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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. obviously im using mine and its pretty light and offeers privoxy and socks proxy ... yes, thats a way todo when u dont want a browser proxy if your usecase is similar to mine (only some sites shell use a proxy) i use chrome addon foxproxy, u can setup proxy useage only for some sites ... if u want a remote browser in browser, then this is the also my current best advice, firefox from @Djoss i hope someday he will make a chrome variant ...
  2. as i also struggled with the variables ... here a working solution to really move this will move from /Media/RECORD to /MEDIA/HDDVDR/.. /MEDIA/TVRIPS/... when your MOVIE, TV, ... amc ... starts with TVRIPS/... HDDVDR/...
  3. thanks for the info, reverting to be safe for now.
  4. ok, thanks for the info, so no workaround to get the VM´s use another custom br ... to bypass this behaviour
  5. hi, 2nd approach to test the 6.9 beta 1 here, reboot ok, looking ok but what i see, my syslog is fillimg up with messages like this ... i remember that on my first try i had the same, syslog was filled up 100 % after a while, but as my win10 vm was broken afterwards i reverted to 683. following is coming up over and over Mar 16 06:15:50 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:50 AlsServer kernel: tun: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Mar 16 06:15:50 AlsServer kernel: tun: 20 20 5c 0a 20 20 77 69 6c 64 63 61 72 64 3d 79 \. wildcard=y Mar 16 06:15:50 AlsServer kernel: tun: 65 73 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 es Mar 16 06:15:50 AlsServer kernel: tun: 20 20 20 20 20 20 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 8d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 06 02 00 00 00 00 ................ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 30 53 b2 00 00 00 00 00 70 53 b2 00 00 00 00 00 0S......pS...... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 60 53 b2 00 00 00 00 00 b0 76 98 00 00 00 00 00 `S.......v...... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 70 53 b2 00 00 00 pS.... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f 06 06 02 00 00 00 00 g.......?....... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: e8 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 b0 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: d8 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 c0 10 ac 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 68 8a ad 00 00 00 h..... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f 06 06 02 00 00 00 00 g.......?....... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: e8 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 b0 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: d8 8a ad 00 00 00 00 00 c0 10 ac 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 68 8a ad 00 00 00 h..... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 4d 91 cd 14 00 00 ........`@M..... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 06 02 00 00 00 00 00 Y............... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 28 88 ad 00 00 00 00 00 c0 10 ac 00 00 00 00 00 (............... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: b8 87 ad 00 00 00 ...... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 4d 91 cd 14 00 00 ........`@M..... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 06 02 00 00 00 00 00 Y............... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 28 88 ad 00 00 00 00 00 c0 10 ac 00 00 00 00 00 (............... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: b8 87 ad 00 00 00 ...... Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: unexpected GSO type: 0x0, gso_size 1460, hdr_len 54 Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 03 ef f0 86 54 08 08 00 00 40 76 d9 06 1e 4b e8 [email protected]. Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 74 49 5b 19 d9 2d 91 cc ad a6 15 79 03 11 d2 71 tI[..-.....y...q Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 37 4f a5 7c a2 4e 01 3f 96 b8 8d 98 a8 b6 b7 f1 7O.|.N.?........ Mar 16 06:15:52 AlsServer kernel: tun: 69 18 dd 9f 6f fa i...o. diagnostics attached after some research i see that if i turn the VM´s off using br0 the logs stop, so its (again) the issue with dockers and VM using the same br0 setup. as almost all my dockers are using sep ip´s on br0 ... is there a workaround for now ? i tried starting a VM with br1 but this couldnt get a network connection then ... here a snap from the network settings routing table may while im on it, anything i can delete here ? my routing mask at home is only ... alsserver-diagnostics-20200316-0624.zip
  6. or as mentioned take a look at the readme of filebot ... there are ways to seperate them, sample here from my MOVIE FORMAT {file =~ /(?i)AC3D|dubbed|.ld.|WebHD/ ? 'VCD' : 'HDDVDR'}/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}) - {vf}{' CD'+pi}{'.'+lang}" this will either output to /VCD or /HDDVDR depending on the naming schema from input ... if the input contains as sample "WebHD" it will move the renamed file to /VCD/.... if not it will move to /HDDVDR ... so if your kids movies are tagged somehow u could split it easy ... really consider to follow filebot help channel(s) ...
