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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Did you try searching the forum? wrong csrf_token has been answered many times.
  2. unBalance doesn't do anything until you use it. And it doesn't do anything when you aren't using it. Installing it makes it available for use, but you have to go into its user interface and tell it what you want to do. See the unBalance thread.
  3. Of course it is. Did you not see that another user had posted their diagnostics on your thread?
  4. Where did you get this idea? unBalance plugin can only balance existing data. Where new data gets put depends on your user share settings. The default setting of High-Water is the default for a reason. It is a good compromise between balancing disk usage without making unRAID constantly switch between disks just because one has briefly got more free than another. Fill Up could be the choice if that is indeed what you want to do. Make sure Minimum Free is set to larger than the largest file you will write. unRAID doesn't know how large a file will become when it starts writing it so if you don't set Minimum Free large enough it might choose a disk that doesn't have enough free for the whole file, and of course, it will never split a file. Go to the setting page for a user share and turn on Help.
  5. And I would just add another thing to consider for future support. Don't hijack another user's support thread. Even if you have what you think is the same problem. Even if it really is the same problem. The details of your system will be different, and the details of the solution may turn out to be different. There is no good reason to create confusion by mixing up questions and answers for different users, especially when data is on the line. /badcop
  6. this exact same volume mappings for everything. If you change the appdata mapping you will have to rebuild the plex library. If you change the media folder mapping(s) the plex library won't be able to find the files.
  7. Yes, this should work fine. I switched from needo just like this quite some time ago.
  8. Hope this question isn't too obvious. Do you have a script executing on startup?
  9. trurl

    Turbo write

    Like most things there are tradeoffs. Read the first post in this thread.
  10. Especially since that USB enclosure only has one port for all of the drives. You are going to get terrible performance with 2 parity drives trying to share a port.
  11. I think the question is why doesn't UD mount the disk as NTFS. Does the disk have multiple partitions?
  12. Also note that you can directly page through all drive attributes in the GUI without going back to Main and selecting another drive. While on the Attributes page for a drive, there are buttons at upper right for previous and next device.
  13. Post diagnostics and docker run command. See Docker FAQ sticky.
  14. What exactly do you mean by "visit"? Some file browsers may try to load additional information about files, such as icons. Those are not cached and so must be read from the disk.
  15. This sort of functionality is usually handled in the router by prioritizing different IPs or ports, a feature known as Quality of Service (QoS).
  16. You use an empty row or column to create space between different parts of the layout.
  17. Nobody on this forum maintains the Krusader code. The docker is just a container (like a tiny Virtual Machine) that Krusader runs in. I doubt a button will be forthcoming.
  18. Why do you want to? The app has a web interface for that.
  19. Sounds like you aren't getting what jonathanm said. You said you had mapped /download, but then you said you expected to find them in /downloads. /download is not the same as /downloads. If you had transmission saving into the unmapped folder /downloads then that location would be inside the docker itself, inaccessible from unRAID, and taking up space in the docker. If this is what you have done, then you should remove the container to clean up that space, then add it back, perhaps mapping /downloads instead of /download.
  20. If you think it is a plex problem you should take your plex logs to the plex forum. If you think it is a problem with your unRAID configuration you should post your unRAID diagnostics here. Tools - Diagnostics. Post complete zip. Also might be useful to see your docker run command as seen here:
  21. Maybe nuhll could provide this functionality for us for free.
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