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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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No I didn't delete any mysql folder.


I tried the reinstall as you stated and that appeared to resolve it:-


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh...

apache.conf already exists

zm.conf already exists

moving mysql to config folder

using existing data directory

creating symbolink links

setting the correct local time


Current default time zone: 'Europe/London'

Local time is now: Fri Aug 14 15:01:45 BST 2015.

Universal Time is now: Fri Aug 14 14:01:45 UTC 2015.


increasing shared memory

starting services

* Starting MySQL database server mysqld


* Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were

not closed cleanly.

* Starting web server apache2

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message


Starting ZoneMinder: success


*** Running /etc/rc.local...

*** Booting runit daemon...

*** Runit started as PID 675

Aug 14 15:02:07 ccbc02026a2d syslog-ng[682]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

Aug 14 15:02:07 ccbc02026a2d zmupdate[670]: INF [Checking for updates]

Aug 14 15:02:08 ccbc02026a2d zmupdate[670]: INF [Got version: '1.28.1']


however I cannot connect to the WebUI, it just presents an index of /zm with events & tools folders


I'll try deleting everything and setting it up again.


Re:Index of /zm issue

I stopped the zoneminder container.Delete the container and image.Deleted my /mnt/cache/zoneminder/config folder which was mapped to /config .Recreated zoneminder container as /config mapped to /mnt/cache/zoneminder/ and it worked again.

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Is there an issue with the plexRequests docker recently? Last few days it doesn't seem to work at all. Tried re-installing it several times.


Log seems to do this

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Sep 22 09:41:51 723569239c27 syslog-ng[112]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


=> Started proxy.


=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster


system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.



This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to

Meteor by running 'meteor update'.


=> Started MongoDB.


I've tried all the different branches incase that was causing the issue - Is it the fact meteor seems to have an update? Not sure what to do at this point.

Link to comment

Is there an issue with the plexRequests docker recently? Last few days it doesn't seem to work at all. Tried re-installing it several times.


Log seems to do this

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Sep 22 09:41:51 723569239c27 syslog-ng[112]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


=> Started proxy.


=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster


system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.



This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to

Meteor by running 'meteor update'.


=> Started MongoDB.


I've tried all the different branches incase that was causing the issue - Is it the fact meteor seems to have an update? Not sure what to do at this point.

Could be. I'll look into it

Link to comment

Is there an issue with the plexRequests docker recently? Last few days it doesn't seem to work at all. Tried re-installing it several times.


Log seems to do this

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Sep 22 09:41:51 723569239c27 syslog-ng[112]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


=> Started proxy.


=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster


system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.



This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to

Meteor by running 'meteor update'.


=> Started MongoDB.


I've tried all the different branches incase that was causing the issue - Is it the fact meteor seems to have an update? Not sure what to do at this point.

The log seems fine. After starting the mongodb, it will take another 10-20 second to start the app (may be longer but that's how long it takes for me). Did you wait long enough? Does it give an error later?


Meteor update should not have an effect. I tested it again and it will download the update in the background and then it will keep saying the update is ready to be applied. You can leave it as is and it is harmless. Unfortunately, the update is not compatible with plexrequests at the moment so just leave it as is.


In my case (I tried the master branch) it works just fine once the app loads. I also installed from scratch and again it worked fine.


I'll try other branches later to see if they cause any issues.


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Hi, im using your calibre docker, and trying to use a newer version. Setting edge to 1 seems to break guacamole rdp. Any suggestions?

What does the log tell you?


With edge set to 1, it checks for an update upon start and if there is a new update it will download and install it before guacamole is fired up. Unfortunately calibre's server can be super slow for downloading the package. Usually it takes a few minutes but one time it took me over half an hour to download it. The log should show the download progress and the percentage.


I just restarted mine and let it update to the latest. Once complete it works fine.

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Calibre server: I am getting an error when trying to browse books over the web gui. I can assess the /browse page, but when I try to view books I get this error. I must be doing something basic wrong. Can you help?


Error: No books found

TypeError: this.undef is not a function

    at Object.printStackTrace.implementation.createException (

    at Object.printStackTrace.implementation.run (

    at printStackTrace (

    at render_error (

    at booklist (

    at HTMLDocument. (

    at Function.jQuery.extend.ready (

    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

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Calibre server: I am getting an error when trying to browse books over the web gui. I can assess the /browse page, but when I try to view books I get this error. I must be doing something basic wrong. Can you help?


