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Everything posted by trurl

  1. I think you must be misinterpreting what you are seeing in the webUI. Any drive that isn't mounted will appear as an Unassigned Device. This is true even if you don't have the Unassigned Devices plugin installed. This is not at all the same thing as saying the Unassigned Devices plugin has mounted the drives. Probably the drives became temporarily disconnected for some reason and when they connected again they were Unassigned, since Unraid will not try to remount them. Post a screenshot of what you are seeing, and also go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post. I think there is a good chance your problems have absolutely nothing at all to do with this plugin, so I may split your issue into its own topic after we take a look. I see you already have a thread going about your cache dropping so most likely this is just another symptom of that. If so, I will split this into that thread.
  2. That hardware doesn't really seem appropriate for Unraid. What did you intend to have Unraid do with it?
  3. You might try renaming config/network.cfg on flash to something else. This will make it use the default network settings.
  4. Just so there is no misunderstanding. With single parity, a single failure can be rebuilt from the parity calculation by reading parity PLUS ALL of the remaining disks. Parity by itself protects nothing. And as mentioned, parity is not a substitute for backups, whether in Unraid or some RAID implementation.
  5. Go to Windows Control Panel - Credential Manager and delete any Unraid credentials so they can be renegotiated. Also, see this "sticky" pinned near the top of this same subforum for other ideas: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/
  6. Share free space is just adding up all the free space on all the drives the share is allowed to use. If you want to actually see how much space a share is using (and on which disks), click Compute... for the share (or Compute All button). It will take a little while to give results.
  7. I guess you didn't read the first post in this thread.
  8. Why do you not want to recreate the container?
  9. Not saying it did, just some advice based on other things I saw in your diagnostics. Having cache-prefer things stuck on the array is very common when you enable dockers and VMs before installing cache. You can see how much of each disk each of your user shares is using by going to User Shares and clicking Compute... or the Compute All button. You will have to wait a bit for the results.
  10. Then you will want your dockers and VMs to take advantage of it so they won't keep parity and array disks spinning and won't be affected by the slower parity writes.
  11. Your appdata and system shares have files on the array. You will have to disable docker and VM services and run mover so they can get moved to cache where they belong.
  12. Since many people are using this without these complaints, perhaps it is something with your setup. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post. Also, your docker run command as explained here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  13. Anywhere you can put it so it doesn't move around and stays cool enough. I have heard of people using double-sided tape or velcro.
  14. After some googling I can't find any way to do what I thought I remembered doing with plex and my hpmediavault. I think I must have been using XBMC instead of plex at that time.
  15. Could you be more specific? I haven't done it that way for years but I used to have another NAS (hpmediavault) with plex server running on my PC and that is the way I accessed my media then. Plex forum may be the best place to get any of those questions answered though.
  16. Post your docker run command as explained here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  17. Also, you can acknowledge CRC errors by clicking on them in the Dashboard and you will not be notified again unless they increase. None of this is a problem with a release. It is a hardware problem, often not serious, but still worthy of attention.
  18. Your diagnostics are from just after a reboot, and you are getting a parity check due to unclean shutdown. Are you sure you aren't losing power?
  19. You won't be able to update in the webUI with so little RAM. You will have to do a manual update, or just wait for your memory upgrade.
  20. Unless you can give more information about your issues, how can anyone work to fix them?
  21. Where did you get this idea? It's wrong.
  22. CA does not do docker compose. CA is basically just filling in the form of the Add Container page for you, and the Add/Edit Container page is just taking the inputs from that form to construct a docker run command.
  23. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  24. Did you try going to the Settings for System Temps and make sure the sensors were still selected?
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