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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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Absolutely! Of all the useful plugins I use, this is by far the most important one to me.


Actually powerdown is probably the most important to me if I'm being honest....  ;D

Fine, I stand corrected... Go tell your wife you're right  ;D

CHBMB says the same thing to every plugin author


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Thanks dlandon for taking care of this plugin. Since you keep on digging in the code can you tell me how NFS export is supposed to work? I tried many times and didn't see any way to configure NFS export from gui (NFS export enabled in settings).


I will look into this, but I don't use NFS shares so I don't know much about it.  Do you have NFS shares enabled under Network Settings?

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first, thanks so much for jumping in and working to get this plugin working again.


However, I don't think I had any of the issues that just got fixed (never checked my log, maybe I did and just didn't know it), but after updating to the very latest version of unassigned devices (installed your plugin and installed version c, then updated from the plugin system to version d), then updated to unRAID 6.1.7, then rebooted, I've lost my dockers.  Settings shows dockers as enabled, but I don't have my docker tab, and going to community applications warns me I need dockers enabled for it to work.


I've just rebooted the server again, and still no dockers.


Unassigned devices tab does show my drive, and the sizes look fine, and I can drill down to see the files on the drive, but dockers are just not working.


I suspect the unassigned drive did not mount prior to docker trying to use the drive, but that's just a guess.


My VM also resides on the unassigned drive, and it also did not start.


diagnostics file attached.


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okay, for some reason, the name of the unasigned drive changed.  it no longer has "-part1" in the name.


I just tried pointing both docker and the VM disk from their setup pages to the unassigned drive and both seem to be working again now.


Not sure why it's no longer using partition 1 in the name/description, but I think I'm good.


Thanks again for updating this for us!!

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Thanks dlandon for taking care of this plugin. Since you keep on digging in the code can you tell me how NFS export is supposed to work? I tried many times and didn't see any way to configure NFS export from gui (NFS export enabled in settings).


I will look into this, but I don't use NFS shares so I don't know much about it.  Do you have NFS shares enabled under Network Settings?


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okay, for some reason, the name of the unasigned drive changed.  it no longer has "-part1" in the name.


I just tried pointing both docker and the VM disk from their setup pages to the unassigned drive and both seem to be working again now.


Not sure why it's no longer using partition 1 in the name/description, but I think I'm good.


Thanks again for updating this for us!!


You can edit that name.  Unmount the drive, then click on the identification, then click on the name and you can edit it.  That would keep this from happening again.

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I have forked a copy of unassigned devices that reverts back to 2015.09.19 that doesn't have the issues the later versions have.  I have updated the plugin for unraid 6.1.7 and cleaned up the update/removal that was a bit messy.  The plugin will work properly on 6.1.6 also.


I'd like to get someone to give it a try and let me know if there are any issues.  You don't have to uninstall the current version of unassigned devices.  Just paste the following link in the install plugin tab and the current version of unassigned devices will be updated.




Treat this as a beta that may have issues.  If all seems to be ok, I will release it through ca and Squid can add the appropriate link to the gfjardim version.  Be sure to check the unassigned devices log for the repeating log entries that some have seen.


I believe there may be one outstanding issue that I will look into.  It seems that SMB mounted devices may not be unmounted on an array shutdown.  If anyone can test that would be great as I don't currently use that functionality and will have to set up my test server so I can check this out.


I tried to install this plugin using the PLG provided and when the install dialog comes up it just shows the following


plugin: installing: https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg

plugin: downloading https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg

plugin: downloading: https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg ...


After I click on done and check the installed plugins "unassigned devices" is not there.


I have also checked the plugins folder and nothing has been created there.


This is on a fresh install of the latest unraid version. I have a bunch of NTFS drives I need to copy over and would appreciate any help.




I updated the plugin this morning and you may have caught it partially updated.  Look at your log and see if there is any indication of why it did not work there.


Delete the folder /flash/config/plugins/unassigned_devices and try again.  If it still doesn't work, copy the script output when the plugin is installed and post it.


Thanks for your reply. I tried to install it again today and it went through. I can now see that it is listed in installed plugins.


Unfortunately I do not see unassigned devices at all on the main window


unassigned.devices-2016.01.17d package file is showing a size of 0KB. So looks like its not downloading that file?


Not quite sure what is going on here. Again this is a fresh install of unraid 6. Any ideas?












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Nevermind. I deleted and tried again and it finally went through this time.


Its a great plugin! Thanks for the hard work!


OK.  So the unassigned drives show on the main page. However it does not recognise the NTFS partitions and consequently won't mount the drives. I can see the ntfs package is in the unassigned plugin folder. Any ideas?



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Nevermind. I deleted and tried again and it finally went through this time.


Its a great plugin! Thanks for the hard work!


OK.  So the unassigned drives show on the main page. However it does not recognise the NTFS partitions and consequently won't mount the drives. I can see the ntfs package is in the unassigned plugin folder. Any ideas?




Check the log.

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Nevermind. I deleted and tried again and it finally went through this time.


Its a great plugin! Thanks for the hard work!


OK.  So the unassigned drives show on the main page. However it does not recognise the NTFS partitions and consequently won't mount the drives. I can see the ntfs package is in the unassigned plugin folder. Any ideas?




Check the log.


Found the log button and checked it out.


This is the error I'm getting


Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Adding disk ...

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mounting drive with command: mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume'

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mount of /dev/sdd2 failed. Error message: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).

Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.

Failed to mount '/dev/sdd2': Operation not permitted

The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown

Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume

read-only with the 'ro' mount option.


