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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Why not just download to the UD and leave them seeding from the UD?
  2. Parity sync would mean you were building parity. Your syslog indicates you are doing a correcting parity check, not a sync. The fact that it is correcting so many parity errors suggests you didn't have valid parity for some reason. Can you tell us more about how you got to this place? Did you New Config for some reason and tell it parity was already valid?
  3. No point in continuing with that. Zero errors are the only acceptable result so you need to start over with it anyway. Stop, shutdown, check all connections, power and SATA, both ends, including any power splitters. Then start again and if you get any errors at all, post Diagnostics instead of syslog. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  4. with 2 disks, 250+500 raid1, you only get a mirror equal to the smaller disk. Nothing else. Mirror requires the copy of any data to be on a separate device. It wouldn't be redundant if it weren't. So, you only have total capacity of 250. With 3 disks, 250+500+750 raid1, calculator gives mirror with total capacity of 750. The 750 is mirrored by the 250+500. So the copy of any data can exist on a separate device.
  5. In the interest of giving credit where it is due and not taking credit for something I didn't do, the wiki I contributed to is actually this one: https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_Multiple_Data_Drives_with_a_Single_Larger_Drive
  6. No but considering the size of cache, that is a lot of data on cache. Any idea what is taking all that space? Except for the usual "system" shares looks like you have one starting with 'd' that is cache-only. I am guessing this is a downloads share. Does it really need to be cache-only? I can understand wanting to post-process on cache, but you might consider making this cache-yes so it can at least overflow and so anything that sits there too long will get moved to the array. On the other hand, most of your array is mostly full so you might want to consider getting more capacity there also.
  7. Almost certainly this happened when you specified a path with the wrong case in a docker mapping or somewhere.
  8. Check all connections, power and SATA, both ends, including any power splitters. Disk looks fine so you can rebuild it to itself if you want. Do you know how?
  9. Not familiar with FreeNAS jails, but ultimately, your plex docker on FreeNAS would have had host path(s) for the media mapped to container path(s). And on Unraid, your plex docker would have host path(s) for the media mapped to container path(s). The plex library you are transferring is expecting to find the media at the specified container path(s). So, you just need to have the media container path(s) on Unraid the same as the media container path(s) you were using on FreeNAS.
  10. You will have to delete that docker image as @Squid suggested to get it fixed, even though log size doesn't seem to be the issue. But you need to figure out what you have done wrong to make this happen. Any idea why your plex container is so large? You are almost certainly writing to a path that isn't mapped. With plex, about the only writing it is going to do is transcoding, and recording. For comparison, my plex container size is only 723MB. Krusader, the second on the list, is known to be somewhat large so that is probably fine. Post your docker run command for plex as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ:
  11. Until you get more experience, probably the first step would be to ask for advice by posting your diagnostics. Disk problems are not as common as connection problems. Going back to a point I made earlier though: This is basically the whole point of having parity in the first place. As for shrinking, perhaps one of the things you were paraphrasing was this wiki (which I helped write): https://wiki.unraid.net/Shrink_array Read it carefully and see if you can see how it differs from your paraphrase. If you are capable of writing the correct instructions yourself, then it is fine to paraphrase, since you will know if your other wording is still correct. The reason some of us know what to do in these situations is because we completely understand how parity works. Even though I was able to write those instructions, I have never done it myself. I just know how it needs to work. Parity isn't very complicated. It is basically the same concept wherever it is used in computers and communications. Parity is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits. Here is the wiki on parity: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview#Parity-Protected_Array
  12. Disk still looks fine. Are you sure you did this? Both ends, power and SATA, including any power splitters. Change cable if you have another. The connector must rest squarely on the connector on the disk, with no tension on the cable which might make it otherwise. Also, if you are bundling your SATA cables, don't.
  13. Probably your data is OK on that disk, but it is no longer part of the array. And your parity is invalid. Since the data is probably OK and parity needs to be rebuilt anyway, just go to Tools - New Config, keep all assignments and reassign disk5. Then start the array and let parity rebuild. If it looks like it is having problems, stop and post new diagnostics. Otherwise let it complete and post new diagnostics and we will see where we are. VERY IMPORTANT. Do NOT FORMAT anything.
  14. So was the disk actually disabled? If not, no reason to do anything except fix the connection. If it was disabled, then by far the simplest and most correct thing to do would have been to rebuild it, to the same or a different disk. Removing disks from the array can certainly be done, but it is more complicated and more prone to mistakes. Almost certainly going to make mistakes unless you understand what you're doing or unless you carefully follow instructions exactly. Is this the disk that was previously assigned as disk5: WD-WCC4M2248130 ? That disk looks OK.
  15. I would really like to know where you got that very, very bad advice.
  16. Is disk5 still installed? If not, go to Settings - Disk Settings and turn off autostart. Then shutdown, reinstall disk5, double check all connections, boot up again but don't assign disk5 and don't start the array. Post new diagnostics so we can check the health of disk5.
  17. Sorry I've been busy with other things, and may be in and out for a while. I am concerned about what else you might have done besides starting the array. Did you do anything else? Option 1 above gets you an array that no longer contains disk5, though it will have a gap in the disk5 position, so that could have been done better. But most importantly, Option 1 gets you an array that no longer contains any of the data from disk5. Option 2 above does get the data from disk5 onto other disks in the array, but I don't know why it says there is no rebuild, because it then goes on to tell you to follow the steps in option1 which rebuilds parity. A quick glance at the diagnostics isn't showing disk5 in the SMART folder, but it is showing invalid parity, which suggests you are now rebuilding parity without disk5. Syslog indicates problems communicating with at least one disk, so the parity rebuild isn't likely to be any good anyway. Stop the array and wait for further advice.
  18. Where did you get those? Both options are wrong and totally confused. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  19. I don't see any unclean shutdown in either syslog. Possibly it was missed in that separate syslog during the earlier period when syslog server was starting since there appears to be some gaps in that one. SMART report does show extend test not completed due to host reset though. Is it actually shutting down? Do you have to manually push the power button to get it started again?
  20. If nobody on this forum has anything, you might check the website for the application (see the github link in the first post). binhex and our other docker authors just provide the docker for the application, and support for setting up the docker. The applications themselves are written by others and typically have their own website where support is provided for actually using the application.
  21. Of course you won't have access to any of your Unraid storage when Unraid isn't booted.
  22. Just use the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page and it will reinstall your dockers with all the settings they had before.
  23. Go to Settings - Docker and stop docker. Set the slider at upper right on that page to Advanced View. Turn on log rotation. Enable docker again. Which dockers do you run?
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