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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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I tried adding a nzb in the watched folder and, while it worked yesterday, today it said... I couldnt create again...

:( hate this


I looked in the plugin settings page.. And there i saw :

Run as user: nobody.

I changed it to root.. And it working


But how should it set be?

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For Sab setting it to run as nobody is best. The reason is unraid is setup for all files to be owned by nobody. Having Sab run as root will most likely cause permission issues for anything you download.


I think the cause of this is dropbox is ran as root and it takes ownership of your watched dir causing Sab to not have access. Is it possible to run dropbox as nobody?

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For Sab setting it to run as nobody is best. The reason is unraid is setup for all files to be owned by nobody. Having Sab run as root will most likely cause permission issues for anything you download.


I think the cause of this is dropbox is ran as root and it takes ownership of your watched dir causing Sab to not have access. Is it possible to run dropbox as nobody?


How do i do this?

In the past you said once to me you would look into the dropbox plugin too...



So you recommend me on turning back sab to run as nobody...

but then i will have problems in sab again

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Hello all,


I'm trying to install plugins however I receive the following error:

-bash: installplg: command not found


It appears that installplg is missing from /usr/local/sbin. Any ideas on how to get it? Can I simply copy this file to that location?  If so, can someone attach their file to a response? I'm running 4.7


which installplg
which: no installplg in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:./:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)

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Anyone know how to set the blocklist in Transmission? Anytime I put a url in and hit update, it just goes back to the example url and does nothing.


I found a couple posts from late last year reporting a bug with the blocklist, not sure if it was fixed or not. I haven't had any success either.

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Does anyone have Mylar working? Not managed to add anything to it yet, just get 'Error' as the status of everything.


Yeah - I have several working. Some of the more obscure ones, while found, seem to be the ones that error out or just never finish updating.


The two I have erroring are The Amazing Spider-man and The Fantastic Four - hardly obscure lol.

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Both of which have known issues, has to do with how long they have been running. Dc has had an easier time since their reboot last year.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


Ah OK thanks - I'm about half way through reading the comic rack thread at the moment, not easy to find a problem when there is no way (that I can see) to search in a thread.

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I bumped into an other issue with both Sabnzb and sickbeard.

They run fun for a while, can reboot and they are still okay.

But after a while (I cant be more specific, but lets say anything over 12 hours) of running the server they lose their settings, including the sickbeard DB.

Sickbeard just stops with an error about missing tables in the DB, I then restart it and all shows and setting are gone.

If I restart Sabnzb then all settings are gone as well.


I have it installed on my cache drive, so first thought was that the mover had run. But my apps directory (in which they are installed) is set to Cache only.


So I am a little lost what is going on here, anyone any idea what I can try?


Can you check your log to see if it is happening the same time every night? Then see what time the mover script is actually running.


Just in case someone else runs into this issue as well, I am still not 100% sure why it happened. But the mover was moving part of my Apps directory. I moved the whol installation to an other directory on my cache drive and now it is running fine.

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Hey just a quick question. I am trying to install the headphones plugin. i have had sab sick and couch running for about 6 months now no dramas. I have dragged the headphones plugin into the plugin folder where the others are, but when I restart, headphones does not install. Everything else installs fine but it seems unraid doesnt even detect the headphones plugin? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Thanks Influencer for these awsome plugins.  Been using a few for a while on two unRAID boxes without any issues.  I upgraded to RC5 then RC8a and decided to reinstall my plugins from scratch both times and have not been able to get CP or headphones to work  :'( .  I think it must be something daft causing the problem as its the same on both unRAID boxes.  I've got SB and SAB working fine however whenever I set my paths for CP and headphones then try and start the plugin it hangs on the following:



Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u nobody python /mnt/cache/.apps/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid


Starting headphones: sudo -u nobody python /mnt/cache/.apps/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/.apps/headphones/hdata --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid


Those lines are displayed on the web GUI when I try and start the relevant plugin.  The main unRAID web GUI hangs at this point however I can still access the web GUI's for SAB, SB and unmenu.  I'm currently running 5.0rc-8a on both machines and only other addons I have installed is latest version of simplefeatures and unmenu. 



Searching through the syslog the line that would match me trying to start CP from the GUI is:


Oct 22 04:21:37 nas02 sudo:     root : TTY=console ; PWD=/mnt/cache/.apps/couchpotato_v2 ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /mnt/cache/.apps/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid


Anyone have any ideas what going wrong?  There's nothing in my syslogs after that line indicating any issues  ???.  Not sure if this will matter but after I put the plugins in my plugin folder I've been installing them manually from the command line using "installplg /boot/config/plugins/pluginname.plg".

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Hey just a quick question. I am trying to install the headphones plugin. i have had sab sick and couch running for about 6 months now no dramas. I have dragged the headphones plugin into the plugin folder where the others are, but when I restart, headphones does not install. Everything else installs fine but it seems unraid doesnt even detect the headphones plugin? Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Is there anything mentioned in your syslog about headphones trying to install?  If you are unsure and can't find anything try installing the plugin manually from the command prompt and see if it kicks up any errors.

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Thought I'd answer my own problem seeing as I finally cracked it.  I remember a while back there were some issues with a few plugins (can't remember if it involved Influencers or someone elses) where if you started the plugin by selecting the "enable" option of the drop-down it would hang.  Seems that's what was causing my issues.  Cleared all my plugins out and tried to run the problem ones on their own but had the same issue.  Then tried to install them using their default paths and clicking the "install" then "Start" buttons which worked fine.  Obviously the default data directories are useless for reboots so I then tried changing the data directory without clicking on the "enable" drop-down which worked fine :)  Knew it was something daft!!  It is a bit strange how I can install some plugins by applying the "enable plugin" drop-down whereas others I have to click the "install" plugin button or the whole thing hangs  ???

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