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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. simply restart or in settings under files u set the time schedules when xteve does it auto ...
  2. this app not anymore, just also data from SD Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  3. no its not, u can check your xml if it has entries as sample with original air date here a sample from a new episode and the repeat later <programme channel="guide2go.83649.schedulesdirect.org" start="20200121191500 +0000" stop="20200121201500 +0000"> <title lang="de">Navy CIS</title> <sub-title lang="de">Tod durch Gartenzwerg</sub-title> <desc lang="de">Zivas problematische Rückkehr trübt die Stimmung im Team und niemand weiß, mit der Situation umzugehen. Doch viel Zeit zum Grübeln bleibt nicht, denn ein neuer Fall steht an: Unter einem Lkw wird eine Leiche gefunden, die allen Anzeichen nach.&#xA;[Tod durch Gartenzwerg]</desc> <category lang="en">Crime drama</category> <category lang="en">Action</category> <category lang="en">Adventure</category> <category lang="en">Mystery</category> <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">16.2.</episode-num> <episode-num system="onscreen">S17 E3</episode-num> <episode-num system="original-air-date">2019-10-08</episode-num> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p184930_i_v8_ae.jpg" height="1440" width="960"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p11857845_b_h9_ab.jpg" height="540" width="720"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p184930_ce_h10_ad.jpg" height="135" width="240"></icon> <video> <quality>HDTV</quality> </video> <audio> <stereo>dolby digital</stereo> <surround>DD 5.1</surround> </audio> <new></new> </programme> repeated now and u see the extra entries <programme channel="guide2go.83649.schedulesdirect.org" start="20200122002000 +0000" stop="20200122010000 +0000"> <title lang="de">Navy CIS</title> <sub-title lang="de">Tod durch Gartenzwerg</sub-title> <desc lang="de">Zivas problematische Rückkehr trübt die Stimmung im Team und niemand weiß, mit der Situation umzugehen. Doch viel Zeit zum Grübeln bleibt nicht, denn ein neuer Fall steht an: Unter einem Lkw wird eine Leiche gefunden, die allen Anzeichen nach.&#xA;[Tod durch Gartenzwerg]</desc> <category lang="en">Crime drama</category> <category lang="en">Action</category> <category lang="en">Adventure</category> <category lang="en">Mystery</category> <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">16.2.</episode-num> <episode-num system="onscreen">S17 E3</episode-num> <episode-num system="original-air-date">2019-10-08</episode-num> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p184930_i_v8_ae.jpg" height="1440" width="960"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p11857845_b_h9_ab.jpg" height="540" width="720"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p184930_ce_h10_ad.jpg" height="135" width="240"></icon> <video> <quality>HDTV</quality> </video> <audio> <stereo>dolby digital</stereo> <surround>DD 5.1</surround> </audio> <previously-shown start="2019-10-08"></previously-shown> </programme> looks in emby as sample (also plex) new repeated then
  4. click the nextcloud icon then something like this should appear ...
  5. does /mnt/user/nexcloud/ exist ? if so, may start from scratch by uninstall docker, wipe /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud ... your port settings from start (changing inside too) may screwed something, just change the host port like described ... and to get better help from the pro´s here, docker run command (when u install the docker or change some value) logs from nextcloud docker may also be helpful ...
  6. +1 like some relases ago ... same behavior again also exiting from docker terminal sessions is not properly closing anymore
  7. as u see in the error its something with your playlist and your provider, nothing we can do here ... if it works sometimes and sometimes not, may rise the playlist loads in xteve settings so its updated more often
  8. looks like its due the latest update from the source and now its closed ... reverting back to and all is good, sadly the dark theme came in 2.1
  9. may check at the discord channel for xteve for help of the app itself. This error means usually - wrong user/pass - wrong user agent u can debug further by starting xteve in debug=3
  10. and may check if /mnt/user/Trans.... is existing on your unraid host, its pretty uncommon layout for trans path on host ... u created a share like this ? most use a sub path in something like /mnt/user/appdata/plex.....
  11. here u go, it should be /transcode only and not /mnt.... your transcode buffer currently runs inside the container
  12. he asks for your setting in plex, there is a transcode path setting ...
