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Everything posted by trurl

  1. This is the way Tom described it in some post somewhere years ago, good luck on coming up with the best search terms to find it😉 I don't know what they say on reddit.
  2. This is unlikely to help, and possibly make things worse. Just "pop it in" sounds like another of those ideas lacking in details. You could mount it as an Unassigned Device and possibly get appdata from it, but the docker templates are on flash, and if you mucked those up you would have to go to flash backup to get them.
  3. Parity is invalid until it is built. I assume you are doing the initial parity build. If not Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  4. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe another plugin would work for you, such as Dynamix Active Streams or Open Files.
  5. You can map the appdata for a specific application to the actual pool instead of to the appdata user share. So, you could use /mnt/cache/appdata in the docker mappings for some apps, and /mnt/apps/appdata in the docker mappings for other apps. And as long as appdata user share is cache-only, it will be ignored by mover whether the appdata is on cache or apps.
  6. Note that SSDs in the parity array cannot be trimmed, and can only be written at parity speed.
  7. You may just need to increase the number of cache slots. Or you have chosen the wrong filesystem. Must be btrfs. Stop the array and post another screenshot showing Cache Devices.
  8. No basically the same as long as I've been here. Might be something here for you
  9. The default password is none. Did you set a password?
  10. I think you have to fill in the Remote syslog server to tell Unraid to send them to itself. This is mentioned as the 3rd option in that FAQ I linked.
  11. Looks like you have corrupt docker.img. Delete and recreate Also, appdata has some files on the array. Is this intentional? Having them on the array may impact performance and keep disks spunup.
  12. If you are then I highly recommend taking this advice. Unraid user accounts don't really provide access control for anything but SMB, NFS protocols. An FTP plugin or docker will have its own ways to configure and control user access.
  13. No need to add anything to windows to use SMB to access network shares and copy/delete/move files on the LAN. And Unraid User Shares provide ways to control access for specific users.
  14. yes, but it will also show up in your user shares since it is a top level folder on array or cache. A backup plan is not something you plan to do eventually. It is something you are doing now to make sure you have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. You can refine it with what you plan to do eventually, but do something now. You don't have to backup everything. Many of us don't backup everything on our large capacity servers. You get to decide what is important and irreplaceable, and make another copy NOW.
  15. isos on the array is OK since these will only be used during VM installation. Go to Settings - Docker and disable Dockers. Go to Settings - VM Manager and disable VMs. Go to Main - Array Operation and click Move. Wait for it to complete Then check again, system should be all on cache.
  16. No clue. Maybe @bonienl will have an idea.
  17. Are you talking about letting people not on your LAN access the files on your server?
  18. Are you setting the Day of the Month and Time of the Day fields?
  19. Disk1 doesn't appear in diagnostics. Check all connections, SATA and power, both ends, including splitters.
  20. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread. Diagnostics includes syslog, SMART for all attached disks, settings and hardware info that give a more complete understanding of your configuration and current situation all in a neat package. We always prefer complete diagnostics instead of just one part of that which often doesn't contain a complete enough picture to make any recommendations.
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