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Everything posted by trurl

  1. They typically read release threads and might pop in on some others threads on occasion but they won't read every thread. Even I don't read every thread!
  2. And another reason I thought it might be helpful to explain user shares to you: Many people whose first post starts like this aren't even aware that unRAID is a NAS. They just think it would be cool to allow multiple gamers to play against each other on one machine.
  3. You might also browse the Feature Requests subforum. There have been requests for similar functionality over the years. For example: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/32790-accelerator-drives/
  4. You were perfectly clear. I was just describing things as they are now in case there was something there you didn't already know. I don't know the low-level details, I think it has something to do with fuse and shfs. Maybe someone else can help.
  5. The way unRAID allows spanning of disks is called "User Shares". Basically, each top level folder on cache or array with the same name is a user share with the same name as the folder name. For example, if you have a top level folder named "media" on cache, disk1, and disk2, there is a user share named "media" which is the union of the contents of the /media folder on each of these disks. Each user share has settings which control how writes to the user share are done. Any reads from a user share includes all disks with that folder regardless of those write settings. The original purpose of cache was to increase write speed to the user shares. Each write to the parity array requires reads and writes so that parity can be calculated and maintained realtime. In more recent versions of unRAID with dockers and VMs, cache is also often used as the primary storage for user shares that are frequently read. Each user share has settings which control how it uses cache. Those settings are detailed here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2#comment-537383 Mover mentioned at that link is a builtin script which runs on a user specified schedule, and moves user share contents to/from cache. There is nothing in any of this that provides for read-caching data on some sort of "as needed" basis. There are just user shares that do or do not get moved to/from cache on a schedule.
  6. That is a recent development and I haven't needed to use it, having prepared mine the manual way years ago. You might try the manual way which is also explained on the Downloads page.
  7. There can sometimes be problems with some hardware and booting with USB3. We often recommend trying another port. I actually use the Cruzer Fit in both of my servers without problem.
  8. parted is built-in, but you would have to know exactly what you were doing and be very careful or you could lose data on your other disks.
  9. Click the Edit button next to the path and change the access mode to RW:Slave The whole point of the Previous Apps feature is that it uses your previous configuration
  10. Post your docker run command as explained in the first link of the Docker FAQ: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345 You should be able to just edit the docker and change the Repository (after backing up your plex appdata just in case).
  11. Many people are using the linuxserver.io plex docker. It always gets the latest plex.
  12. Your diagnostics agree that it isn't installed. Maybe try installing again but post diagnostics before running a scan. Not likely to be the source of your problem, but you should uninstall the statistics sender plugin. It is only used with preclear plugin, which you don't (and shouldn't) have installed. Are all your plugins up-to-date?
  13. You should start your own thread and post your diagnostics.
  14. Might be useful to backup your plex appdata. Then, In the Dashboard, click on the docker, select Edit, and change the Repository to linuxserver/plex
  15. According to your screenshot, you should be seeing it on the network as UNASSNDisk
  16. Since you have been a forum member for 2 years I thought maybe you would know what to do. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and post the complete zip.
  17. Not supported. There are some patches that have been done to it but not "officially" supported at this time. You might look at the support thread for the plugin.
  18. The current support thread is here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/44104-unassigned-devices-managing-disk-drives-outside-of-the-unraid-array/
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