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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. also hier die win10 gaming VM im idle state was die GPU zieht, ~ 12 Watt ... und wenn Games laufen klar, dann liegen da schnell 200+ an ich wollte nur aufzeigen dass die Erstaussage so nicht ganz richtig ist wenn es so gemeint ist, die GPU hat nicht den vollen Verbrauch in Unraid wenn Sie nicht in Benutzung ist ...
  2. das habe ich in dieser Form noch nie beobachtet, wenn die GPU im idle ist braucht die ja so gut wie nichts ... so sieht das aktuell hier aus, 3 VM's laufen (permanent) und vorhin mal kurz ein Game gestartet auf der Media VM, da geht natürlich der Stromverbrauch hoch aber im idle macht das fast keinen Unterschied ob die VM mit einer RTX3070 an oder aus ist ... und wenn die 1080 volle Pulle ziehen würde würden auch mehr als 150 W Gesamt anliegen, also ich schätze eher das liegt an was anderem ... kannst ja testen wenn du eine passthrough Gaming VM mal "nutzt" und ein Spiel startest. Verbrauch hier mit 6 Platten (2 NVME, 4 HDD), i9 9900, CPU Lüfter + 6 Gehäuse Lüfter siehst du oben, bissel was laufen tut auch noch
  3. @SpaceInvaderOne thanks alot for your efforts, here are some dumps from me including a rbar enabled one. GTX1070 - Palit GR - 8G.romRTX3070 - GB Vision OC - 8G RBAR.romRTX3070 - GB Vision OC - 8G.romRTX 2070S - Asus Evo - 8G.romGT1030 - MSI - 2G.rom GTX1050 - MSI - 2G.rom
  4. how "safe" it is for online banking depends on the person sitting on the desktop ... makes no difference if inside a docker or not.
  5. nope, all good as long as you dont put extra stuff manually in the /www folder, then you should know what you doing.
  6. that would make a reverse proxy more or less onsolete .... you can skip swag then and just forward ports to your NC instance directly, cert creation will be another story then ... as option, use rewrite rules for all incoming requests to root to your NC domain in swag
  7. port 80 already in use ... you may changed your network settings like to host while unraid already listeining on port 80 as sample, take a look what you done in your swag docker network settings.
  8. @suyac when you say DD Octopus i guess you have a octopus net device (satip), if so, then you dont need the dvb plugin at all cause its a network tuner. you have to search for tuning options inside TVH then. EDIT @ich777 just pointed me to the internal pci octopus, so forget it
  9. current state, cpu usage i could find on the isolated cores are 7300 11 - [kworker/11:1-xfs-conv/nvme1n1p1] 5502 5 - [kworker/5:1H-events_highpri] 8681 2 - [kworker/2:2-wg-crypt-vpn] so the question is, is this normal to see as sample these processes running on isolated cores ?
  10. true, of course my VM's are isolated to these cores too ;) and im pretty sure before (cant remember when) its been like always 0 % usage on the cores which where not assigned to unraid
  11. Hi, may i think wrong, but currently i see low, small usage on isolated cores while they are not in use thats my cpu pinning, so cores 2/10 up should be off while my VM's (which are assigned there) are off now, when they are off i see some small usage all over, 1-3 % now when i try to check what is running on them as sample root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=2 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" 8681 2 - [kworker/2:2-wg-crypt-vpn] root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=3 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" 7793 3 - [kworker/3:1-wg-crypt-vpn] root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=4 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=5 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" 5502 5 - [kworker/5:1H-events_highpri] root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=6 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" 1303 6 - [kworker/6:1-wg-crypt-vpn] 5501 6 - [kworker/6:1H-events_highpri] root@AlsServer:~# CORENUM=7 root@AlsServer:~# ps -e -o pid,psr,cpu,cmd | grep -E "^[[:space:]][[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]+${CORENUM}" 5500 7 - [kworker/7:1H-events_highpri] root@AlsServer:~# and so on ... same on the HT cores which are more likely in use. am i wrong or did i miss something ?
