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[Support] Josh5 - Steam (Headless)

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On 7/7/2024 at 2:31 PM, erf89 said:

Just installed steam-headless but can't get it to work - WebUI gives me the noVNC screen but when I click Connect, I get "failed to connect to server".


I have the exakt same problem. I don't have any graphics card installed and want to use this container solely for Steams "Game File Transfer over Local Network" feature. May you can point me in the right direction.


Thank you!


Here are some logs:


Build: [2024-08-24 02:48:43] [master] [860451da74b397385f1b1658545d2bb891aa8e46] [debian]
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/10-setup_user.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure default user ****
  - Setting default user uid=99(default) gid=100(default)
  - Adding default user to any additional required device groups
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'video'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'audio'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'input'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'pulse'
  - Setting umask to 000
  - Create the user XDG_RUNTIME_DIR path '/tmp/.X11-unix/run'
  - Setting ownership of all log files in '/home/default/.cache/log'
  - Setting root password
  - Setting user password
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/11-setup_sysctl_values.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure some system kernel parameters ****
  - The vm.max_map_count is already greater than '524288'
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/30-configure_dbus.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure container dbus ****
  - Container configured to run its own dbus
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/30-configure_udev.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure udevd ****
  - Disable udevd - /sys is mounted RO
  - Enable dumb-udev service
  - Ensure the default user has permission to r/w on input devices
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/40-setup_locale.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure local ****
  - Locales already set correctly to en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/50-configure_pulseaudio.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure pulseaudio ****
  - Enable pulseaudio service.
  - Configure pulseaudio to pipe audio to a socket
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/60-configure_gpu_driver.sh: executing... ]
**** Found Intel device 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2286G CPU @ 4.00GHz' ****
  - Enable i386 arch
  - Install mesa vulkan drivers
**** No AMD device found ****
**** No NVIDIA device found ****
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/70-configure_desktop.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure Desktop ****
  - Enable Desktop service.
  - Ensure home directory template is owned by the default user.
  - Installing default home directory template
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/70-configure_xorg.sh: executing... ]
**** Generate default xorg.conf ****
  - Configure Xwrapper.config
  - Configure container as primary the X server
  - Enabling evdev input class on pointers, keyboards, touchpads, touch screens, etc.
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/80-configure_flatpak.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure Flatpak ****
  - Flatpak configured for running inside a Docker container
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/90-configure_neko.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure Neko ****
  - Disable Neko server
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/90-configure_steam.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure Steam ****
  - Enable Steam auto-start script
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/90-configure_sunshine.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure Sunshine ****
  - Enable Sunshine server
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/90-configure_vnc.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure VNC ****
  - Configure VNC service port '32036'
  - Configure pulseaudio encoded stream port '32037'
  - Enable VNC server
  - Disable audio stream
  - Disable audio websock
all values are hidden
[ /etc/cont-init.d/95-setup_wol.sh: executing... ]
**** Configure WoL Manager ****
  - Disable WoL Manager service.
all values are hidden
**** Starting supervisord ****
  - Logging all root services to '/var/log/supervisor/'
  - Logging all user services to '/home/default/.cache/log/'
all values are hidden
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/dbus.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/desktop.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/neko.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/pulseaudio.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/steam.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/sunshine.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/udev.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc-audio.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/vnc.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/wol-power-manager.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xorg.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor.d/xvfb.ini" during parsing
2024-08-26 20:02:36,352 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2024-08-26 20:02:36,416 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2024-08-26 20:02:36,416 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2024-08-26 20:02:36,416 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2024-08-26 20:02:37,418 INFO spawned: 'dbus' with pid 428
2024-08-26 20:02:37,419 INFO spawned: 'udev' with pid 429
2024-08-26 20:02:37,422 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 430
2024-08-26 20:02:37,424 INFO spawned: 'frontend' with pid 431
2024-08-26 20:02:37,425 INFO spawned: 'pulseaudio' with pid 432
2024-08-26 20:02:37,427 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 433
2024-08-26 20:02:37,429 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 434
2024-08-26 20:02:37,430 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 435
PULSEAUDIO: Starting pulseaudio service
2024-08-26 20:02:37,845 INFO reaped unknown pid 454 (exit status 0)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: dbus entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: udev entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: frontend entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: pulseaudio entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:38,431 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:02:39,908 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:02:39,930 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 514
2024-08-26 20:02:39,951 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:02:41,305 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 539
2024-08-26 20:02:41,325 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:02:43,330 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 569
2024-08-26 20:02:43,351 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:02:46,417 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 611
2024-08-26 20:02:46,439 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:02:47,440 INFO gave up: xorg entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2024-08-26 20:03:07,809 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:07,809 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:07,811 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 879
2024-08-26 20:03:07,813 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 880
2024-08-26 20:03:07,869 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:07,871 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 887
2024-08-26 20:03:08,881 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:08,881 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:08,881 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:08,881 INFO reaped unknown pid 893 (exit status 0)
2024-08-26 20:03:38,008 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:38,008 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:38,010 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 1254
2024-08-26 20:03:38,013 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 1255
2024-08-26 20:03:38,074 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:03:38,076 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 1262
2024-08-26 20:03:39,085 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:39,085 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:39,085 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:03:39,085 INFO reaped unknown pid 1268 (exit status 0)
2024-08-26 20:04:08,208 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:08,208 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:08,210 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 1627
2024-08-26 20:04:08,212 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 1628
2024-08-26 20:04:08,281 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:08,284 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 1635
2024-08-26 20:04:09,292 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:09,292 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:09,292 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:09,292 INFO reaped unknown pid 1641 (exit status 0)
2024-08-26 20:04:38,409 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:38,409 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:38,411 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 2000
2024-08-26 20:04:38,413 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 2001
2024-08-26 20:04:38,490 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:04:38,493 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 2008
2024-08-26 20:04:39,503 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:39,503 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:39,503 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:04:39,503 INFO reaped unknown pid 2014 (exit status 0)
2024-08-26 20:05:08,613 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:05:08,613 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:05:08,615 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 2373
2024-08-26 20:05:08,617 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 2374
2024-08-26 20:05:08,695 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-26 20:05:08,697 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 2381
2024-08-26 20:05:09,707 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:05:09,707 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:05:09,707 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-26 20:05:09,707 INFO reaped unknown pid 2387 (exit status 0)


