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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Interestingly.. it appears there may be something wrong with some library files??


root@knox:/boot# git --version
git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
git version
root@knox:/boot# curl --version
curl: /usr/lib/libidn.so.11: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4)
curl 7.21.4 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8n zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.5
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp 
Features: IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz 





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No they are fine, just don't report their versions. I could include updates to these that would stop those no version messages but they are not the cause(I get them on my setup as well and have no issues)


Try running

/etc/rc.d/rc.couchpotato_v2 install


See if CP will install that way.


Whats odd is the failure to open /usr/local/couchpotato/objects. For some reason its looking in the wrong place. The "objects" directory is located at /usr/local/couchpotato/.git/objects when it installs. But either way, its not installing correctly for you...


You can also try using the debug version...not sure if it'll provide much more information though since its git failing not the script.



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Doesn't really matter which you use. The update on the plug-in gui is from when the updates weren't reliable or didn't exist in-app. I should remove it from the plug-in for sickbeard as it creates a version.txt file that it uses for the version. The file only gets created if updated in-app so upgrading from the plug-in will not remove that banner on the webgui of sickbeard.


Bobbintb, can you send me your sickbeard cfg file from /boot/config/plugins/sickbeard/. Its odd that it wants to download an old version.


ive attached the cfg. i really dont know what is going on but im sure its something i inadvertently did during testing. thanks for taking a look.


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I tried the test version and it still is saying it's running version 830b3b165877c880a7d9b029fa599479f9326f94 and there is an update to 6b1b8c45b64f10828ad2a6c6eeb33998cdd488f7, even after updating.


I did however notice this output:


git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
/tmp/checkconfig: line 17: tmp: Is a directory
mv: cannot overwrite non-directory '/boot/config/plugins/sickbeard/sickbeard.cfg' with directory 'tmp'


Not sure if it's relevant.

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It was, I had a typo, included an extra "/" in the path. Should be working now.


EDIT: Just pushed another update that should fix the version on the plug-in gui as well as sickbeards in-app updater. On first run after install it should no longer give you the message about needing to update to get the version.

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No they are fine, just don't report their versions. I could include updates to these that would stop those no version messages but they are not the cause(I get them on my setup as well and have no issues)


Try running

/etc/rc.d/rc.couchpotato_v2 install


See if CP will install that way.


Whats odd is the failure to open /usr/local/couchpotato/objects. For some reason its looking in the wrong place. The "objects" directory is located at /usr/local/couchpotato/.git/objects when it installs. But either way, its not installing correctly for you...


You can also try using the debug version...not sure if it'll provide much more information though since its git failing not the script.




Same error...

/etc/rc.d/rc.couchpotato_v2 install
Installing latest version of CouchPotato v2...
git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
Cloning into couchpotato...
fatal: failed to open '/usr/local/couchpotato/objects': No such file or directory
... OK


Is there a manual git command I could try to see if that's working? Is this the only app that comes from git? because I'm not getting any issues anywhere else.


Thanks for looking into this  :)




PS. I will add.. this only started since I upgraded the plugin (when the icon moved to it's own section on the unraid Settings page). Is there some conflicting config somewhere?

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All of my plug-ins except sab use git.


git clone -b master https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer /usr/local/couchpotato


Magically.. that fixed it.


root@knox:/boot/packages# git clone -b master https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotatoServer /usr/local/couchpotato
git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
Cloning into /usr/local/couchpotato...
git-remote-https: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git-remote-https)
git-remote-https: /usr/lib/libidn.so.11: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4)
git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
remote: Counting objects: 14686, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5460/5460), done.
git: /usr/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by git)
remote: Total 14686 (delta 9310), reused 14370 (delta 9099)
Receiving objects: 100% (14686/14686), 6.24 MiB | 751 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9310/9310), done.
root@knox:/boot/packages# /etc/rc.d/rc.couchpotato_v2 start
sed: no input files
Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/couchpotato/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid
... OK


Any idea why? Something wrong in this file??


root@knox:/boot/packages# cat /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.cfg 
#CouchPotato v2 configuration:



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There's your problem, the branch field isn't populated. If you edit the config and put master between the quotes it should fix it. Alternatively delete the install dir and the advanced config will appear where you can set the branch from the GUI.


Also appears to be a bug, the data check variable should be yes or no. You should change that as well.. ill look into that tomorrow

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For those that have requested it, I have pushed a test release of a transmission plug-in. It is based around the plug-in from the other thread. I'll add credits to it before I push it to master(that will give me time to see who all has added to it!)


I went ahead and supplied the entire settings.json, hopefully transmission dev's won't decide to change the file around too much in the future! It is based on the Transmission 2.42 package because as I was reading the other thread later versions seem to definitely be in the YMMV category.


Once people test this release, I'll see about updating to newer releases. I WILL RELY ON USERS for this, I very rarely (IF EVER) use torrents, so I will not know of any issues with these. I will attempt to download something to verify it is working, but as we all know, bugs usually show themselves during regular extended use, not quick tests for functionality.


Get it HERE!

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Clutter it with Transmission and Flexget and I won't mind :)


How do you envision Flexget working? The user creating their own config's and dropping them in for flexget to use? I'm trying to test out the webui but it doesn't appear to be working correctly... I've never used (or heard of) flexget so I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this.

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How do you envision Flexget working? The user creating their own config's and dropping them in for flexget to use? I'm trying to test out the webui but it doesn't appear to be working correctly... I've never used (or heard of) flexget so I'm not sure the best way to accomplish this.


I've never used the webgui.  It's very raw and very much still in it's infancy.


A the moment I manually edit the yml file myself with the stuff I want flexget to look for.  I imagine anyone else using the unmenu package version, like me, is doing it that way.


I can send you a copy of my config file so you can see if its working or not.  I'm about to take the family on a small holiday and won't be back until Thursdays so I can start eating the flexget plugin then.

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Alright, I'll see what I can do with it until then


I sent you a copy of my working config file via PM.  All flexget needs to do is run according to the cron settings and download any matching .torrent file into the directory specified in the config file.


Once that is done transmission will pick it up and do the rest.

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I had looked at it briefly before, not sure if there was a reason I didn't. Might have been because I was already supporting Sab I didn't want to pick up another. I can look into it and see.


For most people, since they set Sab up as kind of a "set and forget" type of program what it actually downloads very rarely needs pars. That being said if there is enough interest ill see what I can do.


@breakdown, thank you for the support and donation!

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Thanks a lot for Transmission  ;D . Know it cant be easy maintaing a growing number of brilliant plugins!  Downloading now to have a play!


Donation will be heading your way! ( Once I find my bank card which I lost this weekend)  :-\ lol


EDIT: Never realized it was Paypal... Donation made!

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/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/flexget-webui -c /mnt/cache/.apps/flexget/config.yml --logfile=/var/log/flexget/flexget.log --port=8090 --username=flexget --password=flexget -d


And yeep working from unmenu packages



Here is nice config generator ;)



Latest transmission 2.71+


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