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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Hi Influencer, i just tried to install your beta .ply for Maraschino. Is it ready for testing?


got following error while installing via telnet:


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# installplg /boot/config/plugins/maraschino_unplugged.plg

installing plugin: maraschino_unplugged

xml parse error



Anyway thanks for your work. For a unraid and linux noob like me, your plugins were great help!! Now sickbeard, sabnzbd and CP are running perfectly :)


That is most likely downloaded wrong. Go to the gitpage. Click on maraschino and then in the upper right hand right click > save as on RAW

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Hey guys,


just wondering what headphones is like now? I tried it a few months ago but it wasn't 100% Has anyone been using it? I think before it was pulling live and demo albums and other randoms ones when searching.


I have just recently started using Headphones again and it seams to be much better than what it used to be. It still has a few "issues" like folder naming doesn't seem to be working properly. Also the other issue is the when initial linking your library, headphones sends calls to musicbrainz to get the album and artist info but musicbrainz has limited the amount of inbound call so not you wil get a "retried 3 times, caused by: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable" error. The only work around for this is to join the VIP headphones mirror for $10 or create you own local mirror.

As for the random downloading of live and demo albums. Those are now considered extras and manually have to be selected to search.

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UPDATE - edit


Ooookaaay, went back and did all of the above with the inclusion of deleting:



....Problem solved, all good.


However, CP is the only plugin that hangs my server on start/stop, guess I'll have to manually stop it prior to stopping the array.


Thanks for your support!


If you have a monitor connected to your server see if it prints any error messages(should with the debug plg), my server starts/stops fine and I have basically the same setup.

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Bump :)[


quote author=madmadeline link=topic=21260.msg200462#msg200462 date=1348019165]

Hi all.  I have been running unRaid for about a year.  I have searched high and low and cannot find a reference to the following error message when trying to start the plugin from the web interface:


Enabling Sabnzbd

Starting sabnzbd

Starting SABnzbd: sudo -u nobody python /mnt/cache/.sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s --config-file /mnt/cache/.sabnzbd --pid /var/run/sabnzbd/ > /dev/null 2>&1


Can't write to logfile


I can run the python command directly from the cli and it will start SAB, otherwise I get the error above.


Any help is appreciated.


Is there any more information I need to provide?

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Hi Influencer, i just tried to install your beta .ply for Maraschino. Is it ready for testing?


got following error while installing via telnet:


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# installplg /boot/config/plugins/maraschino_unplugged.plg

installing plugin: maraschino_unplugged

xml parse error



Anyway thanks for your work. For a unraid and linux noob like me, your plugins were great help!! Now sickbeard, sabnzbd and CP are running perfectly :)


That is most likely downloaded wrong. Go to the gitpage. Click on maraschino and then in the upper right hand right click > save as on RAW


I kept getting the same issue of "xml parse error", and it seems like some of us aren't so familiar with downloading from Github, so hopefully this helps further clarify for others. The real 'tricky' part is that the 'name' listed has the full file name, so intuitively one just wants to right click and save the link as, which *does not* work.


I navigated to http://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged then right clicked on the "sabnzbd_unplugged.plg" clicked "Save link as..." which ended up saving the HTML file as the sabnzbd_unplugged.plg filename.


What I should've did first was simply look at the .plg file in Wordpad, because I later noticed the file was definitely an HTML file rather than the actual plugin file I was after which at the top instead starts out as:

    <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>



Anyways, as Influencer mentioned, for those that screwed it up like myself the first few times, this is what you have to do: navigate to http://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged , left click on the plugin name such as "sabnzbd_unplugged.plg" which will show the source code. Where the icon "Raw" is near the upper right, right click "Save link as..." and now you'll get the functional "sabnzbd_unplugged.plg" file you're after.


Another clue the first HTML file was incorrect was that most of Influencer's plugin *.plg files are <30 kB in size, whereas the HTML file saved as sabnzbd_unplugged.plg was something way larger (116 kB).

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To try and make things easier (which didn't really work because you see the first link and don't scroll down), I added the "DOWNLOADS" section to the readme.md file, so when you go to the repo you can scroll down for the correct download link.


Github isn't made for downloading single files which is the big issue. I'm thinking of making a single plug-in that allows the download of other plug-ins, just haven't had the time yet. Hopefully 5.0 Final will be released soon and Tom will get to work on a Plug-in manager like he mentioned. Time will tell!

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Noob here, I am using unraid for a year now and used sabnzb through unmenu, now want to use plugins because 5 final is getting closer ( I hope)

Currently on 5.0 rc8a running simplefeatures as a front end.