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On 8/26/2024 at 9:11 PM, Amr0d said:


I have the exakt same problem. I don't have any graphics card installed and want to use this container solely for Steams "Game File Transfer over Local Network" feature. May you can point me in the right direction.


Thank you!



Hi all, I've also started facing the same error today having had Steam-headless work brilliantly for the past 6 months. . Perhaps because I've just upgraded to 6.12.13, but Steam-headless was working fine this morning with that version of Unraid.  I now get the below error repeated in logs and "Failed to connect to server" in the VNC interface:


2024-08-29 10:39:24,695 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:24,755 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 1470
2024-08-29 10:39:25,758 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:34,787 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:35,790 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 1616
2024-08-29 10:39:36,792 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:45,819 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:46,823 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 1755
2024-08-29 10:39:47,826 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:48,387 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:48,387 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:48,387 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:48,389 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 1778
2024-08-29 10:39:48,391 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 1779
2024-08-29 10:39:48,392 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 1780
2024-08-29 10:39:49,400 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:49,401 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:49,401 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:39:49,401 INFO reaped unknown pid 1792 (exit status 0)
2024-08-29 10:39:56,859 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 11; not expected)
2024-08-29 10:39:57,863 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 1913
2024-08-29 10:39:58,865 INFO success: xorg entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2024-08-29 10:40:07,897 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 11; not expected)


I've tried:

– rolling back to Nvidia driver v550 

– Deleting and recreating the docker container (keeping the folder in Appdata)

– Deleting the folder in Appdata

– Updating parameters per this post - https://github.com/Steam-Headless/docker-steam-headless/issues/111#issuecomment-1939700742


EDIT: Have also tried a full roll-back to a backup of Unraid 6.12.11 that was running fine a few days ago. Still no dice.


EDIT 2: Fixed! Changed "Display ID:" in the extra Docker settings from the previous value (55) to another number (50). Per this - https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/18q355u/comment/kew2j9f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button



Edited by Fozzuk
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Hi there, I have a PC which I have converted into a Unraid Server in my living room, right next to my TV, I was planning on setting up a steam client as it has a 3090, it seems a waste of bandwidth and potential quality when the two are next to each other to use networking, so is it possible to just output via a display as to a WebUI?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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