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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. Been asked about putting the time machine share on an unassigned disk rather than the array. So here's how
  2. Make sure that you are also passing through the sound part of the GPU. [10de:0fb9] 01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GP107GL High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1) The driver will expect there to be Nvidia sound hardware present. If you want to use a different sound card just pass through a second one but leave the Nvidia present. Also if you are booting Unraid in UEFI mode then try legacy mode. Click flash on the main page and check if you are using legacy or UEFI. Also, you could try passing through the vbios for the GPU. You can find it on tech powerup here https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?architecture=NVIDIA&manufacturer=EVGA&model=GTX+1050+Ti&interface=&memType=&memSize=&since= but you will need to remove the header in a hex editor for it to work. See my vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IP-h9IKof0 Also just check things in your bios on the motherboard. Make sure that things such as the gpu order have your onboard as primary. Enable Multi monitor if you see it. Also if you have iommu option that is set to auto, change it to enabled. Can't think of anything else. Good luck @Twisted
  3. These qotom mini pcs with i3/i5 cpu and 4 intel nics are great for pfSense https://www.aliexpress.com/item/QOTOM-Mini-PC-PFSense-AES-NI-with-4-Gigabit-NIC-Core-i3-i5-i7-Processor-Fanless/32844513479.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.37e52b455yVaVx&algo_pvid=396fa50f-0a25-48c9-99fa-8621da4336ea&algo_expid=396fa50f-0a25-48c9-99fa-8621da4336ea-25&btsid=eedacd42-7615-4d1a-8183-2f2ea23c1fb9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2,searchweb201603_52
  4. Thanks, @Frank1940 @Jcloud Thanks for the info. I did a video a while ago for linked connections so didnt add it to this video only referenced it in the vid. I read your post. Thanks for the tip for removing those crap windows programmes like candy crush.... god i hate that built-in bloat The second part is up now, here.
  5. Hi Guys. Here is the second part of a series taking an in-depth look at Unraid shares. This one mainly looks at MacOS and Unraid. Looking at setting up and using shares with MacOS. It goes through various problems that you can have with shares and macOS and how to overcome them. Such as how to stop files like the .ds_store and other files from being created on the array. It also looks at how to create a Time machine backup share to keep your Mac backed up on your Unraid server. Hope you find this vid interesting
  6. This video is the first part of a series taking an in depth look at Unraid shares. This first one gives a brief introduction then looks at SMB shares and how Windows PCs interatct with them. It shows how to create and connect to both public and private shares etc It goes through various problems that people have and the solutions to overcome them. But also it shows some useful tips such as adding features in the smb extras such as creating custom shares. Hope that you find this video interesting.
  7. Heres what to do if your isp blocks port 80 and you cant use http authentication to create your certificates. Also how to make a wildcard certificate.
  8. Yep that will be because there is no config file that uses that subdomain. Just edit a config file to direct to whichever container you want to access from outside.
  9. try passing through this aswell along with the other devices "
  10. The error that you get "internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor" what is after that. What is the complete message please.
  11. Were you forwarding port 443 to your Unraid server to access the webUI from outside? If not you need make no changes. If you were then you will need to change the forwarding of external port 443 to internal port 443. Change it to forward external port 443 to for example internal port 1443. Then map in the letsencrypt template port 1443 to 443 in the container like below You dont have to use duckdns if using your own domain. But you need to make sure that your subdomain is always pointing to your wan Ip if you dont have a static wan IP. So you would need to have some dynamic dns tracker. If you are using cloudflare you can setup cloudflare dns in pfSense and use that with your subdomain. Hope thats helps.
  12. Yes that will be fine using the gtx 1050ti on its own. Like you say so long as you don't use gui mode or a vm whilst any gpu transcoding is going on then you will be fine.
  13. Ah glad that worked Alot of private trackers don't allow these features as it allows connecting to clients which are not registered with the tracker.
  14. Can you check in deluge preferences/network that you dont have peer exchange or dht enabled
  15. click on the container and goto console then run curl ifconfig.co That will show the ip inside the container. Then goto https://www.iplocation.net/ you will see your wan ip here (not through the vpn) they should be different Then paste the ip from the curl command into the ip lookup page on the above location. It should report the location as CA Toronto. If it doesnt maybe something wrong with your openvpn config files
  16. It looks like the nic that you are passing through isnt in its own iommu. You will need to break it up or passthrough everything in that group. have a look at my vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQiMMeVNw-o&t=791s
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