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[support] Very slow download of all linuxserver dockers

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Whenever I install or update a Linuxserver (lscr.io) docker it takes a VERY long time to download/pull the images.

It can take > 10 minutes for ~100MB.


This does not happen for other docker distributions - just Linuxserver.


Does/Has anyone else expererienced this?

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I had something similar that bugged me for months. I had moved from standalone unraid to a virtualised system and thought that was the cause and soent ages trying to fix it.

The actual problem was a failing ssd that I was using as a cache drive that was not giving any errors, just running really slow for some sectors. 

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So I am still having this problem - for all dockers from lscr.io and ghcr.io


for lscr.io dockers I remove the lscr.io prefix and used linuxserver directly (for example, changed sonarr repository from lcsr.io/linuxserver/sonarr to linuxserver/sonarr and it now updates very FAST.


I Google searched for similar issues and found many references to the same problem, but no solution 😞

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When you're using lscr.io you're actually using ghcr.io.  Removing the lscr.io means that you're pulling from dockerhub instead of ghcr.  Since the system has no speed problems from you pulling from dockerhub instead of github, the issue lies somewhere else other than the OS.  Reboot the router / modem / switches?

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On 6/10/2024 at 2:28 AM, Squid said:

When you're using lscr.io you're actually using ghcr.io.  Removing the lscr.io means that you're pulling from dockerhub instead of ghcr.  Since the system has no speed problems from you pulling from dockerhub instead of github, the issue lies somewhere else other than the OS.  Reboot the router / modem / switches?

So I got around to rebooting my routers but it didn't help. Downloading immich update now from ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich:latest at ~300-600Kbps (<75KB/s) 😪

For a 416MB package it will take me ~50 minutes.







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Posted (edited)

I tried installing Immich on a test/backup server I just built that is on the same network (ip vs of the main server) and it downloaded in <30 seconds !!!


So I think it is something server related.

All other dockers not updating from ghcr.io or lscr.io update without issues.


I did a clean installation of all my dockers lately from image to folder configuration but it is still slow (as before the change)


Any additional help would be appreciated.



Edited by theone
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