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Everything posted by Energen

  1. So I basically understand what you want to do, but I don't think what you want to do is possible... at least not exactly how you want it. The only thing I can think of that would sort of give you want you want is to have the same (user) share on two different disks. And then you access them by the disk share (only) and not the user share. This could get kind of messy. So instead of /mnt/user/BookShare/Author you'd use /mnt/disk1/BookShare/Author --- remote backup share /mnt/disk2/BookShare/Author ---- no remote backup and both "versions" would be listed through SMB in the user share /BookShare/ for read only access, and the disk shares for write access... you would want the user share read only at all times because if you start writing to user shares and disk shares you can run into versioning problems. This is not the recommended way to use Unraid shares. Also, let me pose this to you --- is your main problem here the ability of Ubooquity to display the contents of both paths? Since by default it has /books and /comics but you have two different physical paths that you want displayed under /books, correct? That's really the only thing you're trying to solve? That's a lot easier ............................... Edit your Ubooquity docker container to add the second path. So you have /books, /comics, and /unsynced_books_path which maps to whatever path you have. Then, if you are using the standard Ubooquity ports, go to the admin page at ip:2203/ubooquity/admin and under the Books tab add the new path /unsynced_books_path as a shared path and save. Now all the books from /books (your backed up path) and /unsynced_books_path (your non-backed up path) are now displayed under the Books category in Ubooquity. And I think that's what you are actually trying to achieve.
  2. A lot of bad things happen when the cache is full, and even though it's supposed to fall back to writing to the array (depending on how the share is set up) I've definitely ran into problems with a full cache drive. So that could have something to do with it. Double check all your share cache settings and make sure they are writing to cache first and to the array if the cache is full. For example, whichever share you have your downloads going to you would probably want to be set to Cache: Yes. This implies the fall back writing to the array if cache is full. As for moving the Plex data... well, the only thing Plex does to the media is create the thumbnails / metadata for the file. So all of that metadata could get to be quite large, which goes back to the size of your cache drive, but it's not like it's creating a duplicate of the actual media file. In either case, you don't 'need' any of the Plex data on the cache drive. I don't really think it makes a difference if the metadata is on the faster cache drive or a slower spinning drive. The files are so small that it's irrelevant. So consider just creating a Plex data share to use instead of appdata on the cache drive and have that share not use cache. Similarly, let's say that the amount of data being downloaded at once was the cause of your problem, you could create a downloads share specific for SABnzbd or whatever tool does your downloading and have that share not on cache also. It's unlikely that you need to use the cache drive for downloads, you're not going to affect the speed of the download by writing to the array directly, I doubt your internet is that fast. All in all, if you've had multiple problems with Unraid then I think you might need to re-evaluate how you're operating on Unraid. You 'might' be doing something wrong
  3. Well yeah that's generally what the restore is for... restoring an entire appdata that was lost. You can extract specific folders though to restore manually as it's only a fancy zip file. You only need the files from appdata\plex\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Databases So I don't know what your process was but here's what I would do to exhaust all options --- before totally freaking out on Unraid for no reason, since it was some kind of error with Plex updating apparently. Stop Plex container. Drop in files from backup archive to plex appdata Start Plex container. Check if it works. If yes... great. If not... repeat with another set of backup files from an older date. The only problem is I don't know if plex does anything to the database on a version update... say for example they added a data field for something.. so the latest version attempts to access the old database and doesn't find what it's looking for..... I don't think they would do that since it would automatically break all old databases but you never know... so you might have to try and roll back your plex container to an older version, if it's possible, using version tags. Did you look at the link I posted for repairing a corrupt database? You might have to play around with that also. Lots of manual work. Or you kill it all and delete the config and start fresh.
  4. I love .... software .... as much as the next person but I'm not sure how much help limetech would want anyone to give you on this specific problem since not only was the "customer" using a cracked version of their product, but also doesn't seem to really want to purchase a legitimate license. If everything you are saying is true and you are in a tech support role and are billing a client, then I'd strongly suggest that you just buy a license and charge the customer for it since any legitimate tech support would not mess around with cracked software and such. It's the cost of doing business. There's no "if it works I'll buy a license", if they want their system restored they need legit software. That's how you should approach things. A "very good client" should not be against $59 for a basic license. But enough of me telling you how to do things.. But to answer your questions.. a basic license covers 6 devices, so if you have 5 then it should work. You only need the contents of the config directory. This is not generally recommended but I did it last week to defrag my USB disk since I was getting errors in my syslog --- just unplug the USB from the Unraid server and plug it into another system.. and see if you have access to the drive that way. I defragged mine and put it back into my Unraid server and had no problems. Just don't "do" anything on the Unraid server while the usb is removed. Alternatively, if the flash drive was ever set up to be a shared folder, you could try accessing it via SMB (such as \\unraid\flash). But since you apparently have a backup, you can use that to restore to a properly licensed usb drive with the config folder. Just remove any previous invalid license files (trial.key, basic.key, pro.key, etc). If all that fails for some reason, I believe the Unraid wiki has info on what files you REALLY need to restore Unraid... something about super.dat maybe, and disk locations... apps/plugins/dockers can all be recreated with some work.