I downloaded the plugins and copied them to the plugins folder on my flash drive and rebooted.


Question, where can I find the plugins on simples features, looked everywhere in settings. Must be me but I cannot find and therefore not configure anything.


Could anyone point me in the right direction?????

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When using the encode function of headphones will it work? it says LAME or ffmpeg is needed.  I'm not sure it is included, are those encoders available for unraid?


It is not included, but here is a link to the package



Download that, put in /boot/packages/ and add

installpkg /boot/packages/ffmpeg-0.6.1-i486-1alien.tgz


Hello, ....

I downloaded the plugins and copied them to the plugins folder on my flash drive and rebooted.


Question, where can I find the plugins on simples features, looked everywhere in settings. Must be me but I cannot find and therefore not configure anything.



Should appear under settings...  Please attach a copy of one of the plug-ins to your next post. Most likely was downloaded wrong(see previous page for a user explaining the reason behind this)

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When using the encode function of headphones will it work? it says LAME or ffmpeg is needed.  I'm not sure it is included, are those encoders available for unraid?


It is not included, but here is a link to the package



Download that, put in /boot/packages/ and add

installpkg /boot/packages/ffmpeg-0.6.1-i486-1alien.tgz



The alien ffmpeg package is very old, and has an insane list of dependencies, which are useless in a headless server context.

A while back, I compiled my own version, which only depends on lame and x264:


and my own x264:


and lame:



put them in /boot/extra, and they will be installed at boot.

works for me ;)


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A couple of days ago I installed the HTML manager plugin, it worked fine. After a reboot today my array refused to come up again, in the end I removed the HTML manager and everything started again. Most probably some freak coincedence at my side but I would like to point you to the post that I made on it requesting support (before I solved it myself), it has the syslog in, maybe this can be of use somehow.




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Hey influencer thanks for the current plugins they are great. I was just wondering would you ever think of providing updates to the transmission plugin? Someone is releasing patches in another thread but he said that it would be better maybe if you could carry on.


Cheers marvel

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When using the encode function of headphones will it work? it says LAME or ffmpeg is needed.  I'm not sure it is included, are those encoders available for unraid?


It is not included, but here is a link to the package



Download that, put in /boot/packages/ and add

installpkg /boot/packages/ffmpeg-0.6.1-i486-1alien.tgz



The alien ffmpeg package is very old, and has an insane list of dependencies, which are useless in a headless server context.

A while back, I compiled my own version, which only depends on lame and x264:


and my own x264:


and lame:



put them in /boot/extra, and they will be installed at boot.

works for me ;)


Alright great! thanks I did that.


Sorry for the dumb question, I'm a little new.  But in headphones it says path to encoder.. So where exactly would that be. Its not the file I downloaded correct?

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I'm not sure where the problem is but Couchpotato seems to have stopped snagging movies. When I look at the log, the only issue in red is:


[hpotato.core.plugins.base] Failed opening url in NzbIndex: http://www.nzbindex.nl/rss/?q=%22take+this+waltz+2011%22+720p&sort=agedesc&maxsize=10000&complete=1&minsize=3500&rating=1&max=250&age=1000&more=1 Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/mnt/cache/.couchpotato/couchpotato/core/plugins/base.py", line 139, in urlopen

    data = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout = timeout).read()

URLError: <urlopen error timed out>


If I try NZBMatrix where I have an account, it doesn't seem to search the site at all. For example: it just hangs here:


09-26 21:10:07 INFO [hpotato.core.plugins.base] Opening url: http://www.imdbapi.com/?tomatoes=true&i=tt1592281, params: []

09-26 21:10:07 INFO [hpotato.core.plugins.base] Opening url: http://couchpota.to/api/eta/tt1592281/, params: []

09-26 21:10:07 INFO [e.providers.movie.imdbapi] Found: Take This Waltz (2011)

09-26 21:10:08 INFO [ato.core.plugins.searcher] Search for Take This Waltz in 720P


After that - nothing happens. Everything has been working fine and nothing has changed on the server. Just all of a sudden I can't get it to snag anything. Any ideas?

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Sickbeard can update as far as I know. I'll test this but haven't had any issues myself.


this is what i'm referring to:


my sickbeard will not update when i try to update it through the plugin. any idea why? is there a log or something to look at or post?


I am aware of that bug, I plan on (hopefully) fixing it tomorrow. Been busy (again). Thanks for the heads up though, I probably would have forgotten!

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