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[Support] kilrah/nextcloud-ffmpeg with pdlib

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7 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Can you show your template values?


If you mean the container template then sure:




Else you might need to tell me exactly what you need :) Hopefully this is it tho!


Usually I don't mess much with templates unless absolutely needed (like going for the :25 version of yours and ports)

Edited by kftX
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16 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Yeah, so

chown -R 33:33 /mnt/user/nextcloud

chmod -R 0770 /mnt/user/nextcloud


should do. 


After running this I was still getting the same error, so I went to the cron settings on a whim and changed from AJAX to Cron




And now the error has gone away, so is it fixed or did I just do something to make it not trigger?


I changed back to AJAX afterwards and I still get:



So now I'm very confused lol

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Just now, Kilrah said:

Ah, never tried AJAX.


Recommended method is Cron, with the Nextcloud-Cronjob container as described in the first post.


Yup, I'm gonna play with that next and that's why the red message go to me. I've never played with cron so it's just another chance to learn. In any case, it seems fixed! Thanks for your help :D

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Is it possible to make the container compatible to "Face Recognition" and NVDIA GPU's?

For "Face Recognition" following is needed:

 - Dlib PHP bindings

 - PHP Bzip2


For me "Recognize" only isn't working, it misses more than 50% of the people available.


Or if anybody can tell me how to get it running, would be great!  (NVIDIA compatiblity is no 'must')


Maybe you can add it to the container. If its much work, but doable, tell me how to pay you off :)


Edited by Peter Schneider
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2023 at 5:48 PM, Kilrah said:


Was discussed earlier, as far as I know Recognise does work as intended (without GPU accel), it's just... not great.


I can vouch for this, it worked for me after your help. It's not amazing but for an open-source option it's not the worst.


A quick question: atm I'm using the -25 version but apparently 26 is out. Are you going to make a new branch for people who want to keep up with the latest version? Just curious. Thanks for your time!

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I found the Memories app and then your container. I shifted the repository of my nextcloud instance and pulled it down. Running fine but the memories app doesnt see the ffmpeg binary. Is there a location I could tell it?


Also Im getting VA-API device (/dev/dri/renderD128) has incorrect permissions. What does this mean?

Edited by qw3r7yju4n
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I have a thought, In my reading I recall a mention that if external storage is enabled that transcoding would be effected. I use nextcloud to share my shares so this transcoding feature is something I cant use if my research was correct.


WIth that said, I would like to migrate back to the Nextcloud official, I don't know what the chown command would be to set it back to nobody? Could someone help me out here? 


Not this

chown -R 33:33 /mnt/user/nextcloud/


but maybe this?

chown -R 99:100 /mnt/user/nextcloud/

Edited by qw3r7yju4n
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Is it possible to post-install the smbclient? I get the message "smbclient is not installed. Adding "SMB/CIFS", "SMB/CIFS with OC login is not possible". I tried to install smb via the container console with apt-get install smbclient but unfortunately it didn't work.

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Hi all, my Nextcloud instance is fine other than crona nd I'm trying to use Nextcloud-cronjob and it spits this back in the logs:


 Executing Cron Tasks: Thu Apr 27 19:45:00 UTC 2023
> Nextcloud Container ID: 545788c4f8a8
> Running Script: ./run-cron-php.sh
Cannot write into "config" directory!
This can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the config directory.

But, if you prefer to keep config.php file read only, set the option "config_is_read_only" to true in it.
See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/26/go.php?to=admin-config
> Done

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  • 1 month later...

I migrated to this container from LSIO and I am not able to access my admin account on nextcloud. I might have merged the config files incorreclty or some other thing. Honestly, I barely know what I am doing. So I was able to run occ command user:list and my admin user is there. However when I try to reset the password for this user  I get this:

Enter a new password: 

user:resetpassword [--password-from-env] [--] <user>

i don't get to enter new password, I immediately get the whole prompt above. In case it is important, the admin user is the only user on my nextcloud.

Can anyone help me here? If I indeed migrated incorrectly, what is the correct procedure?

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25 minutes ago, SadRobot11 said:

I was able to overcome this issue by adding "-it" after "docker exec" to run occ command. However this didn't solve my original issue, I still can't login even after changing my password. When I try to login in nextcloud WebUI, the login and password fields just reset after a second without any error information: like it attempts to login but then throws me back to square one.

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Hello everyone, I am currently using the official Nextcloud container from knex666 in connection with MariaDB.

I have now discovered the Memories app for myself and also passed my iGPU (Xeon E-2176G) through, but ffmpeg still seems to be missing.





Can I now just stop docker and use this one instead?
However, I noticed that knex666's docker has multiple paths:

Container path: /var/www/html

Container Path: /var/www/html/custom_apps

Container Path: /var/www/html/config

Container Path: /var/www/html/data

+ my individual paths for external storage.

Is that even possible? Do I have to pay more attention? Or is my plan not working at all?
I don't want to endanger my data under any circumstances!


Thanks very much!

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