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Posts posted by Alphacosmos

  1. Morning all,


    Woke up to a failed disk this morning. Opened a case and had a drive clicking horribly and then went to check a connector and snapped the sata connector on another drive.


    So 2x stuffed HDD....

    Is there anyway to recover some data from the array.....

    I still have the parity and 5 good disks. 

    One of the drives only had 1tb of data so im happy to write that off. 





  2. Overview: Support for Officelife

    Application: Officelife

    GitHub: httphttps://github.com/officelifehq/officelife/blob/main/docs/img/company.png

    Documentation: https://docs.officelife.io/documentation/introduction.html#what-is-officelife



    If a company wants to have a complete 360 view of what’s happening inside its walls, it needs to buy and configure a lot of tools. There is a tool for every specific aspect of a company: HR, project management, time tracking, holidays and time offs, team management, One on Ones,... There isn't a software available today, that combine all of them together in a simple way.

    Not only buying and configuring all those software is a time-consuming process, but it also costs a lot of money - especially for smaller companies with a limited budget. Moreover, most of the SAAS out there have a let's-call-us-and-talk-for-an-hour-before-you-can-see-what-the-pricing-will-look-like-for-you policy, which most people hate and that we refuse to follow.

    We've created OfficeLife to provide a single source of truth for everything an employee does.

    OfficeLife has the following features, in 5 major domains:

    👋 Recruit

    Applicant tracking system

    Onboarding / offboarding (coming soon)

    🥸 Manage

    Employee management

    Team management

    Company management

    👷‍♀️ Operate

    Time tracking

    PTOs (ie holidays and time offs) (coming soon)

    Expenses management

    Hardware and software licenses

    Project management

    ☎️ Communicate

    Work logs

    Recent ships

    Team and company news

    Get to know your colleagues


    🥳 Grow Employee and team morale

    One on Ones

    Rate your manager


    Objectives Key Results (OKR) (coming soon)


    Discipline cases


    • Like 1
  3. Hey All,


    Im trying a get a custom web server running with swag and i'm having some dramas upstanding the documentation so i was wondering if i could get some help..

    I have set up multiple reverse proxies but never hosted my own html.


    I have created a .html file id like to host with my own sub-domain. As far as i understand i should move my html files into /config/www folder and in site-confs folder i should have a config file that points to said config/www folder. Within said conf file I should have which subdomain swag should be pointing too. 


    Im not really sure if im missing anything or if my config file is correct or not. 


    Does anyone have any guides or documentation that could help.





  4. On 6/15/2020 at 8:20 AM, ich777 said:

    @TexasDave, @Ramiii, @MowMdown, @Jus, @Marshalleq, @suyac, @monstahnator, @scottc, @Alphacosmos, @mkfelidae, @sjaak


    Beta Plugin is out right now:


    Please feel free to test and report back if something is wrong or not properly working. ;)

    Yeah got it going nice work man. How would i amend the docker to work with the new 6.9 beta 22 that released a few hours ago. Id love to test the pools

  5. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    You can do that by setting CUSTOM_MODE to 'true'.

    The container will then copy the build script and also the DVB patch file to the main directory and you can edit it there and add or remove things, then you can simply run it. ;)

    (You also have to remove the first condition because the script stops if CUSTOM_MODE is set to 'true', this will be fixed in the next few days so that you don't have to do that manually)

    See thats amazing as well. I think alot of people are going to be using this and you have saved people alot of time. Thank you!

  6. 10 hours ago, aptalca said:

    Either your IP is incorrect, or you have port forwarding issues.


    Also, you really don't need to create multiple domains on duckdns. Create one, use that as the url here, and everything else will be a sub-subdomain. For example, you register mycustom as your duckdns subdomain, so you'll put "mycustom.duckdns.org" into url, and put "nextcloud,sonarr,sabnzbd" into subdomains and your services will be accessible at "nextcloud.mycustom.duckdns.org".


    See here to troubleshoot the port/IP issue: https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/

    Thanks for the troubleshooting guide. I gave it a go but it seems my ports are configured correctly. when i ran the Nginx docker with worked fine. It must be something to do with the the file it cant locate. I have tried removing lets encrypt and retrying a few times. Same error

  7. Hey All,


    Having an Issue....not sure why im getting this fail.  Pretty sure my ports are right. what is :/mnt/mtd/WebSites/.well and where and how do i fix this :s


    _ ()
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    Brought to you by linuxserver.io
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    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
    using keys found in /config/keys
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 50-config: executing...
    Variables set:
    [email protected]

    2048 bit DH parameters present
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    Only subdomains, no URL in cert
    Sub-domains processed are: -d aquillacomputingsystems.duckdns.org -d aquillacomputingsystemsbitwarden.duckdns.org -d aquillacomputingsystemsnextcloud.duckdns.org -d aquillacomputingsystemsombi.duckdns.org
    E-mail address entered: [email protected]
    http validation is selected
    Generating new certificate
    Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
    Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None
    Obtaining a new certificate
    Performing the following challenges:
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystems.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsbitwarden.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsnextcloud.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsombi.duckdns.org
    Waiting for verification...
    Challenge failed for domain aquillacomputingsystems.duckdns.org
    Challenge failed for domain aquillacomputingsystemsbitwarden.duckdns.org
    Challenge failed for domain aquillacomputingsystemsnextcloud.duckdns.org
    Challenge failed for domain aquillacomputingsystemsombi.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystems.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsbitwarden.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsnextcloud.duckdns.org
    http-01 challenge for aquillacomputingsystemsombi.duckdns.org
    Cleaning up challenges
    Some challenges have failed.
    - The following errors were reported by the server:

    Domain: aquillacomputingsystems.duckdns.org
    Type: unauthorized
    Detail: Invalid response from
    []: "<html>\r\n<head><title>Cross
    Error</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n404:Not found\r\n<p>Cross
    couldn't find this file:/mnt/mtd/WebSites/.well"

    Domain: aquillacomputingsystemsbitwarden.duckdns.org
    Type: unauthorized
    Detail: Invalid response from
    []: "<html>\r\n<head><title>Cross
    Error</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n404:Not found\r\n<p>Cross
    couldn't find this file:/mnt/mtd/WebSites/.well"

    Domain: aquillacomputingsystemsnextcloud.duckdns.org
    Type: unauthorized
    Detail: Invalid response from
    []: "<html>\r\n<head><title>Cross
    Error</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n404:Not found\r\n<p>Cross
    couldn't find this file:/mnt/mtd/WebSites/.well"

    Domain: aquillacomputingsystemsombi.duckdns.org
    Type: unauthorized
    Detail: Invalid response from
    []: "<html>\r\n<head><title>Cross
    Error</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n404:Not found\r\n<p>Cross
    couldn't find this file:/mnt/mtd/WebSites/.well"

    To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
    entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
    contain(s) the right IP address.
    ERROR: Cert does not exist! Please see the validation error above. The issue may be due to incorrect dns or port forwarding settings. Please fix your settings and recreate the container





  8. My favorite feature about unraid is just the webui and how much flexability the OS has. 

    If i could add a feature, it would be a package or installer to add drivers to the OS for ease of device passthrough into dockers or VM's. Obviously that increases the size of the OS but i think unraid is at that point that it needs to be an option at least. 

    Keep up the good work and i look forward to multiple pool support in the future releases.

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