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Having two issues. Mover hangs and the server won't reboot

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So I tried to write a 1GB file via dd to disk9. It was still writing about 10 minutes later. I ran an xfs_repair to see if it would find anything and got nothing. SMART all checks out okay. Obviously, I've pulled that drive. Is there anything I can attempt to do to the drive, other than try to get a warranty repair on it?

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So I put a new drive in there and its still running very slowly. The new drive is SMR as well, but the rebuild is running at about 250 KB/sec. Since its using the same SAS cable as the old drive, could that channel on the cable be bad? I'm not seeing any CRC errors...

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Yes, they do.


The parity rebuild has now sped up to about 40MB/sec. I think that's because it's gotten to the empty portion of the drive. If the times are correct, it will be about 2.5 days for parity to rebuild the drive.


I'd love to try another cable for the drive, but obviously that would start everything back over.

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38 minutes ago, flyize said:

The parity rebuild has now sped up to about 40MB/sec. I think that's because it's gotten to the empty portion of the drive. If the times are correct, it will be about 2.5 days for parity to rebuild the drive

The fact that the drive is empty should be irrelevant to a parity check/rebuild - it simply processes every sector on the drive in turn regardless of its contents.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey guys having major issues with the mover process. it seems to keep hanging and the only thing I can see in its logging is "move: stat: cannot statx xxxxxxxxxx cannot be found" it would apprear that after a while the "find" process then disappears for from the open files plugin but the move button is still grayed out.

Mover seems to be a pretty buggy. I have been struggling to move everything off my cache drives to change them out with the mover and have had to resort to doing it manually as the mover keeps stalling or getting hung up on something.

No disc activity or cache activity happens

This does not seem to directly related to any particular type of file or file in general as it has happened or stalled on quite a number of different appdata files/ folders.

I'm happy to help out trying to improve the mover however I am limited time wise. :(

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16 hours ago, IronBeardKnight said:

struggling to move everything off my cache drives

Nothing can move open files. You have to Disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings to get everything moved.


Also, mover won't replace files, so if something already exists on the array it won't be moved from cache. You will have to see which copy you want to keep and clean that up yourself. Dynamix File Manager can help with this.


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