Error: No books found

TypeError: this.undef is not a function

    at Object.printStackTrace.implementation.createException (

    at Object.printStackTrace.implementation.run (

    at printStackTrace (

    at render_error (

    at booklist (

    at HTMLDocument. (

    at Function.jQuery.extend.ready (

    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

Is that the rdp version?


What location do you have your library set to in calibre settings? If it's not /config, did you set the libraryinternalpath variable to the new location?

Link to comment

Is there an issue with the plexRequests docker recently? Last few days it doesn't seem to work at all. Tried re-installing it several times.


Log seems to do this

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Sep 22 09:41:51 723569239c27 syslog-ng[112]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


=> Started proxy.


=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster


system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.



This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to

Meteor by running 'meteor update'.


=> Started MongoDB.


I've tried all the different branches incase that was causing the issue - Is it the fact meteor seems to have an update? Not sure what to do at this point.

The log seems fine. After starting the mongodb, it will take another 10-20 second to start the app (may be longer but that's how long it takes for me). Did you wait long enough? Does it give an error later?


Meteor update should not have an effect. I tested it again and it will download the update in the background and then it will keep saying the update is ready to be applied. You can leave it as is and it is harmless. Unfortunately, the update is not compatible with plexrequests at the moment so just leave it as is.


In my case (I tried the master branch) it works just fine once the app loads. I also installed from scratch and again it worked fine.


I'll try other branches later to see if they cause any issues.


Hmm.. I have left it running for days, and it still doesn't work. Afterwards it just says the cron.hourly logs so it all seems to 'think' its running fine. Is there a log file somewhere i could check besides the one found in the docker page of unraid? Looking through the apps files i don't see one

Link to comment

Is there an issue with the plexRequests docker recently? Last few days it doesn't seem to work at all. Tried re-installing it several times.


Log seems to do this

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Updating repository

Already up-to-date.

Using the dev branch

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.

Sep 22 09:41:51 723569239c27 syslog-ng[112]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]


=> Started proxy.


=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster


system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.



This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to

Meteor by running 'meteor update'.


=> Started MongoDB.


I've tried all the different branches incase that was causing the issue - Is it the fact meteor seems to have an update? Not sure what to do at this point.

The log seems fine. After starting the mongodb, it will take another 10-20 second to start the app (may be longer but that's how long it takes for me). Did you wait long enough? Does it give an error later?


Meteor update should not have an effect. I tested it again and it will download the update in the background and then it will keep saying the update is ready to be applied. You can leave it as is and it is harmless. Unfortunately, the update is not compatible with plexrequests at the moment so just leave it as is.


In my case (I tried the master branch) it works just fine once the app loads. I also installed from scratch and again it worked fine.


I'll try other branches later to see if they cause any issues.


Hmm.. I have left it running for days, and it still doesn't work. Afterwards it just says the cron.hourly logs so it all seems to 'think' its running fine. Is there a log file somewhere i could check besides the one found in the docker page of unraid? Looking through the apps files i don't see one

Where do you keep your configuration folder? Is it on a cache drive? If so, did you enter the location as /mnt/user/blah or /mnt/cache/blah ?

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Hmm.. I have left it running for days, and it still doesn't work. Afterwards it just says the cron.hourly logs so it all seems to 'think' its running fine. Is there a log file somewhere i could check besides the one found in the docker page of unraid? Looking through the apps files i don't see one


I just did a fresh install with the dev branch and within a couple of minutes everything was installed and it was fired up. Here's what I see in my log:


First install detected, cloning repository
Using the dev branch
Branch dev set up to track remote branch dev from origin.
npm-container: updating npm dependencies -- git-rev-sync...
Sep 23 14:09:46 cc54b1595e56 syslog-ng[123]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.

=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster
system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.

This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to
Meteor by running 'meteor update'.

=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
[34mI20150923-14:10:02.876(-4) (percolate_synced-cron.js:85) [39mSyncedCron: Scheduled "Update CP download status" next run @Wed Sep 23 2015 18:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)


See in the log where it says "Started your app" under "Started MongoDB". Do you not get that message? Could you perhaps be trying to use a port that is already being used by something else?

