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Everything posted by trurl

  1. You probably don't have sigs enabled in the forum, so you didn't know what he meant by "link in my sig". At upper right on the forum page is a dropdown next to your user name. In there you will find Account Settings, and you can turn on Signature display there.
  2. Split Level takes precedence over other User Share settings, so I think even if a disk gets too full it is still going to try to keep things together according to Split Level and just let the write fail if there isn't room. I think another way to accomplish this "after the fact" at the command line (or mc) would be to get your Split Level like you want it, then move things from user0 to cache and let mover put it back.
  3. Sounds like a sort of Split Level after the fact. Do you know how to use Split Level to prevent this "fragmentation" in the first place?
  4. I wonder if these few other people all understand volume mapping or if they just accidentally got something to work temporarily.
  5. I thought about commenting on that, but since the user understood it anyway, I just changed my way of looking at it. Each 1TB of disk per 1GB used for the filesystem.
  6. Maybe ask in the support thread for the specific plex docker you are using.
  7. No. Dockers have access to any folders mapped. They don't need to directly access the device. UD mounts the disk and provides unRAID access to its folders. You need the docker to map to the folders. Be sure to read that FAQ I linked for specific information on mapping UD folders.
  8. Checksums don't have enough data to correct anything, only to detect differences. It verifies on a schedule and alerts you. If differences are detected, you would have to rely on your backups for correction.
  9. In a nutshell, it creates and compares checksums of your files. See first post in this thread for details on this plugin, and this wikipedia article for more about checksums in general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum
  10. This docker is supported on other platforms, just not in the unRAID forum. Exactly as CHBMB said above:
  11. See this post in the Docker FAQ. Might be useful to see other parts of that FAQ also.
  12. The only acceptable answer for parity errors is zero. But this thread is for helping the OP, start your own. We don't want to get everyone confused with diagnostics, requests, replies, and instructions for multiple people in the same thread.
  13. You don't have to follow any list. You just have to know what you're doing. If you are accessing everything with user shares, and none of your user shares have include or exclude set, then you don't really even care which disk is where or which disks have which files on them. So there isn't really any need to swap things at all. Every process is based on a few simple facts. Anytime there is a write operation in the parity array, unRAID updates parity at the same time. Everything other than a read is a write. Writing a file is a write, deleting a file is a write (the directory is written), and formatting a disk is a write (an empty filesystem is written to the disk). So when you format a disk in the parity array, parity is updated and remains valid. In order to keep your files when you change the filesystem (format), you have to copy them elsewhere. That's really all there is to it. You can make up your own list of steps if you understand all that. Many of us did this before there was any list to follow, and we probably had some differences in the details of how we accomplished it, but the process was all based on understanding what formatting a disk in the array does.
  14. I don't think you can assume any of the options are equivalent to preclear, though they may serve the testing function in some way. The original purpose of preclear was to write all zeros to the disk so that it could be added to a new slot without invalidating parity. Even if WD writes all zeros, it is unlikely to write the preclear signature that unRAID looks for to know that the disk is clear. So in the end, after you test a disk with WD, unRAID will still want to clear it if you add it to a new slot.
  15. Understanding port and volume mappings will keep these sorts of things from being problems in the future.
  16. How did you delete the directory? Recycle Bin only works when SMB is involved. In other words, you have to delete from over the network.
  17. Good point. In fact, unRAID does have notifications for these and other events. @jsx12 Do you have Notifications setup?
  18. Community Applications will let you try to install a docker from docker hub in just the same way it lets you install dockers from this forum. See the CA thread for details
  19. Stop array, click on the disk on Main page to get to its settings, select xfs filesystem for the disk, start array, let if format the disk. Make sure no other disk appears as unmountable or unformatted before you tell it to start and format. If any other disks are shown as unmountable or unformatted, come back for further advice. Whether or not it is empty, it will be an empty xfs filesystem after the format, and since the format happens with the array started, parity is kept in sync during the format. Format is really just writing an empty filesystem, and all writes in the parity array update parity.
  20. Yes, this is almost certainly the reason for the User Share. Maybe you have a docker misconfigured and it is creating the folder.
  21. As wgstarks said. Do you have any other working dockers? You really need to understand volume mapping or you will continue to have these problems setting up dockers. Browse the other posts in that Docker FAQ thread I linked earlier.
  22. No that is not at all what I am asking for. Try this link https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564345 What I want looks like this: It should be a single command line (wrapped), the docker run command.
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