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Fresh unRaid install settings, without losing data array?

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So Id like to start from scratch with my unRaid, with the exception of the data on my array of course. Over the last 8 years I think I have made enough undocumented changes that id like the start from scratch with all settings and rebuild my cache/flash drive from scratch. 


Is there a safe way to reset to default settings? So that I preserve only the data on my array and simply flush the rest to default? 


Thanks in advance!



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If you start with a fresh install and assign your array drives as they currently are then Unraid will recognise drives that have previously been used by Unraid and leave their contents intact.   Just make certain you do not accidentally assign a data drive to a parity slot as that will result in its contents being lost.   A screenshot of your§ Main tab as it is now is worth having.

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I have backups of my flash drive with syslogs and such. Can I just install unraid on a new usb and copy the disk config only? My parity disks are the only 8tb disks in my array right now, so thats easy to keep track of.





But if its that easy as assigning them in this order, it sounds simple. Maybe too simple xD


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So I got a fresh usb and my key moved to a fresh build. the only configurations i did, was network settings and installed myservers.




Is this what I need to see before pressing start for the first time? Disk 6 was reporting an error:




Is there anything I should do before trying to do a parity sync?


Ty in advance!



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is similar to my situation.

I use a memory card reader that has unique serial numbers (a KingstonFCR-HS4).

The Sandisk 32 GB SD card broke and my unraid did not start anymore.

So i replaced the memory card with a new one with a fresh v6.10.3 on it.

I started it as a trial.

Did Tools/registration and put my license link in there (that i got on my mail and was used with that memory card reader before).

I assigned my parity and data drive (luckily I had labeled the drives in my machine) and my WD red drives has a label with their number on them on the front side.

On the Main tab iIt shows in red "Parity      All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" exactly as in the picture above.


I tick the box Parity is already valid BEFORE starting the array.


And now I start it. Hopefully it will work as I want it to.

Message "

Proceed to start

Parity valid requires ALL disks to have their original content"


I click PROCEED because I have not touched the machine since I ran Unraid last time.


I do not use cache drives so array setup was easy, but I will in the future.


Then i got my VMs back because I have them on my array!

My Windows passthrough VM started because I have it on autostart since before. Hurray.


My passthrough Windows 10 VM started but stalled.

I stop that Windows VM (no need to force stop stop works perfectly) and started it again (I have had some stalls in it starting lately).

Of course this is because Windows 10 (at least as VM installed a while ago) is maybe not "up to date" there are a lot of updates recently it has nothing to do with Unraid.

It starts! It is working. Totally amazing.

My only computer that has Unraid and Windows 10 on it is working.


I have to set it to autostart the array also. Is OFF with new unraid from scratch.

Settings/Disk Settings/Enable auto start: Yes

also i set

Shutdown time-out: 900

90 sec is sometimes too little on my machine without SSD cache drives and Windows 10 VM sometimes need a lot of time to stop properly when it needs to update itself. So I set it to the max which is 900. It automatically shuts down immediately if the stopping processes has finished.


This is exactly how I want it to work.

I just want to say thank you very much to all developers and contributors.

It really works as I want and expected.



Edited by Alexander
Forgot about array autostart and shutdown tim-out needs to be done too.
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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

I'm probably going to do this with Unraid 7.

Fresh install on a new USB and keeping my Array data.

Is there any way to move my paid licence key across to a new USB, but temporarily boot the old USB in an old PC with a trial licence? The old USB would just have a single cache disk so Docker will initialise. So I can side by side browser copy paste the docker/app settings I want to keep without having to screenshot everything. Thanks

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