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Unraid 6.12: dashboard changes not always being saved after logout

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I don't know whether this is a bug or if it was designed this way, but I noticed when I rearrange my dashboard after updating to 6.12 the changes seemed to get lost after the first time I logged out and closed my browser window. Maybe it's because I was browsing in Private Mode in my browser at the time (which I do quite often), it seems to work fine in regular browsing. Is there a way to save changes onto the server instead of using a cookie (which I'm guessing is what Unraid currently does)? That way, even if I cleared my cookies on my computer for whatever reason, the changes wouldn't be lost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have noticed this too, and it's frustrating to have to re-configure the dashboard each time - this seemed far more consistent before 6.12.  The ability to save a persistent copy of my dashboard config would be greatly appreciated (perhaps even the ability to save/name multiple configs, (e.g. Desktop, Mobile)).  I also miss some of the capabilities that existed pre-6.12 (collapse certain sections to provide 'condensed' view, such as with the Server widget - ability to hide the icon/graphic, but still display model, uptime and registration information.)

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9 minutes ago, bonienl said:

Settings are stored in cookies, make sure your browser does not delete cookies when closing.


Then why do the settings not persist after updating Unraid (e.g. 6.12.1 to 6.12.2)?  I never closed my browser, and even so, cookies are not set to be cleared when I close my browser.  Relying on client-side storage is a poor option IMHO.  Dashboard in 6.11 was better.

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  • 3 months later...
On 6/30/2023 at 11:02 AM, bonienl said:

There is a change in 6.12.2, due to new functionality, it requires a reset.

Open the Tile Manager and reset the dashboard, after that all should work properly.


How do you open the Tile Manager? i do not see any Settings menu for it. Im running 6.12.4

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Resetting the Dashboard through Tile Manager still doesnt stop the Dashboard from resetting each time it is closed out.

I agree with NachoServer... Depending on browser side options to store settings is an extremely poor way to do this.

The Dashboard worked perfectly fine beforehand and now having my layout completely scrambled every time i close, after having literal years of it being just fine, is rather annoying.

I know it is just system information but this sounds like a setting that could quite easily be stored within the OS itself so it honestly makes no sense...

A lot of people clear their cookies automatically whenever they close there browsers, it keeps a lot of browsing issues in check.. So doing this seems counter productive..

Edited by ozma64
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  • 3 months later...

+1 Just finally realized myself why I kept losing dashboard customization. I completely agree that the dashboard display settings should be saved in the Unraid OS. Otherwise, it's a waste of time.


Who wants to reconfigure their dashboard over and over again just because you had to clear cookies or are using a different browser or computer? Nobody. It's a UI/UX decision that leads to users slowly learning that they shouldn't bother. Net result: why have the feature at all?


Plus, I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't discover this until after they had taken the time to carefully reconfigure the dashboard a half dozen times or so. Each time shrugging off the lost settings as a glitch or caused by an update. Definitely not bothering again until it's no longer cookie-based.

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4 hours ago, francismacomber said:

Net result: why have the feature at all?

Some of us access the UI from multiple devices with wildly differing screen sizes. How would you suggest handling it? The layout that works best on an old 1024x768 laptop is way different than what looks good on an ultra widescreen.

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On 2/19/2024 at 5:06 PM, JonathanM said:

Some of us access the UI from multiple devices with wildly differing screen sizes. How would you suggest handling it? The layout that works best on an old 1024x768 laptop is way different than what looks good on an ultra widescreen.

Well now are you talking about the content that is displayed on your dashboard, or just the sizing of it?  For me, there are widgets I don't care to see on my dashboard, regardless of which device I'm using (e.g. Shares, Users), but to each their own.  Is your setup that wildly different from one system to the next?


If you really need multiple configs, what about something like the ability to save multiple profiles (could limit if need be to 3 or 5 - laptop, desktop, mobile... with the ability to name them.).  Use cookies to determine which profile to use, but details of the profile (which widgets to display, expanded/collapsed, etc) reside on the server.  Have a 'default' profile which is your fallback profile if no profile is found in cookies, but still save settings of the 'default' profile on the server.


I don't know PHP, and I know very little web development, but I've learned some basic concepts over the years working with ServiceNow, and doesn't seem like it would be that difficult.  It's probably more of a question as to how much people really care about this cosmetic issue v.s. fixing functional bugs / adding new functionality.


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I honestly have never heard of a ui setting such as a dasboard layout being stored in a TEMPORARY cookie.  Cookie's BY DESIGN are session relevant only and have no place in web services to go beyond that.


Sooo, is there any intention of fixing this? 

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On 2/20/2024 at 9:06 AM, JonathanM said:

Some of us access the UI from multiple devices with wildly differing screen sizes. How would you suggest handling it? The layout that works best on an old 1024x768 laptop is way different than what looks good on an ultra widescreen.


I don't understand the relevance of this, as any good UI design should be using responsive web techniques (not new) that can scale all assets relative to the viewers screen size.


Would this is a big deal based on the current architecture?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Using Brave browser, my dashboard resets everytime too.  

Using Firefox, it resets SOMETIMES.


Brave is not set to remove cookies at all, yet I've given up on customizing the dashboard.


Being stored in a temporary cookies is just crazy UI design.  

At least give us the option to save it to the Unraid config.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/31/2024 at 10:12 AM, rkotara said:

I found the offending cookie and deleted it, now my UI customization is saving as before.

I agree with the others...this should not be cookie dependent.  I use multiple computers, multiple phones, multiple browsers and often times access the dashboard from multiple addresses, ip, local domain, public domain and my dashboard layout is always a guessing game.  The sizing and scaling should be completely independent of the arrangement of the widgets and I don't understand what's the benefit of it being the way it currently is.

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