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Everything posted by jpowell8672

  1. The unRAID Amazon server is not connecting. Could be something changed that needs to be addressed or you have something like firewall blocking.
  2. It's easier and more successful to use non matching cards when using more than one Gfx card for passthrough. AMD Gfx cards have had more issues lately but the newest 6.8rc's have the patch to fix the problem now.
  3. This is a known issue and is fixed in the new 6.8.0rc's
  4. I would just create a fresh docker image and go from there then.
  5. You never even answered these questions to be able to properly help you.
  6. Can't help you with so little info, post your current vm xml, screenshot of your vm template, syslinux config, Tools>System Devices & Tools>Diagnostics.
  7. If you wanted to start fresh you could stop docker service and delete docker image. Start docker service which will then create a new fresh docker image. Goto Apps - Previous Apps and install your apps fresh which will retain all your settings and info from your Appdata. Then you have a fresh clean docker image.
  8. Settings>Docker - Disable Docker - Advanced view. Increase the size and reenable docker. Apply
  9. No drivers to install in Unraid. Problem may have to do with it having dual alike audio onboard(first time seeing a board with dual audio onboard). Tools>System Devices what is iommu group(s) for the onboard audio?
  10. Not your xml, Unraid's Syslinux configuration. Goto MAIN>Flash - Syslinux configuration - Unraid OS - Add vfio-pci.ids=10de:1ad8,10de:1ad9
  11. Did you try replacing the cable? If using only a single cache drive, I suggest xfs instead of btrfs.
  12. Try removing the plex docker & image then reinstall plex with in version.
  13. They are still applicable. Here are some more:
  14. You may have to use the actual tag number: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plex/tags
  15. It should downgrade if you put the plex version number, hit apply & then restart the container.
  16. Also you can pass the usb through by adding vfio-pci.ids=10de:1ad8,10de:1ad9 to your syslinux config for them to show up in the VM template in unRAID.
  17. I have Nvidia RTX card also and I just set ACS to both which split them into there own seperate iommu groups and has worked great.
  18. Yes, in docker settings change latest to previous version number to downgrade.
  19. Yes https://support.plex.tv/articles/115002178853-using-hardware-accelerated-streaming/
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