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** VIDEO GUIDE - How to Easily Dump a vBIOS from any GPU directly from the Server for passthrough

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  • 1 month later...

the script doesn't work anymore.... it is already bound to vfio. passthrough is working fine, but it keeps saying tat rombar is not enabled in bios so i figured getting the vbios might help it work better. oh well.


"Okay dumping vbios file named GeForce RTX 3090 to the location /mnt/user/isos/vbios/
cat: rom: Input/output error

Um.... somethings gone wrong and I couldn't dump the vbios for some reason
Sometimes when this happens all we need to do to fix this is 'stub' or 'bind to the vfio' the gpu and reboot the server

This can be done in Unraid 6.8.3 with the use of the vfio config plugin or if you are on Unraid 6.9 or above it can be done
directly from the gui in Tools/System Devices .....So please do this and run the script again"

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Information and method is appreciated, but could we please get the instructions also be provided in text form, so as not to sit/skip through 11min video?  More of a general request/observation w/ Spaceinvader post(s) in general.

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  • 2 months later...

@SpaceInvaderOne Would you be able to offer some advice regarding an issue that seems to be occurring with a number of people who've attempted this recently (and posted here). Something in unRAID has no doubt changed, as it seems very coincidental that numerous reports of the same error. Relevant or not, in my case i'm attempting to dump an iGPU from 5600G.



Primary GPU - VFIO bound:


286: Removing the temp vm
287: Domain 'dumpvbios' has been undefined
//Arbitrary code
298: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Dump_GPU_BIOS/script: line 298: rom: Permission denied
300: Okay dumping vbios file named 5600G.rom to the location /mnt/user/isos/vbios/
301: cat: rom: No such file or directory || needtobind
//Arbitrary code
307: Um.... somethings gone wrong and I couldn't dump the vbios for some reason

^ The extended & annotated output of the error.


The issue seems to be 'Permissions' on file rom ...

With Line 298: echo 1 > rom - Permission Denied

& at Line 301: cat rom > "$vbioslocation""$vbiosname" - No such file


From breaking it down, it's attempting to write to a file that doesn't exist (either on purpose or accidental).

However, in either case "permission denied" is issued when attempting to edit any file/folder new or existing within: 

Line 297: cd /sys/bus/pci/devices/"$dumpid"/ 

So it's got me a bit confuzzled on even working out a line of troubleshooting from here!


I, and others, would certainly appreciate you taking a moment to assist us with this matter.


Thanks SpaceInvader!


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On 3/19/2024 at 8:55 AM, Jcloud said:

Information and method is appreciated, but could we please get the instructions also be provided in text form, so as not to sit/skip through 11min video?  More of a general request/observation w/ Spaceinvader post(s) in general.

Two lines below that 11min video, is a link to the GitHub repo with precisely what your request/observation is requesting/observing. This is also linked to from the YouTube video "description" section.

So you're null and void here, and personally i find your general request downright rude and offensive towards a man who's done so much for the unRAID community, out of his own time, yet somehow your think you time is more important and precious. Look before you leap, and if you're not happy with the information the community has to offer, you can always pay for support directly from unRAID next time you need something obvious pointed out for you.

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