  13. +1 specially as when u use `none` it will also not work when specify it in extra parameter cause both will be exec sample when setting to none in docker gui it will docker exec --net=`none` ....... --net=container:my_container ... fail only possible here by manually run the docker exec cmd without the --net=`none` and only keep the --net=container:my_container
  14. thanks for the info, i thought so ... someone pointed me to this way of proxying docker to docker with --net=..... https://github.com/dperson/openvpn-client/blob/master/README.md#how-to-use-this-image and mentioned he uses this method with your deluge-vpn docker as VPN docker on unraid ... privoxy or socks doesnt work with the docker i provide (xteve) as http proxy is not supported by the app, nevermind, im clear now and know its not working
  15. may a question about using another docker to use this vpn docker i saw some readme´s about the --net=container:<vpn_dockername> so i tried by adding following to vpn docker --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device /dev/net/tun (alternative also added, same result) on the client docker --net=container:binhex-privoxyvpn network off (or also kept in bridge mode, same result) Error response from daemon: Container cannot be connected to network endpoints:container:binhex-privoxyvpn ..... none or bridge ... question, does anyone using succesfully this kind of setup ?
  16. the database files are stored on your /appdata folder ... so u should be able to access them anyhow ... stop docker, rename like described, start docker from the unraid cli as sample
  17. i know, just cosmetic as useless then in my usecase, thanks.
  18. perfect, working now, i actually didnt wanted to remove the template parameters ... your template has 2 pathes (3 including the general /storage) and 2 variables i guess i ve been confused due /watch and /output pathes are mandatory needed in some way for your amc script layout ... and as u advised to add the /media path i missunderstood i stripped it now down and all is good, removed the (default) 2x -v and only using the /storage now, as my disks dont spin up its all good and i dont need to use /cache as seperate mountpoint. thanks again and sorry for the long line here
  19. either this is now a weird coincidence or ... my post from early 2017 is also now my issue here and yes, i had it also working in this docker, but not anymore in the new one pointed here ... ### edit, solved ###
  20. as /media/watch didnt worked out ... see 1st test, there it was /media/watch to /media/output including the mount /mnt/cache/media:/media:rw 2nd test was then to make sure it doesnt depend on ../watch or ../output ... and im only creating the must have mount points as far as i see ... and i know it should work, tested mounts in another docker from me just out of intereset and i can hardlink and instant move, im just out of ideas what im doing wrong here. - my workflow is, raw files gets moved to /mnt/cache/Media/Temp - for filebot, filebot rename and move then depending on source to either /mnt/cache/Media/VCD /mnt/cache/Media/HDDVDR /mnt/cache/Media/TVRIPS and technically its all working as supposed to besides its not moving properly due its somehow still a "cross-device" issue which i honestly dont understand when i look at my setup. relevant parts ... -e 'AMC_INPUT_DIR'='/media/watch' -e 'AMC_OUTPUT_DIR'='/media/output' -v '/mnt/cache/Media':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/Temp/':'/media/watch':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/':'/media/output':'rw' either im really blind what i miss here or im totally on the wrong path ...
  21. ok, as im still trying to get this solved and i surely have something missed, here some more infos due docker run command, i made some line breaks ... i colored the (to me) relevant parts red. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='FileBot' --net='bridge' --log-opt max-size='10m' --log-opt max-file='3' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'OPENSUBTITLES_USERNAME'='username' -e 'OPENSUBTITLES_PASSWORD'='password' -e 'AMC_INTERVAL'='60' -e 'AMC_INPUT_STABLE_TIME'='10' -e 'AMC_ACTION'='move' -e 'AMC_CONFLICT'='auto' -e 'AMC_MATCH_MODE'='opportunistic' -e 'AMC_ARTWORK'='n' -e 'AMC_MUSIC_FORMAT'='MP3/{n}/{album}/{media.TrackPosition.pad(2)} - {t}' -e 'AMC_MOVIE_FORMAT'='{file =~ /(?i)AC3D|dubbed|.ld.|WebHD/ ? '\''VCD'\'' : '\''HDDVDR'\''}/{n} ({y})/{n} ({y}) - {vf} {'\'' CD'\''+pi}{'\''.'