  5. I think your problem might be that you're using 444 as the port for nextcloud, and not 443.. everything else is set for 443. Put nextcloud on 443 and try that.
  6. Go to the Apps page, select Previous Apps from the menu, and delete any old apps that you don't want to see any more. This removes them from the docker template dropdown also.
  7. Have you 'stopped' the container and restarted it, to see if it's stuck in some kind of boot loop? My Plex is up to date, don't know when the last update was, but is working fine. Some other things you can try ... painfully go through the logs in /mnt/user/appdata/<plex>/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs and try to determine what the error is. Plex Media Server.log 1/2/3/4/5 is probably what you need to look at. Double check that your Plex docker config did not get changed somehow and that the /config mount point is still mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/<plex> And if all that fails, it's likely that you have a corrupted database.. so you could try to fix it https://support.plex.tv/articles/201100678-repair-a-corrupt-database/ or delete your /config directory and let Plex rebuild everything.
  8. The only thing that is different is my files is that I don't have the port on that first address. Mine is simply 0 => '', (my unraid network IP). A "domain" isn't going to be limited to a specific port, so not sure why it's even in the example file. Everything else is the same in my 2 files.. so it's either that, or something else with how you've configured your dockers.
  9. Plex has to build your library, as it's telling you so in your first image. So... wait until it's finished.
  10. I appreciate your level of concern with the moving process, and perhaps it is the "right" way to do it (more on that in a second) but I think you are going overboard with the need to dismantle everything and reassemble it when you get to your house. You didn't mention how the server is being moved, driven, mailed, flown, etc, and it doesn't really matter since it's really all the same. Why are you going to remove all the hard drives? To protect them from bumping around in transit inside the case? Removing them protects them any more... how, exactly? When the drive is powered off the head is locked in it's resting position. Nothing you do to wrap, insulate, or otherwise try to protect the drive is going to be any different than if it was still inside the case and gets a jolt from a drop/bang. If you have a drive wrapped up in a box and you drop the box, the shock is the same either way. Aside from your over caution, I think you're good to go. Unraid will get the new ip from your router's dhcp and I believe everything else in unraid will reflect accordingly.
  11. The only thing I meant by server/consumer hardware was the difference in processor families. Xeon vs Core, and what each offers you in terms of features and cost. I personally am probably going to get a Xeon E-2246G when I get around to upgrading my server. Why? Has good enough benchmarks (to me), is an upgrade to my current Pentium, and is priced around what I want to pay for a CPU. It fits with my "server hardware" build for a motherboard with IPMI. But it's only a 6 core CPU, which is more than I currently have, but not as "cool" as one with 8-10-12 cores, and it has iGPU which I may not even need/use, and has 80W TDP (I'm mindful of a power hog system). If I compare my choice with a modern consumer i9-10900k clearly I can see that i9 outperforms at nearly 2x the cost and has more cores https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-Xeon-E-2246G-vs-Intel-i9-10900K/3523vs3730 I'm not sure if I'm choosing to go the correct route with my hardware choices, and that's why I haven't bought anything yet. A more modern "server" grade CPU will easily run into the $1000's so by comparison maybe a recent Core CPU would be better. Don't be confused by the word "server".. you don't need a "server rack" for anything. Any ATX/mATX board will fit into whatever case you are using. Most mid/full size tower cases will accommodate multiple gpu's and pci cards so I wouldn't be too concerned about that until you actually ran out of space. If you wanted to use a server rack for something then you can. If you have a place to put one. There's all kinds of sizes and styles. I didn't find anything that really suited what I wanted so I ended up building an IKEA Lack Rack (a mod of Ikea Lack end tables) so there's always other options if you have the desire to go that route.
  12. In the docker configuration, see at the bottom where it says Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label, or Device? ................................ replicate Host Path 3 which is the normal Plex /data directory that houses all the media, which you don't have. Add a path for /Movies, /TV, /Music and set accordingly to your shares. Then in Plex they will be accessed by those paths. You can set them as read only also if you prefer.
  13. There's nothing here that's so crazy that it would need it's own specific build... you want to do the same as everyone else, basically. And it sounds like you already know what you want. Intel with iGPU is probably easiest.. you just need to figure out if you want to go with server grade hardware or consumer grade hardware. Server ... Xeon E-whatever, Consumer, i5/i7/i9-whatever. At least 32GB RAM I'd suggest, and if it's in the budget then 64GB would be good to start with. An SSD cache drive or two, and any extra hard drives you want to start out with and you're done. You can get some build ideas from these guys...
