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Moving drives from old version to new version unRAID.

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On 4/23/2021 at 10:12 AM, Frank1940 said:


Yes.    The owner should be 'nobody' and the group S/B 'users'.   The 'New Permissions' Tool/script will fix all of these!




Thank you Frank, 'New Permissions' did the trick. Now for a bit of a curve ball.

I was able to get all of my data from each disk from my old array into the new using the "Unassigned Disk" option you mentioned early on. One of the disks, last of the old array, is not mounting. I assume it's because I tried viewing the files on a Windows machine. Any way, I have 3 out of the 4 transferred over, so I'm happy for that. 

Here is what I was hoping to do. Build a new USB boot disk with a trial license. Install the old array drives, I have the correct order marked on each drive. And see about getting disk #4 to re-build from parity. 


Do you see this as an option?

Edited by ChipBuffalo
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45 minutes ago, ChipBuffalo said:

Do you see this as an option?


Absolutely, the parity calculation (for parity1)  has been logically identical for many years.*  I will point out that the permissions on the directories and files was changed a few years back (between ver4.3 and ver6.9.2-- Primarily for security reasons!) so you will have to run the New Permissions on the entire array after you rebuild the disk.  If you run into any problems doing the rebuild (or following it), post back and there are several Gurus who can help to sort things out.  (One word of caution, if you get an prompt telling/requesting that a disk will be formatted, STOP!  Any formatted operation during a rebuild will result in data loss.)


*In fact, you could have done this from the beginning.  There are a lot of things that have to be considered during an upgrade from one major version to another but the data on the array between versions has always the smoothest part of the upgrade.  It is simply there when the upgrade is finished. 

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23 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

*In fact, you could have done this from the beginning.  There are a lot of things that have to be considered during an upgrade from one major version to another but the data on the array between versions has always the smoothest part of the upgrade.  It is simply there when the upgrade is finished. 


Thanks Frank, so I did get the old array into a new build with a trial license, and getting this on the dashboard:




On the Main tab, it says that when I start the array all the data will be overwritten. 




Just to be sure you know what I have done up to this point, with disks 1-3, I mounted as unassigned device and transferred most of the data over to the new array. Had I realized that one drive would not mount I would have copied the data, but for ease of knowing what was transferred over, I moved it all. 

Disk 4 still contains alot of things that I need to move over, but it won't mount so I have to rebuild from parity. Any thoughts on how to get this thing moving or should I start a new thread with JUST this query? 

Your help is much appreciated though. You guys here have gotten me through some very trying times. If in the end I only lose this disk, it is not the end of the world. 




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OK, at this point, a Diagnostics file will be needed:    Tools    >>>  Diagnostics     The file will be in the Downloads directory/folder of your web browser.  Attach the entire file to your next post. 


@JorgeB has indicated that he will give you a hand at this point.  Now, he is based in Europe so it may be tomorrow before he has an opportunity to reply.


Under no circumstances proceed any further until you hear back from him. 

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1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

OK, at this point, a Diagnostics file will be needed:    Tools    >>>  Diagnostics     The file will be in the Downloads directory/folder of your web browser.  Attach the entire file to your next post. 


@JorgeB has indicated that he will give you a hand at this point.  Now, he is based in Europe so it may be tomorrow before he has an opportunity to reply.


Under no circumstances proceed any further until you hear back from him. 

Got it, thank you again. 

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On 4/27/2021 at 12:52 AM, JorgeB said:

I wanted the diags showing disk4 failing to mount, to see what the issue was.


Oh shoot, sorry I misunderstood. I will have to get on that when I get back to my server. Been traveling for the last few days. I will get those new drives installed and put the drive back in. Do I run the same diags?

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4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

 post output of



fdisk -l /dev/sde


I think this is what you're asking for:


Linux 4.19.107-Unraid.
root@Tower:~# blkid
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sda1: LABEL="UNRAID" UUID="6633-DC5F" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="a00f78e9-01"
/dev/sdc1: UUID="4f123146-1983-40f4-afa9-d07f8d10eb84" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/sdd1: UUID="f7aa7eb6-8d2d-4410-b3a3-19ab21e42741" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/md1: UUID="4f123146-1983-40f4-afa9-d07f8d10eb84" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/md2: UUID="f7aa7eb6-8d2d-4410-b3a3-19ab21e42741" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/loop2: UUID="fe282841-a605-4197-a6c7-ae75561c1caa" UUID_SUB="3efaed71-d101-4009-8882-fb12a90e234a" TYPE="btrfs"
/dev/loop3: UUID="0062e231-125f-4344-995f-d4342fb7dc3f" UUID_SUB="dbecce4b-8a0d-46f3-bed2-5180acd529b5" TYPE="btrfs"
/dev/sdb1: PARTUUID="dc6418f5-b29d-465f-b07a-db11762a03a7"


root@Tower:~# fdisk -l /dev/sde
Disk /dev/sde: 931.53 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Disk model: ST31000333AS    
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Device     Boot Start        End    Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sde1          63 1953525167 1953525105 931.5G 83 Linux



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7 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

No valid filesystem is being detected but a partition does exist, post output of:


xfs_repair -nv /dev/sde1


root@Tower:~# xfs_repair -nv /dev/sde1
Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!!

attempting to find secondary superblock...
........................................... .............................................^C

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23 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Assuming that disk was xfs you can leave xfs_repair running to see if it finds a secondary superblock, it can take a few hours.


Hello JorgeB, looks like no luck here:


XFS-Repair returned this: "....Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock" 


Now let me ask you this, if the drive was not formatted XFS, is it toast? I didn't even consider that before I did the repair command. Not a huge issue, as I have regained 90% of what was on my original array. If it's gone it's gone. Mostly just have to find some old TV series and a few movies I lost. 



Either way, I sincerely appreciate your help. 





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9 minutes ago, ChipBuffalo said:

Now let me ask you this, if the drive was not formatted XFS, is it toast? I didn't even consider that before I did the repair command. Not a huge issue, as I have regained 90% of what was on my original array. If it's gone it's gone. Mostly just have to find some old TV series and a few movies I lost. 


You came from 4.3 and you have not formatted this drive since then-- correct?  In that case, it should be formatted with reiserfs. 

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11 minutes ago, ChipBuffalo said:


Hello JorgeB, looks like no luck here:


XFS-Repair returned this: "....Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock" 


Now let me ask you this, if the drive was not formatted XFS, is it toast? I didn't even consider that before I did the repair command. Not a huge issue, as I have regained 90% of what was on my original array. If it's gone it's gone. Mostly just have to find some old TV series and a few movies I lost. 



Either way, I sincerely appreciate your help. 





since you were coming from an old Unraid version then maybe the drive is in ReiserFS format so you would need to use reiserfsck rather than xfs_repair.    In either case do not forget to include the partition number as omitting that will cause the superblock not to be fund.


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