  7. @KompressR sorry, i tested vpn here with pia and hideme, both dont use this kind of file (.p12) in their regular ovpn setup. as i dont know your provider ... hard to read what their setup rule is. may read their setup guides with linux / ovpn ... when i google a little i often see converting the .p12 file ... or, may try the binhex vpn docker with the "other" vpn setting, may he has inserted some magic in his docker which will make use of this file, his vpn docker is of course also capable to host vpn for other docker(s).
  8. Hi, u should start taking a look at the filebot manuals ... here u get more help about docker related issues, not so much about the app itself https://www.filebot.net/forums/ or i can recommend the discord channel too, rednoah (dev of filebot) is also active there ... https://discord.gg/cKVvZ2S
  9. may take a look if its ok like this, if not let me know please.
  10. Hi, may this helps in terms how to use the new function --net=container:Container_Name to use another dockers network, a nice feature to route traffic through a VPN docker when the client docker is not capable to use a proxy. sample usecase i use a VPN Docker container which provides a privoxy vpn or a socks vpn, but i have a docker like xteve which doesnt have the function to route traffic through a http or socks proxy, so when i want to use it through vpn i have to either set the whole mashine behind a vpn or build a docker which includes VPN AND xteve. Now with this feature enabled we can route any docker now through the VPN docker pretty easy. i describe 2 scenarios, 1. all dockers in custom:br0 with their own ip (nice feature which is working properly with host access since 6.8.2 as note) 2. VPN Docker like binhex privoxy, ovpn privoxy, ... on host in bridge mode (port mappings needed) to 1. basic situation before bridged to VPN ovpn_privoxy is my vpn docker connected to my vpn provider and providing as mentioned a http and socks proxy, xteve cant use this features. as mentioned, here my dockers are each on br0 with their own ip, now i ll bridge xteve to use the vpn docker todo so, simply remove the network from xteve and add the following line in this usecase to extra parameters --net=container:ovpn_privoxy now xteve will use the network stack from the vpn container, will look like this xteve docker now doesnt have a own ip anymore and using the container:ovpn_privoxy as network. to reach xteve webui now u enter the ip from ovpn_privoxy and the port from the client app, in this usecase, now the xteve external traffic will use the vpn connection from ovpn_privoxy, thats it here thanks to limetech now now when adding another container u can do so, just beware, as there is only one network stack left, its not possible to use apps which uses the same ports, sample here would be, i want a second instance of xteve run through the vpn docker, both listening on 34400, would NOT work, even they resist in their own dockers, the network stack is unique from the ovpn docker here ... so either the 2nd, 3rd, ... app can use different ports (like xteve can be switched to any port) or its just not possible cause ports are unique ... sample with a second working app like above, ovpn_privoxy is the docker providing the network, now for a 2nd "client" docker, to reach the clients now <- xteve app <- emby app of course is the http proxy (port 8080) and socks proxy (port 1080) also still available, has no influence ... i hope this helps howto use the --net.... extra parameter now, to 2. (VPN docker is running on host unraid in bridge mode) only difference is now, u have to add the port mappings to the VPN docker, in this case i would add 34400:34400 and 6555:6555 to the VPN docker would result here in this (my unraid server has the ip thats the only difference when using the VPN docker in bridge mode, now your vpn and apps are all accessed via in both usecases there is another nice feature limetech added, as soon the VPN docker gets an update, the "client docker(s)" need to update too which is in the end a restart only to fetch the correct network stack ... u should see a update notification on all dockers relating to the VPN docker as soon that one received an update or u changed something on this docker, if so, please push update or restart the docker(s), shouldnt be too often (depending on update frequency of your VPN docker) in case i can do something better, let me know to correct it.
