
  11. Yes. I’m guessing you added it to your post after the fact and I just looked at the email. My bad.
  12. He’s talking about the diagnostics zip file. tools>diagnostics and attach the zip to your next post.
  13. This is a really minor issue, but I notice that the support thread link for this docker in CA points to an old thread which has been closed. Same for the support thread link when clicking the docker icon.
  14. Did you try the solution shown in your screen shot (legacy mode)?
  15. It's a free dyndns service. Lets you setup a domain that will connect back to your home network.
  16. It's updating (checking) your actual numerical IP to be sure that the mysubdomain.duckdns.org domain name points to the correct numerical IP for your network.
  17. So sabnzbd would take the place of Deluge and a usenet subscription isn’t needed at all? Just an indexer?
  18. I know this isn’t really a docker question but figured someone could still probably help me with this, I’ve been using Sonarr strictly with P2P but thinking about switching to usenet to cut down on the constant bandwidth drain. Many years ago I used SuperNews for usenet and was thinking about giving them a shot again, but can’t see how to configure Sonarr (or Radarr) to connect to them (or any other usenet host for that matter). Is some other docker (like Jacket) required for indexing usenet sites?
  19. You might want to provide a link in that request thread back to this one just for clarity.
  20. You can submit this as a feature request if there isn’t one already.
  21. In that case you can set the mover schedule to hourly and the threshold to 75%. The plugin will check every hour to see if it’s 75% full yet and when it is it’ll run mover. Just remember that depending on the size of your cache drive and the files you’re transferring it might take a while to reach 75%.
  22. If you really just want to run mover hourly you may not need this plugin. It just adds some advanced scheduling features.
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