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Everything posted by trurl

  1. The default password is none. Did you set a password?
  2. I think you have to fill in the Remote syslog server to tell Unraid to send them to itself. This is mentioned as the 3rd option in that FAQ I linked.
  3. Looks like you have corrupt docker.img. Delete and recreate Also, appdata has some files on the array. Is this intentional? Having them on the array may impact performance and keep disks spunup.
  4. If you are then I highly recommend taking this advice. Unraid user accounts don't really provide access control for anything but SMB, NFS protocols. An FTP plugin or docker will have its own ways to configure and control user access.
  5. No need to add anything to windows to use SMB to access network shares and copy/delete/move files on the LAN. And Unraid User Shares provide ways to control access for specific users.
  6. yes, but it will also show up in your user shares since it is a top level folder on array or cache. A backup plan is not something you plan to do eventually. It is something you are doing now to make sure you have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. You can refine it with what you plan to do eventually, but do something now. You don't have to backup everything. Many of us don't backup everything on our large capacity servers. You get to decide what is important and irreplaceable, and make another copy NOW.
  7. isos on the array is OK since these will only be used during VM installation. Go to Settings - Docker and disable Dockers. Go to Settings - VM Manager and disable VMs. Go to Main - Array Operation and click Move. Wait for it to complete Then check again, system should be all on cache.
  8. No clue. Maybe @bonienl will have an idea.
  9. Are you talking about letting people not on your LAN access the files on your server?
  10. Are you setting the Day of the Month and Time of the Day fields?
  11. Disk1 doesn't appear in diagnostics. Check all connections, SATA and power, both ends, including splitters.
  12. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread. Diagnostics includes syslog, SMART for all attached disks, settings and hardware info that give a more complete understanding of your configuration and current situation all in a neat package. We always prefer complete diagnostics instead of just one part of that which often doesn't contain a complete enough picture to make any recommendations.
  13. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  14. Compare the files at /mnt/cache/system and /mnt/disk1/system. It should be using those on cache. In any case that isn't likely the reason for your problems, just something to make the general docker setup work better. If docker is using files on the array, those disks will keep spinning, and dockers will have performance impacted by slower array. Not sure about the downloads stalling. Maybe try deleting and recreating docker.img:
  15. Did you ever reboot? Are user shares accessible now? I'm not sure writing files to /mnt/user will actually do anything that will survive reboot. Writing a folder to /mnt/user will result in creating a user share named for the folder and any contents would probably wind up on disk1 or whichever disk was in line for highwater. Not sure what would happen if you deleted a folder from /mnt/user or overwrote /mnt/user with nothing. Maybe it would just break user shares rather than going through all the disks and deleting everything. Not going to try it😉
  16. The mappings aren't the only thing you need to consider though. It is the paths specified in the application, and whether or not they correspond to mapped storage. Common mistakes are specifying a path in the application that doesn't exactly match a container path in upper/lower case, and specifying a relative path in the application (what is it relative to?) I don't use tautulli but from looking at it I assume it only writes to appdata. The main ways plex will write to a path other than appdata are transcoding and DVR if you use either of those features. The new "skip intro" feature also seems to be a problem for some.
  17. Just thought I should explain the consequences of this since you didn't comment on it. system share is where docker.img and libvirt.img normally lives. If dockers or VMs are enabled, these files will be open, and if those files are on the array, array disks will be kept spinning, and also the decreased performance resulting from parity update.
  18. My sister and niece stream from my plex server using their Rokus from half-way across the country. They don't know anything at all about my files, my server, or my network.
  19. Most of us have our media on our Unraid server, and run a plex server docker on that same server. Then any plex client can stream that media without even having to know anything about the files on the Unraid server. Certainly see no reason to get sftp involved in this or even SMB.
  20. are connection issues. You can acknowledge those by clicking on the warning on the Dashboard and it won't warn again until they increase. The disk you are rebuilding looks fine and only had 11 CRC so I wouldn't worry about it. No reason to rebuild unless it was disabled but let it continue. Unlikely related to any problem, but your system share has files on the array instead of all on cache. Syslog resets on reboot so those diagnostics don't tell us anything about what happened prior. Setup Syslog Server so syslog will be saved somewhere you can get it and post it when you have to reboot again.
  21. After recreating docker.img, no container images will exist. It would be better to see the exact error you got rather than your interpretation of it. Going back to your original post This is obviously lacking in details. My guess is you did something wrong reinstalling your dockers at that point, and reinstalling them with the Previous Apps feature just did it over again like you had previously, so also wrong, Probably best to start over and try to get a single docker setup correctly and go from there. Is plex working?
  22. Your general docker setup is almost perfect, except system share has some files on the array. Do you actually have any VMs? Do you know how to use the builtin Midnight Commander file explorer (mc from the command line)?
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