So I must have not cleanly shut down windows when i removed these disks. Read only is fine as I only want to pull the information from it.

I tried to ssh in and use the following command "mount -t ntfs -ro auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume"

All i got was a chevron after pressing enter. I guess im not doing it correctly. My linux knowledge is very limited. Do I need to boot these drives under windows to clear the mounting problem? Only issue is I no longer have a windows machine as I have moved from windows based flexraid to unraid.



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Nevermind. I deleted and tried again and it finally went through this time.


Its a great plugin! Thanks for the hard work!


OK.  So the unassigned drives show on the main page. However it does not recognise the NTFS partitions and consequently won't mount the drives. I can see the ntfs package is in the unassigned plugin folder. Any ideas?




Check the log.


Found the log button and checked it out.


This is the error I'm getting


Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Adding disk ...

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mounting drive with command: mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume'

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mount of /dev/sdd2 failed. Error message: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).

Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.

Failed to mount '/dev/sdd2': Operation not permitted

The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown

Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume

read-only with the 'ro' mount option.


So I must have not cleanly shut down windows when i removed these disks. Read only is fine as I only want to pull the information from it.

I tried to ssh in and use the following command "mount -t ntfs -ro auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume"

All i got was a chevron after pressing enter. I guess im not doing it correctly. My linux knowledge is very limited. Do I need to boot these drives under windows to clear the mounting problem? Only issue is I no longer have a windows machine as I have moved from windows based flexraid to unraid.




If unraid can't mount it, you'll need to get it to a Windows machine and clean up the disk.

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Thanks dlandon for taking care of this plugin. Since you keep on digging in the code can you tell me how NFS export is supposed to work? I tried many times and didn't see any way to configure NFS export from gui (NFS export enabled in settings).


New release 2016.01.18 should fix the nfs export.  See if it works for you.

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So, I've made some updates to my server; I replaced my (unassigned) SSD with a larger one, replaced my cache drive with a new one and added more memory.


When I restarted the server, the cache tab was missing, so I had to stop the array then select my new drive for the cache drive.  However, prior to realizing I had to stop the array to add the cache drive I saw it and the new SSD listed in the unassigned drives tab.  After adding the cache as the cache drive, it is still showing in the unassigned drive tab.  It didn't use to show the cache as an unassigned drive previously, so I'm not sure what's going on there.


Also, I'm unable to open or format the SSD from the unassigned drive tab.  I can see it, but can't use it now.


I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but it's late, and I'm frustrated, so I'm asking for help.



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So, I've made some updates to my server; I replaced my (unassigned) SSD with a larger one, replaced my cache drive with a new one and added more memory.


When I restarted the server, the cache tab was missing, so I had to stop the array then select my new drive for the cache drive.  However, prior to realizing I had to stop the array to add the cache drive I saw it and the new SSD listed in the unassigned drives tab.  After adding the cache as the cache drive, it is still showing in the unassigned drive tab.  It didn't use to show the cache as an unassigned drive previously, so I'm not sure what's going on there.


Also, I'm unable to open or format the SSD from the unassigned drive tab.  I can see it, but can't use it now.


I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but it's late, and I'm frustrated, so I'm asking for help.




Where in unassigned devices do you see the cache?  If it's in historical devices then click the remove button.  I believe unassigned devices picked it up when it saw a new drive not assigned to the array.


In order to format a drive you need to enable the destructive mode setting in the unassigned devices settings.

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Nevermind. I deleted and tried again and it finally went through this time.


Its a great plugin! Thanks for the hard work!


OK.  So the unassigned drives show on the main page. However it does not recognise the NTFS partitions and consequently won't mount the drives. I can see the ntfs package is in the unassigned plugin folder. Any ideas?




Check the log.


Found the log button and checked it out.


This is the error I'm getting


Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Adding disk ...

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mounting drive with command: mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume'

Mon Jan 18 10:29:04 PST 2016: Mount of /dev/sdd2 failed. Error message: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).

Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.

Failed to mount '/dev/sdd2': Operation not permitted

The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown

Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume

read-only with the 'ro' mount option.


So I must have not cleanly shut down windows when i removed these disks. Read only is fine as I only want to pull the information from it.

I tried to ssh in and use the following command "mount -t ntfs -ro auto,async,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdd2' '/mnt/disks/New_Volume"

All i got was a chevron after pressing enter. I guess im not doing it correctly. My linux knowledge is very limited. Do I need to boot these drives under windows to clear the mounting problem? Only issue is I no longer have a windows machine as I have moved from windows based flexraid to unraid.




I've just made a change to unassigned devices so an unsafe ntfs partition can be mounted read only.  If an ntfs partition doesn't mount, unassigned devices will mount it read only so files can be taken off the drive.  The log will indicate the mount status.


EDIT: Will be in the next release.

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I have the same issue as HTPC newbie mentioned several pages back which still hasn't gone away. Every time I load the MAIN page, the Unassigned devices plugin spins up all the drives it is handling. Would love to see a fix to this as I tried to keep a warm spare and was unable to as it spun up every time I loaded stats.

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I have the same issue as HTPC newbie mentioned several pages back which still hasn't gone away. Every time I load the MAIN page, the Unassigned devices plugin spins up all the drives it is handling. Would love to see a fix to this as I tried to keep a warm spare and was unable to as it spun up every time I loaded stats.


You really have to give me more information.  What is 'MAIN' page?  What is 'loaded stats'?  Is this when you are on the unassigned webpage?  How do you know it is unassigned devices?

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