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Hi, im using your calibre docker, and trying to use a newer version. Setting edge to 1 seems to break guacamole rdp. Any suggestions?

What does the log tell you?


With edge set to 1, it checks for an update upon start and if there is a new update it will download and install it before guacamole is fired up. Unfortunately calibre's server can be super slow for downloading the package. Usually it takes a few minutes but one time it took me over half an hour to download it. The log should show the download progress and the percentage.


I just restarted mine and let it update to the latest. Once complete it works fine.

Ok, I assumed once the docker started that the app was updated/installed :S  I'll start it with edge and give it a good 30 minutes just in case. (Their website is always slow for downloads).

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Hi, im using your calibre docker, and trying to use a newer version. Setting edge to 1 seems to break guacamole rdp. Any suggestions?

What does the log tell you?


With edge set to 1, it checks for an update upon start and if there is a new update it will download and install it before guacamole is fired up. Unfortunately calibre's server can be super slow for downloading the package. Usually it takes a few minutes but one time it took me over half an hour to download it. The log should show the download progress and the percentage.


I just restarted mine and let it update to the latest. Once complete it works fine.

Ok, I assumed once the docker started that the app was updated/installed :S  I'll start it with edge and give it a good 30 minutes just in case. (Their website is always slow for downloads).


8) Without edge, it is already installed and ready to go, but with edge it checks for updates on start


In the unraid webgui, under the docker tab, if you hit the log button on the right hand side, it will show you the download percentage in real time  ;)

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If I update to the new version,  them restart the docker will it need to download again or does it store the downloaded file?


If you stop/restart it won't have to download the update again. However if you remove/reinstall the container, then it will have to download again.


These containers really have two parts to them:

1) The OS+app portion: resides in the docker image file. The specific OS image is downloaded from the dockerhub and it is static (in the calibre's case the image downloaded contains the ubuntu/phusion base and an older but stable version of calibre already installed)

Any changes made to this OS+app portion are lost if container is removed. When you reinstall, you go back to the static image.

2) Local data portion: resides in the folder of your choice. Any files that we want to be persistent, such as app data, config files, library, etc. we keep in this external partition. When you reinstall the container, as long as you select the same local data folder, your data will be persistent.


In this case, when calibre updates itself, it is essentially updating the OS+app portion. If you remove or reinstall the container the OS+app portion is wiped clean and a fresh image is downloaded. But if you just stop and restart it uses the existing image file with all of your changes.

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Hmm.. I have left it running for days, and it still doesn't work. Afterwards it just says the cron.hourly logs so it all seems to 'think' its running fine. Is there a log file somewhere i could check besides the one found in the docker page of unraid? Looking through the apps files i don't see one


I just did a fresh install with the dev branch and within a couple of minutes everything was installed and it was fired up. Here's what I see in my log:


First install detected, cloning repository
Using the dev branch
Branch dev set up to track remote branch dev from origin.
npm-container: updating npm dependencies -- git-rev-sync...
Sep 23 14:09:46 cc54b1595e56 syslog-ng[123]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.

=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster
system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.

This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to
Meteor by running 'meteor update'.

=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
[34mI20150923-14:10:02.876(-4) (percolate_synced-cron.js:85) [39mSyncedCron: Scheduled "Update CP download status" next run @Wed Sep 23 2015 18:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)


See in the log where it says "Started your app" under "Started MongoDB". Do you not get that message? Could you perhaps be trying to use a port that is already being used by something else?


Yeah i dont seem to get that message. Or the 'app running at'. However i do get the cronjobs all firing off successfully.


I've tried reinstalling to a different location - And that works fine, so it seems that somethngs gone wrong with the DB thats stopping it from launching. Any ideas on what i can do? PITA having to set it all up again so trying to avoid that if possible :D

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Hmm.. I have left it running for days, and it still doesn't work. Afterwards it just says the cron.hourly logs so it all seems to 'think' its running fine. Is there a log file somewhere i could check besides the one found in the docker page of unraid? Looking through the apps files i don't see one


I just did a fresh install with the dev branch and within a couple of minutes everything was installed and it was fired up. Here's what I see in my log:


First install detected, cloning repository
Using the dev branch
Branch dev set up to track remote branch dev from origin.
npm-container: updating npm dependencies -- git-rev-sync...
Sep 23 14:09:46 cc54b1595e56 syslog-ng[123]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
[[[[[ /config/plexrequests-meteor ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.

