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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I'm getting permissions issues with the files downloaded. I've noticed people have also had similar issues in the past, but I was unable to find a definitive solution.


Just to be clear - I'm looking for a solution for future downloads to automatically have correct permissions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! TIA


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  • 1 month later...



i am trying to use metube behind a reverse proxy.

Since i don't want an unsecured metube instance on the web i am using nginx proxy manager and Organizr ServerAuth as a means to "secure" the instance.


(see ibracorb



Everything is working fine, except when i want to use the Firefox or Chrome addon to send videos to my instance of metube.


Since i am basically always redirecting traffic from my instance to my organizr for "authentication" it wont work out of the box when i configure the addons with my metube url.


What can i do / need to do to get the extensions to work?

Is there some kind of api key that can be used as exception for "authentication"

Is there another (proper?) way to get an authentication layer between metube and the internet?


Thanks for any input,




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  • 2 months later...
On 11/21/2021 at 3:24 PM, cdiv said:

If anyone's interested, here's the YTDL_OPTIONS string I'm using. It'll embed english subtitles and chapter markers (for videos that have them). It'll also fix the permissions on the downloaded video. (The downloaded subtitles file will be deleted, change already_have_subtitle to true to keep it)


This kinda works on youtube. tried it on different LTT videos with multiple official subtitles. when I get the file it has only one English sub, and it only lets me know the chapter names, not the proper subtitles.
Another thing. Is it possible to make it download all available subtitle languages? saw in the original documentation you could add --all-subs, but I can't seem to get anything to work. Not even getting the proper english subtitles.
Tried it with this video from LTT for testing since they have multiple language sound tracks and subtitle languages: www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-WFetQjifc


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2 hours ago, TheToillMainn said:

This kinda works on youtube. tried it on different LTT videos with multiple official subtitles. when I get the file it has only one English sub, and it only lets me know the chapter names, not the proper subtitles.
Another thing. Is it possible to make it download all available subtitle languages? saw in the original documentation you could add --all-subs, but I can't seem to get anything to work. Not even getting the proper english subtitles.
Tried it with this video from LTT for testing since they have multiple language sound tracks and subtitle languages: www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-WFetQjifc


Ok I got it working! was fairly straight forward. Every single subtitle language included:

"writesubtitles": true, 
"subtitleslangs": ["all", "-live_chat"], 
"postprocessors": [{"key": "Exec", "exec_cmd": "chmod 0664", "when":"after_move"}, 
{"key": "FFmpegEmbedSubtitle", "already_have_subtitle": false}, 
{"key": "FFmpegMetadata", "add_chapters": true}]

Now I need a way to include all the audio tracks. anyone have any idea how to? can't seem to find any documentation on that. at least not documentation I easily understand. 
I also can't get DELETE_FILE_ON_TRASHCAN to work. 

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Just checked out this today, really liked it, was looking for some specific dvd extras which I found on youtube and wanted to host locally on my plex server. I'm a bit of a sucker for behind the scenes stuff :)


I would just like to recommend a function, the ability to pre-fetch items in the playlist you're trying to download, and not start the download right away but rather let the user decide when to start the actual download.

I'm getting a lot of issues with ticking off selection boxes and out-of-memory errors for large playlists, resulting in not being able to remove unwanted items from the queue. Tried multiple browsers, though all are chromium based. 


Thank you for creating this docker though, it is really useful :)

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This maybe a dumb question. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the options variable to select h264. Recently all the video from YT download in V09 and no longer in 8bit 264. Since no GUI option when downloading, I tried looking up how to select this. All I got was the make a variable, which not sure did right, with the YTDL_OPTIONS as the key. I just have no idea how to pass the correct options to select h264 or set as default video format. Any help would be great.

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How do I get the timestamp of the downloaded video NOT to be the video upload/creation date?

If I download a video uploaded to Youtube a week ago, then the downloaded video has the creation timestamp set for that date.

I'd like to have the downloaded video to have the current (when it was downloaded) timestamp, so that I can easily sort the files in the download folder by date, descening order.

Is there a YTDL_OPTIONS setting for this?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/28/2023 at 3:36 AM, Vyperious said:

This maybe a dumb question. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the options variable to select h264. Recently all the video from YT download in V09 and no longer in 8bit 264. Since no GUI option when downloading, I tried looking up how to select this. All I got was the make a variable, which not sure did right, with the YTDL_OPTIONS as the key. I just have no idea how to pass the correct options to select h264 or set as default video format. Any help would be great.