\''+lang}"' -e 'AMC_SERIES_FORMAT'='TVRIPS/{n}/{episode.special ? '\''Special'\'' : '\''Season '\''+s.pad(2)}/{n} - {episode.special ? '\''S00E'\''+special.pad(2) : s00e00} - {t.replaceAll(/[!?.]+$/).replacePart('\'', Part '\'')}{'\''.'\''+lang}' -e 'AMC_ANIME_FORMAT'='{plex}' -e 'AMC_PROCESS_MUSIC'='y' -e 'AMC_SUBTITLE_LANG'='de' -e 'USER_ID'='99' -e 'GROUP_ID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'APP_NICENESS'='' -e 'DISPLAY_WIDTH'='1280' -e 'DISPLAY_HEIGHT'='768' -e 'SECURE_CONNECTION'='0' -e 'X11VNC_EXTRA_OPTS'='' -e 'AMC_CUSTOM_OPTIONS'='--lang de -exec /config/postprocess.sh' -e 'AMC_INPUT_DIR'='/media/watch' -e 'AMC_OUTPUT_DIR'='/media/output' -e 'AMC_INSTALL_PKGS'='curl' -e 'FILEBOT_CUSTOM_OPTIONS'='' -p '7813:5800/tcp' -p '7913:5900/tcp' -v '/mnt/user':'/storage':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/Temp/':'/media/watch':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/':'/media/output':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/FileBot':'/config':'rw' 'jlesage/filebot' 3c83b593624f6dc7c96d41216073c7a8ebede88afbfc3f89eb615ebeacfefd9c The command finished successfully! now here a sample amc move log line where it does not really move (copy+del), filebot job all good (rename and "move" to proper location) [MOVE] from [/media/watch/my.movie/my.movie.mkv] to [/media/output/HDDVDR/my movie (2019)/my movie (2019) - 2160p .mkv] so from /media/watch/... to /media/output/... which looks ok mounted to me for a proper move so i tested a hardlink which only works inside one FS, from the cmd line in docker shell ~ # ls -la /media/watch/test/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 22 Jan 5 08:15 . drwxrwxrwx 4 app users 32 Jan 5 08:15 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10737418240 Jan 5 07:46 testfile ~ # ln /media/watch/test/testfile /media/output/testlink ln: failed to create hard link '/media/output/testlink' => '/media/watch/test/testfile': Cross-device link ~ # so that didnt work out so i made some more changes in variables and mount points (removed the rest as its all the same) -e 'AMC_INPUT_DIR'='/media/Temp' -e 'AMC_OUTPUT_DIR'='/media' -v '/mnt/user':'/storage':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/Temp/':'/media/Temp':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Media/':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/FileBot':'/config':'rw' which results in [MOVE] from [/media/Temp/my.movie/my.movie.mkv] to [/media/HDDVDR/my movie (2019)/my movie (2019) - 2160p .mkv] still copy and del instead instant move ... and hardlinking ... ~ # ls -la /media/Temp/test/ total 52428804 drwxrwxrwx 2 app users 22 Jan 5 09:05 . drwxrwxrwx 4 app users 32 Jan 5 09:05 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 app users 53687091200 Jan 5 08:53 testfile ~ # ln /media/Temp/test/testfile /media/HDDVDR/testlink ln: failed to create hard link '/media/HDDVDR/testlink' => '/media/Temp/test/testfile': Cross-device link ~ # so actually im pretty much out of ideas what i made wrong also made a test with a custom named folder like /newmedia ... same end. may u have another idea why docker thinks "cross-device" ... thanks ahead
  22. ok, after adding this still the same ... i tried to move a large file like mv /media/output/HDDVDR/My\ Movie\ (2019\)/ /media/watch/ its still a copy and not a instant move ...
  23. besides the extra /media mount point yes, i did all, cause /media already exists in the container and /media/watch and /media/output are in there i thought im fine, i ll add another path now and see if that fixes it, thanks for the tipp for now, i ll report back.
  24. Hi, of course its the same disk when moving over disks its obvious ... its my cache drive which is an nvme, so i only realise this on large files ... internal pathes are set to /media/watch and /media/output meanwhile, but ended up in the same result i found the original docker and thread about this issue which was fixed then, may it helps ... https://github.com/coppit/docker-filebot/issues/15
  25. made another test now, its working to move but sadly same behaviour, copy and del instead real move [amc] [MOVE] from [/media/watch/my.movie.here.2160p.UHD.BluRay.HDR.x265.REMUX-JJ/my.movie.here.DTSHD.DL.2160p.UHD.BluRay.HDR.x265.REMUX-JJ.mkv] to [/media/output/HDDVDR/my.movie.here (2019)/my.movie.here (2019) - 2160p .mkv] [amc] Processed 1 files so also as /media/.... aint working properly, just as note also not when moving manually inside docker, its not instant.
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