=> Meteor React and Angular support, ECMAScript 2015, new faster
system, and improvements to the Cordova integration for mobile apps.

This release is being downloaded in the background. Update your app to
Meteor by running 'meteor update'.

=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/
[34mI20150923-14:10:02.876(-4) (percolate_synced-cron.js:85) [39mSyncedCron: Scheduled "Update CP download status" next run @Wed Sep 23 2015 18:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)


See in the log where it says "Started your app" under "Started MongoDB". Do you not get that message? Could you perhaps be trying to use a port that is already being used by something else?


Yeah i dont seem to get that message. Or the 'app running at'. However i do get the cronjobs all firing off successfully.


I've tried reinstalling to a different location - And that works fine, so it seems that somethngs gone wrong with the DB thats stopping it from launching. Any ideas on what i can do? PITA having to set it all up again so trying to avoid that if possible :D


In that case, you can perhaps ask on their plex forums. I'm not really an expert on the inner workings of the app. I just know how to set it up and make it run in docker.

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Is that the rdp version?


What location do you have your library set to in calibre settings? If it's not /config, did you set the libraryinternalpath variable to the new location?


It's the server version.


I left the Container Volume as /config and my Host Path is /mnt/user/Programs/unRAID/appdata/Calibre/


I haven't changed libraryinternalpath

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Is that the rdp version?


What location do you have your library set to in calibre settings? If it's not /config, did you set the libraryinternalpath variable to the new location?


It's the server version.


I left the Container Volume as /config and my Host Path is /mnt/user/Programs/unRAID/appdata/Calibre/


I haven't changed libraryinternalpath


If the host path is a cache only share, can you try changing that to /mnt/cache/Programs/unRAID/appdata/Calibre/ ?


Also, since it's the server version, did you have an existing calibre library at that location or did you add books through command line? If there was an existing library, do the calibre versions of the library creator and this new server match?

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Hi there,


I have installed the RDP-Calibre combo docker and i try to get the Sharing over Net portion of calibre working.


The webRPD part is working great, i have setup the mappings 8080 -> 9090 and 8081 -> 9091


When i go to: serverip:9091/opds i get

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<feed xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:opds="http://opds-spec.org/2010/catalog" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <title>calibre Library</title>
  <subtitle>Books in your library</subtitle>
  <link title="Search" type="application/atom+xml" href="/opds/search/{searchTerms}" rel="search"/>
  <link type="application/atom+xml;type=feed;profile=opds-catalog" href="/opds" rel="start"/>
    <title>By Newest</title>
    <content type="text">Books sorted by Date</content>
    <link type="application/atom+xml;type=feed;profile=opds-catalog" href="/opds/navcatalog/4f6e6577657374"/>
    <title>By Title</title>
    <content type="text">Books sorted by Title</content>
    <link type="application/atom+xml;type=feed;profile=opds-catalog" href="/opds/navcatalog/4f7469746c65"/>


But when i use the serverip:9091/opds in Marvin (IOS9) i only get the list of two items and when i click one i get the message "Cannot download feed. The service might not be available or you are not connected to the internet."


Anyone got an idee?


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Is that the rdp version?


What location do you have your library set to in calibre settings? If it's not /config, did you set the libraryinternalpath variable to the new location?


It's the server version.


I left the Container Volume as /config and my Host Path is /mnt/user/Programs/unRAID/appdata/Calibre/


I haven't changed libraryinternalpath


If the host path is a cache only share, can you try changing that to /mnt/cache/Programs/unRAID/appdata/Calibre/ ?


Also, since it's the server version, did you have an existing calibre library at that location or did you add books through command line? If there was an existing library, do the calibre versions of the library creator and this new server match?


Thanks. The host path is not a cache only share.


I was using an existing library with a different Calibre version. I will try adding directly from the command line.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Aptalca, been using plexrequests for a while, have reverse proxied it with Apache, and it works fine over http but trying to add ssl appears to work but no searches appear after you type a title into the search box.


Was wondering if anyone else has come across this at all?

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Issues installing Amazon Echo.  I set the /config to /mnt/cache/.apps/echo/  and click create and nothing happens. The docker.log file is 0 bytes I have several other dockers running w/o issue. As a test, I added the zone minder docker without issue.

Click on the advanced view (top right). There are more fields to fill in there

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