  14. You can do it any way you want, it's your computer. I probably wouldn't use krusader though, I'd just use SMB shares.
  15. Unless someone is already using Plex for other things, I don't imagine someone would pay for a Plex Pass just to use Plex amp...
  16. You don't make anything happen "in unraid", and you don't browse websites through unraid. What are you using to access this forum right now? Windows? So why would you run a Windows VM? On Unraid, install the ruTorrent docker, and for whichever web browser you use get yourself an addon to send the torrents from your Windows that you're using right now to the rutorrent docker. You may need to fiddle around a bit to get it to work as I've only sent torrents to remote rutorrent clients, not on my unraid server. For Chrome, I used Remote Torrent Adder, and there's also Dediseedbox Torrent Uploader and Xirvik .torrent to seedbox uploader that also work. For Firefox I use Torrent to Web Alternately, you could just set up your current web browser to download torrent files to a watch directory that you configure in the ruTorrent docker and it will automatically load any downloaded torrents from there...
  17. license.txt is just the license agreement for using unraid, has nothing to do with your actual unraid license. when you get unraid started again if you have your previous license key (/config/basic.key or plus.key or pro.key) on the drive unraid will show that the license doesn't match the flash drive guid and you have to get a new license key. https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Changing_The_Flash_Device
  18. From what I've seen people posting, no problems with AMD and Unraid.. not to say that there may not be an issue here or there, just seems like nobody is having major problems. Never used Blue Iris so can't comment, but if you need some GPU ability for it then you might want to stick with what you know will work. Otherwise then yeah you might need more than one GPU if it needs a dedicated card and then you want GPU somewhere else also... that seems like it could get pretty messy.
  19. Everything looks good.. you picked out what you wanted so as long as you're happy with it. The 9211-8I card will work if it's flashed to IT mode. You can probably get one pre-flashed from eBay, or you can look for one that works with Unraid out of the box. This list is old(er) but it's a good starting point. https://wiki.unraid.net/Hardware_Compatibility#PCI_SATA_Controllers Then you just need some cables like this https://www.amazon.com/CableCreation-SFF-8087-Female-Controller-Backplane/dp/B013G4EMH8/ I don't see a power supply listed, so I assume you've chosen one that's just not on your list.... otherwise you'll have everything plugged it but no power Now to throw the obligatory wrench into things.. since you mentioned you were happy to be talked out of it ........ what made you settle on Intel rather than AMD? Comparatively speaking a Ryzen 9 3900X will offer you 2 more cores, less power consumption/TDP, $100 cheaper, and probably get you an option for ECC RAM if you wanted that (you'd need that $100 savings to make up for the extra cost of ECC), and maybe even better performance on some levels. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/AMD-Ryzen-9-3900X-vs-Intel-i9-10900K/3493vs3730
  20. When you originally were looking at buying Unraid, and went to the pricing page, you read "If your USB Flash boot device fails, you can transfer your registration key to a new USB Flash device initially at any time, and subsequently up to once per year." in the details. When you read the wiki page about replacing a flash drive so that you knew how the process was done, you read "You may replace your original registration key at any time. Having replaced your key once, you may next replace your key after a further period of 12 months. Should you need to replace it again within that 12 month period, then please send an email to [email protected] to discuss your options." Oh, you didn't read any of that? You did "a LOT" of reading about USB3 but didn't check on the procedure to change your flash drive? Do you see where I'm going with this? How I manage my flash drive ... I run a user script daily to backup my drive to a Dropbox path. I also don't change my flash drive.
  21. Actually your issue may be something totally different ..... all of a sudden my syncthing has stopped working and I cannot get them to connect.. Not sure when Syncthing updated to 1.7.1 or if that's the problem but I cannot get my 2 machines to connect, and I've changed nothing since they were working. Edit -- Yes indeed, I rolled back my docker version to linuxserver/syncthing:v1.6.1-ls37 and it instantly worked again. Something changed leading up to the most recent 1.7.1 that broke the container. Not sure what it could be though.
  22. By the sounds of it there wouldn't be anything "local" when separating machines by using 2 routers. Each router has it's own network and would only be "local" to it's own network. Why don't you want to add one of them as a remote device? Takes the guessing out of it.
  23. Pretty much the same across all systems. Unraid: /appdata/<plex>/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases Windows: "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Databases" Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/ Linux: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/ And then obviously all the other metadata folders if one wanted to copy it all.
  24. I'll only comment that according to Plex, the db is the same across all filesystems. So you should be able to take a linux db and use it on Windows and back on linux again and vice versa and here there to, in perpetuity, for ever and ever.
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