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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Once you have those shares then they will have the settings from their configuration files. But the shares themselves don't exist if there are no files for the shares. Those top level folders I mentioned are what is required for a share to actually exist.
  2. Parity and disk1 both need to be replaced. Probably they didn't both go bad at the same time. Have you been ignoring these problems? Do you have Notifications setup to alert you by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected? Don't let one problem become multiple problems and data loss. Do you know that in order to reliably rebuild every bit of a disk, whether parity or data, Unraid must be able to reliably read every bit of all other disks? Parity by itself cannot recover anything. And of course, currently parity is invalid anyway. Do you have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable? This should probably be the first priority before attempting to rebuild anything since you have 2 disks that may make rebuilding difficult.
  3. User Shares span disks. You can limit which disks a User Share uses if you want, but by default all disks are allowed.
  4. Recycle Bin relies on a feature of SMB, so unless you delete a file with network SMB protocol, Recycle Bin doesn't know about it.
  5. Since you haven't replied with your diagnostics, I am going to give you some more information. A disabled disk and an unmounted (or unmountable) disk, are not at all the same thing. A disabled data disk is usually emulated from the parity calculation, and the emulated disk is usually mounted even though the disabled disk is no longer being used. But, parity is never mounted, whether or not it is disabled, because parity has no filesystem. Your ideas: Replacing one of the other disks won't fix disabled parity, and you can't even rebuild a replacement anyway because parity is disabled. Basically the same as 1. Closest to the right idea, but not clear there is anything wrong with the existing disk. Likely the solution is to rebuild parity, either to the same or a new disk, but can't say for sure without more information (your diagnostics) After you get parity enabled again you can consider replacing other drives. We will have to wait and see. PLEASE don't do anything without further advice.
  6. At least some of your suggestions are not good, so don't do anything without further advice!!! Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  7. The user shares are simply the top level folders on cache and array disks. The share name is the same as that top level folder name. Any disk that contains a top level folder named for a share contains files for that share. This is how user shares work, whether you create them in the webUI or not. Any share you haven't made settings for will have default settings. So, if there isn't a top level folder on cache or array for a share, the share doesn't exist. Have you started copying the share yet? I assume its doing parity sync, which is what it has to do to build parity initially. Probably, XFS has some filesystem overhead, more for larger disks.
  8. You must be misinterpreting this. Take a look at the first timestamp in syslogs and you will see it corresponds to reboot time. They definitely do reset on reboot but that won't fix filling them up again of course.
  9. It is the correct place in Settings, but that screenshot shows docker service enabled.
  10. Here is what he was referring to: My reasoning here is that any disconnects due to USB (whatever number) is going to result in out-of-sync array requiring frequent rebuilds. Plus the bottleneck of putting multiple disks on one port, potentially defeating parallel access of parity operations.
  11. If you have docker.img on cache as recommended then it will be open even if no containers are running. You have to disable the docker service itself in Settings - Docker.
  12. Your link didn't work. We prefer attachments instead of links to external sites anyway. Now that you have been approved you should be able to attach the image to your NEXT post.
  13. I'm not sure split level matters in this scenario. My experience with rsync, for example, is that it also created all the subfolders in advance. At that point nothing to split. Here is the way I handled this when I noticed it happening. When it began to actually copy files, it went in alphabetical order of the folders. I just started at the other end of the alphabet and moved folders it hadn't copied yet to other disks.
  14. You aren't in SAFE mode anymore. Try it in SAFE mode without dockers/VMs.
  15. Since the array is not started can't really see which user shares actually exist, but you have a .cfg file in config/shares anonymized as c---e.cfg That suggests you have created (perhaps accidentally) a user share named "cache", and the screenshot seems to be complaining about creating a pool named the same as a user share.
  16. If you tried to copy them all in one batch, then probably Krusader created the empty folders in advance. Those empty folders all went to one disk because they didn't take much space. Then it copied the files into those already created empty folders.
  17. Since user shares appear to be working normally and the disk is emulated, it seems like Unraid is working correctly. But you didn't answer my questions, most especially this part
  18. Free trial. Great forum. Unraid is already a NAS, of course, that hosts VMs and dockers. Some of the things you want to do may not even require a VM, there are currently 879 dockers and plugins listed on the Unraid Apps page.
  19. There isn't really enough to go on in your description to determine that the problem is related to Unraid, or even to determine if there is a problem. Download speed also depends on the source, for example.
  20. You only want to run NewPerms on specific User Shares to avoid breaking dockers which might have other permission settings for their appdata. There is also the Docker Safe New Permissions if you want to do it all at once, which will skip appdata.
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