  12. here how it looks like, as you see chrome in guacamole
  13. then you do something wrong, just tested here and works
  14. no, i say add a port maping in chromium docker and setup with 5900, thats it.
  15. @dfox1787 and as you use(d) firefox browser (i guess djoss one) you should be aware about the 2 different ports, its explained in his template about web front end and vnc direct ...
  16. like described, this wont work, you try now to connect to the webinterface which is used in the chromium docker and not directly vnc. this docker also provides its own web interface for vnc, like guac is ... but guac wont work with this, im pretty sure its listening locally on 5900 (standard vnc port) and if you try to keep inside your proxynet its overall completely wrong. then you should use as host your dockername like "chromium" lower case ONLY and as port 8080 (the local port, not the port provided to your net) ... but as mentioned is NOT the VNC port ... i would suggest to add the port variable like described and try port 5900 then
  17. @dfox1787 may show your setup what you did. im pretty sure you are connecting wrong from guac to your chrome docker, in terms you use VNC protocol i guess, you have to point to the native vnc port in the chrome docker and by default this port aint added to the template. by default the bridged port from the template is for the webui and not from vnc, you should add a port forward in the docker like 5900 5900 and no, this has nothing todo with security ... then guac can connect via vnc. sample
  18. @limetech would be really nice if this would be included, would make life alot easier when working with hooks
  19. Hi, as we have libvirt 6.5, shouldnt it be possible to use hook scripts ? i created the folder /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu.d/ where the scripts should be executed ordered by name (i only need 1) so in my case i added a script work_gvt.sh, chmod +x, with the following content (also a test output which also doesnt get executed) #!/bin/bash echo "Testrun" > /mnt/cache/testrun.txt if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then if [ $1 = "Work_gvt" -a $2 = "prepare" -a $3 = "begin" ]; then echo "Creating vgpu" echo ee0036c0-8e21-40b2-9f33-8d5c5f6f5f93 > "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/mdev_supported_types/i915-GVTg_V5_8/create" elif [ $1 = "Work_gvt" -a $2 = "release" -a $3 = "end" ]; then echo "removing vgpu" echo 1 > "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/ee0036c0-8e21-40b2-9f33-8d5c5f6f5f93/remove" fi fi so question is, only possible to modify the limetech qemu file to initiate things ... which shouldnt be the goal i d guess.
  20. @Michel Amberg may tried ip instead hostname, i use it on custom bridge and can connect to an rdp desktop, but i use ip instead hostname @nik82 may uninstall, reinstall guacamole to revert whatever patch you added ?
  21. at least 3x [emoji41] its a major improvement ... thanks again@ich777 Gesendet von meinem SM-G981B mit Tapatalk
  22. after the nice explenation from @Alex R. Berg i took a test here again and turned cache dirs on again while turning off /mnt/user as its useless anyway when i understand him correctly (in the current state). what i can say now, its still working here at least, sample procedure i always can reproduce scenario 1 all activity always ONLY on cache drive i cut and remux my records to mkv and save them, then scripted way is to remove original files, let filebot do its job and rename and move to proper target location, now scripted is triggering api calls to plex and emby to refresh and import the new files there too immediately and here is now the change no cache dirs active -> disks spin up ... cache dirs activated -> all good here scenario 2 Kodi on my Desktop Computer, opening kodi (using emby backend) also would always spinup the disks cache dirs activated -> all good here prolly more but these are 2 scenarios as "daily drivers" where i can say there still is a difference with/without cache dirs. cache Dir Settings with my Shares forgot, im on 6.9 rc2, and since latest releases i had alot of spinups over and over again, now back to normal usage again, so thanks for keeping this alive as good as possible @Alex R. Berg
  23. i guess lsio wont make a sample config for every possible app out there so to your questions, yes of course, u can use "externals" too. may take a look at your folder where the sample are and ... use ip instead container_name as sample ...
  24. 32400 is the direct connection to your plex docker, then reverse is out of the game. if you need a more safe protection is up to you, behind reverse means its only listening on the specific hostname for plex, port 32400 doesnt matter then, but i personally never heard of someone hacking plex servers ...
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