  11. @Bjur that wont work like this ... u have to "think" from docker point of view, /opt/... in sab wont point to filebot, it ll look inside your sab docker then ... approach would be, setup filebot to act from a "watch" folder, setup your sab to move the file there when done and let filebot do its job.
  12. actually idk where to put a small tutorial about this feature, which subforum ? im pretty sure not allowed to create posts in announcements etc ...
  13. like i wrote, u map the port(s) on the vpn container like your app would run on the vpn container, there is no mapping between the containers ... what probably wont work, 2 (or more) apps using the same port in this setup as long they dont have a manual port setup. so just map port 6789 in the vpn container u are using ... which is ? may a simple sample, 2 "client" dockers which both use a web service on port 80, wont work as long as you cant switch ports in the app itself.
  14. @danioj few posts up i made a sample if that may helps
  15. installed over 683, so far looking ok for unraid. my main win10 VM aint booting anymore (blue screen, diagnostic, start issues ...) but i guess its just bad luck cause the 2nd win10 vm boot just fine ... so i guess its not 69 beta related also the ubuntu mashine spins up fine. so i look to check if i can repair the win10 vm somehow
  16. may a simple sample i run my ovpn_privoxy docker and i want another docker (sample xteve) run through the vpn connection cause the app doesnt provide a proxy feature so i setup the xteve docker as followed will result in now xteve docker is using the network from my ovpn_privoxy docker ... if the vpn docker is in bridge mode, u have to map the port(s) from the client docker(s) of course ... in this sample 34400 34400 on the ovpn_privoxy docker works and tested here as note, very nice and thanks again to limetech for adding this
  17. thanks for taking a look, when i look at the screens i rather may would say it was either the power down ( cause version 682) or the update did fail cause it was still at v682, nevermind, as mentioned the powerdown and startup then went fine and all is running on v683 now. btw, thanks for adding the docker network override feature from the "wishlist"
  18. g morning, this time my update didnt worked out smooth, stuck on reboot here. as the mashine didnt returned i took a look at the screen here it was stuck so i gracefully pushed power to see what happens, mashine did then power down after a while turned power back on and all looks good now, just had to manually reboot (as mentioned above), i attached the latest 2 diagnostics, may helpful i think the first is from the manual powerdown alsserver-diagnostics-20200307-0613.zip alsserver-diagnostics-20200307-0622.zip
  19. @Bjur this is not really the filebot forum, rather check there or in the filebot discord channel may as hints how mine is setted up movie/tv format Subs extra script as u see i need bash so i install this as extra option in the buttom too etc etc .. so basically, just fit your commands to the given parameters which are all there as u posted them.
  20. @Living Legend here its all default too without any issues you described ... so hard to say what could be the reason, especially as your local rdp session directly seems to be fine ... u could try the default guac docker ... and compare to this one.
  21. as final note, when using as user script, starting script in "background" will reboot here always from vm1 to vm2 or vice vers, so actually a one click solution. the "bootloader" idea is nice, personally not needed here as i can always reboot from one vm to another which uses the same gpu ... in my sample nvidia, win 10 <-> ubuntu using both same gpu (GT1030) and same USB (onboard intel usb controller). as they use different mashine types (i4400 win vs. Q35 ubuntu) the dual bootloader option above would probably fail here. so a plugin with a "which vm boot option" would be my goal if i follow this, but currently im good as is.
  22. i can say that its pretty solid here, running the win10 remote access almost every day and for hours aside ... sample today
  23. @archedraft about your access to unraid, this works meanwhile since 6.8.2, check your general docker settings (advanced view), enable Host access to custom networks.
  24. @testdasi nice i just wanted 1 script for all, so here it doesnt matter which one is running, it will either now turn vm1 off and vm2 on or vice vers ... would be nicer to have it as plugin so it would run through while you live on vm1 ... as user script dies when mashine turns off ... lets see when i find some time how to add a plugin therefore
  25. @nlash as i liked the idea and i also use 2 VM´s with same hardware i made myself a small script to cycle
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