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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. good question ... actually i mentioned xteve_vpn is more or less abonded since 6.6.3 works really nice with passing dockers through a sep vpn docker, but as there where more using it as i thought i kept it running. now, when you use diff vlans i guess you have a reason, i would use vlans only to keep them seperated ... in your usecase you should take a look howto bridge the vlans so they can communicate together. there are some tutorials here in unraid howto do this, i think @bonienl made some nice writeups therefore.
  2. thanks, that also freed up 4GB here and i come back again to where it should be @limetech normal behaviour ?
  3. actually i dont see any output values from you, but nvm, and as you see its correct in my view and im always updated, so to help debugging you really should consider to show how it looks in your case, due in the end its a simple calculation for used/free to show ... but as its not my issue and not my plugin im rather out now.
  4. @boomam he asked for a simple return like this root@AlsServer:~# df /mnt/disks/PARAGONSOFT/ --output=size,used,avail 1K-blocks Used Avail 14928045 672498 14255547 may also show this
  5. @limetech i would like to ask again if there is may something wrong or to debug from July 14 to today, my docker image is filling up slowly again "in the background" like described here when i look today again, i renewed the image on 14th July with a 30 GB image, its stated now as 66 % filled again (was like 35 when i started) my personal guess, after each update there are leftovers somewhere in the docker image ... current state now im pretty sure, when i just delete all dockers now i would be left with some GB usage in the docker.img ... even with no dockers left installed, is there a way to check what is inside the docker image and may could cause this behaviour ?
  6. mount your smb storage with unassigned devices and use external storage to mount them in nextcloud
  7. to your question, yes, all dockers on their own ip run in host mode(s) for themselves, so port mappings are useless ... anout this docker and version, sorry, cant help there as im back on lsio letsencrypt (swag) due i had some local stuff to reverse which was easier for me now by writing my proxy conf files therefore and im done.
  8. the custom br2 network here is like a host network, it wont map ports, it ll use the native ports from the app(s), so its all correct.
  9. and you also have /storage in your webui settings in output format ? you always have to think from docker point of view ... may take a look there.
  10. well, i only use automation so ... but u could try from inside container, just try to move something the way filebot would do, may that brings u closer open docker shell, cd /storage, check what u see and try to move things there
  11. may take a look at your logs what filebot does (or better doesnt do), there should be some infos ... when u where playing and setting up, may take a look at your amc-exclude list due they ve been processed earlier ... and now skipped.
  12. when u want to change natively the listen port from filebrowser @brent3000 change it in the filebrowser.json file .. restart docker ... whyever u want todo so ...
  13. @itimpi omg, somehow i toggled the ? on the upper right, sorry ...
  14. hi, may a question how to get rid of this "help" windows
  15. @littlebudha depends on your needs, 1st post and docker descriptions shows which extra feature is included VPN version ... yes, as described, xteve buffer is mandatory then, and there is no extra guide support in this version like SD, Zapit, ... as i think its useless to use the VPN for guide data from these sources.
  16. may also take a look here if iommu is enabled and as mentioned above, how does your iommu look like before ACS, the GPU most likely should be fine without it.
  17. i changed since v18 to this manual update in nextcloud shell sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar and since then no more issues at all, at the beginning webui update worked always, then from some version up it stuck on backup old, the manual update procedure from post 1 link also works, but this is simple and working.
  18. @jude and your mount point for /config is /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn then im out of ideas ...
  19. @jude may remove the space from your ovpn file
  20. @pharpe u probably at the wrong place due this is the unraid forum for this docker may a tipp as i see your local mountpoint for /config is /apps/docker/deluge/config ...
  21. thanks, thought so after going through UAD and removed the partition and worked out as expected then thanks for the hint in release notes, i actually forgot there is something due i only readed about it here and in a comment in the bug report thread, my fault. may it would be nice if there would be a advise or a possibility in unraid gui itself todo so, wipe partition ... thanks again.
  22. yes i am but unfortunal it didnt ... stayed here on the same 64k Start as posted above after mounting the disk in UAD again, destroy and formatted with UAD it is now like you described i hope Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 476.96 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors Disk model: Samsung SSD 950 PRO 512GB Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x00000000 Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 2048 1000215215 1000213168 477G 83 Linux but i also understood that new formatted disks in unraid will also be formatted in this way, but nope ... not here actually. i still have my main cache drive todo as this is also still on the 64k start point, i can test again in unraid if it helps ... may a procedure howto force a format in unraid ?
  23. ok, i tried now to format the disk new to get the new 1mb allignement, but even after format its still on Start 64 what did i do stop the array, change FS to BTRFS to force a format, start array, format to BTRFS, stop the array, change FS to xfs again, start array, format. disk is blank now as expected but still on the same allignement as before, may a hint what i ve done wrong ? beta .25, do i have to format in a different approach ? through UAD somehow ? result after formatting Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 476.96 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors Disk model: Samsung SSD 950 PRO 512GB Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x7aff88bb Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 64 1000215215 1000215152 477G 83 Linux Ok, after using UAD to format the disk it is now on the Start 2048, so Unraid still formats different, seems i missunderstood.
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