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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Try to disable it for at least 30 minutes and then try to restart thr container once more please. What you also can try is to restart thr host itself. I'm really not too familiar with modding ARK maybe @Cyd has a clue. Sent from my C64
  2. Yes, this is a little odd, now that the drivers are loaded again on boot with 6.10.0+ I can't "reload" or better speaking unload and load the module again in Intel GPU TOP and I really don't want to automatically create the blacklist file on boot...
  3. Hast du Sonderzeichen im Passwort? Wird in RC3 gefixt.
  4. This is completely correct Intel 11th Gen Core processors usually have 12th Gen Intel Graphics (I think it's UHD 750) built in. Intel GPU TOP shows the generation from the iGPU and not from the CPU. Hope that makes sense to you.
  5. That's also not correct, it's not unRAID it's the Kernel itself who doesn't support it fully.
  6. Exactly, that's caused because the module is loaded by unRAID on boot (with no or better speaking no probe added) you would need to blacklist the module, than Intel GPU TOP should be able to load the module just fine. Hope that makes sense to you.
  7. Do you also have to add this if you are booting with Intel GPU TOP, if yes, you might be on 6.10.0-rc2 or am I wrong?
  8. I think that's caused because Forge needs a lower Java version (I think it is 11) than the vanilla Minecraft server (uses 16), you can change the version by simply changing the value in the template: If you already got a running instance of the container do the following: Stop the container Go to the minecraft folder that lives in your appdata directory Delete the folder "runtime" Go to the template, click "Show more settings ..." and change the value from the screenshot above Start the container Every time you change the Java version version you need to remove the "runtime" folder.
  9. Please answer the question from above, have you any AdBlocking software somewhere in your network installed or something like Unbound? If you remove the container that will change nothing, you will have to remove the entire game to actually pull a new update. Also don't forget to unset force update because this will make the game start times much more slower. I think it's some kind of network related issue, otherwise more people would have this issue. Have you yet checked if your client ARK version is up to date? Maybe try to also validate the game files.
  10. ich777

    fritz exporter

    Mein plugin nutzt die executable aus einem Docker eigentlich ziemlich genau diese aus dem Screenshot den du gepostet hast. Sieh dir doch mal die Plugin Support Seite von meinem Plugin an, dort stehen auch die grafana Dashboard ID's. Das Hauptproblem ist jedoch das es nicht auf allen Fritzboxen getestet ist und evtl. nicht auf jeder funktioniert.
  11. Have you tried to switch to Q31-6.1 yet? Sent from my C64
  12. @Skrumpy hasn't responded yet if the perfomance hit is real since strictly speaking the Chipset is emulated and the VM doesn't even know that it's running on an AMD Chipset. Sent from my C64
  13. Lösch mal deinen Anmeldespeicher in Windows für die Netzwerkfreigaben, starte danach Windows neu und versuch dich dann zu verbinden: Klick
  14. Heißt der Benutzer von der Freigabe und auf Windows gleich? Wenn ja, stell sicher das du das Passwort der Freigabe in unRAID mit dem Windows Passwort gleich setzt.
  15. I think those temps are pretty normal, maybe if you hit it with a AVX load it would ramp up a bit more but I don't think this is a real world scenario where AVX hammers the CPU. Air coolers are not that different to a AiO nowadays and they work pretty well while keeping the CPU cool.
  16. This looks like a Plex related error and I simply can't help. You are trying this from a PC or better speaking from a Web Client or am I wrong? Try it instead from a mobile device where the Plex app is installed, had this exact same issues in the past and this is related to the Browser/WebClient. If you are willing to test you can try and install my Jellyfin container and pass through your GPU and enable HW transcoding there (how-to is in the second post from this thread).
  17. Führ bitte mal folgendes aus: du -sh /mnt/cache/*/
  18. Should it run hotter? On my 10600 I can reach temperatures as high as 64C. As far as I know CoreFreq doesn't support logging the frequencies and the temperature, maybe you can create a Github Issue and maybe @CyrIng can look into it if he can add it so that a file is created that logs frequencies and temperatures.
  19. The version of Handbrake that is available in the CA App does not support NVENC.
  20. Wäre hier das ASUS Pro B560M-C/CSM eine alternative? Soweit ich weiß unterstützt es zwar keinen ECC RAM aber das müsste man wohl probieren da der IMC sich auf der CPU befindet.
  21. From what I see in the logs you configured everything correctly. You've cut the Plex log a little to early, what does it say after it probed NVENC? So the GPU is called only for a short time amd then goes to idle if I understamd that right? Pleasy check if you have Throttle transcoding turned on in Plex, if yes this is a pretty normal behaviour since it transcodes a few minutes ahead and if the buffer runs empty it transcodes again a few minutes ahead and so on... Sent from my C64
  22. Do you run any AdBlocking software on your network? Plese try again to restart the container in a few hours, some users report such an issue but is solved automatically whem they try it again after a few hours. Don't know the exact reason and why some users are affected by this and some not. Sent from my C64
  23. Wie sieht es jetzt mit der auslastung aus? Sent from my C64
  24. Drück aif die blaue schrift Cache und dann siehst du einen button, bitte machs doch über die GUI.
  25. Hast du schon mal einen scrub durchgeführt? Evtl. versuch auch unRAID nochmal neu zu starten wenn das nichts hilft.
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