Hi there just wondered if you have got this fixed. As I have been using METUBE for months and have had no problem with it was working great till about 4 days ago sometimes it won't download ad most of the time the video downloads and I can't play it says code H264 or 5 but it worked up topo a few days ago so just wondered if you had got this fixed thanks.

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On 7/18/2023 at 1:58 AM, Shady420 said:

Hi there just wondered if you have got this fixed. As I have been using METUBE for months and have had no problem with it was working great till about 4 days ago sometimes it won't download ad most of the time the video downloads and I can't play it says code H264 or 5 but it worked up topo a few days ago so just wondered if you had got this fixed thanks.

No unfortunately I hit Knowledge wall that I cannot surpass. It seams that being built on one project but not incorporating or modifying/using functions differently makes it difficult to understand how and what should and should not work with my limited knowledge. It is a great skin and interpretation of yt-dlp that is uses at it's core. Wish it had more granularity with options but asking someone else to add that because I cannot feels bad. If you find an alternative, please let know as I am looking for something to fit my needs.

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I set up MeTube and it's working fine. I just have issues with file naming.


Is there a way to have it just use the name of the video without the long ID# at the end?


Currently if I save a video I end up with this:

"LIVE | Congress holds UFO hearing [SpzJnrwob1A].mp4"


I'd like it to just save things like this:

"LIVE | Congress holds UFO hearing.mp4"




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7 hours ago, shaunvis said:

I have it set for %(title)s.%(ext)s


I assumed that would work since I don't have %(id)s in there, but it still adds the ID

I got it working somehow. I changed it to include the playlist tag, then changed it back to this and it works now.



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/19/2022 at 11:34 PM, Tonitram said:

So I figured out that the permissions issue is at the folder level,  it is fine at the file level.  When something is downloaded it creates a folder with the creators name and then the file inside is the video.  When I use Krusader to check the permissions the file is correct with read/write but the folder is read only.  Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to fix this.  I really want to use this program but unless I can get the permissions set correctly I wont be able too.  Thanks in advance.


It would be awesome if that issue could be fixed... Folders created by YT-DLP needs to have 777 permissions. This causes a lot of issues (like the "bin button" not working in the GUI for example).

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On 5/16/2022 at 7:00 AM, Updog said:

The umask is not set to unraid's expected 000 (or even 002) value in order to read/write these files, and defaults to the docker image's default 022.

Some containers in unraid use the UMASK variable for docker containers to change this, but manually adding this parameter to the template doesn't result in the umask actually being set to 000 or 002 since it's not built into the app.

According to https://codeyarns.com/tech/2017-07-21-how-to-set-umask-for-docker-container.html and https://forums.unraid.net/topic/32629-how-to-edit-a-dockerfile-locally/

the only way to go about this as-is would be to clone the MeTube repo locally, create a script which sets the umask to 000 when the container is run, then add that script in as the entrypoint of the local copy of the dockerfile.

Doing this obviously keeps you from updating the container from its remote repo, which stinks, so the above solution seems unreasonably hacky.

The current behavior is that the files created by MeTube are -rw-r--r-- when we'd hope they'd be -rw-rw-rw. We can't delete them or move them without hitting up the terminal on the unraid box itself to manually set perms as-is.


If the maintainer could throw ENV UMASK 0000 into the startup script, I think we'd be in good shape.

Other references:



Please, do it -:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/31/2022 at 6:08 PM, naturalcarr said:

Hi all, I haven't touched this docker yet, but seeing the issues with permissions, I've got an arm-chair solution here. You can use something like inotify-command to watch output directory and run a chmod script every time theres a change. I'll try it out myself as well later.




It's the next day and I've done this now. It was pretty simple and seems to be working. Here's my script for inotify-command, just be sure to change the "WATCH_DIR:" to whatever the directory mapped in YOUR inotify-command container is (I believe it's dir1 by default).


COMMAND="chmod 777 -R $WATCH_DIR"





I confirm that @naturalcarr's workaround works fine, except for the "COMMAND" parameter which I changed as shown below to avoid files permissions being changed, and changing permissions for folders only.

COMMAND="find ${WATCH_DIR} -type d -print0 |xargs -0 chmod -c 777"


Regarding the permissions for the files, they can be set within the metube container itself, by adding the following to its options:

"postprocessors": [{"key": "Exec", "exec_cmd": "chmod 0666", "when": "after_move"}]


Also, for those who are wondering, the above inotify-command parameters works with the inotify-command docker container available in the Unraid apps.


Edited by Opawesome
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  • 4 weeks later...
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