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[Plug-In] Application Template Categorizer


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This plugin is usable for either docker templates or for plugin templates


Now that it seems like everyone is more or less happy with the categories we've chosen for Docker Templates, here is the plugin to assist template maintainers / authors to modify their template files to conform to those categories.  (Only template authors / maintainers need to install this plug-in)  This plugin will not do anything for the average unRaid user.


I highly recommend that authors use this plug-in to generate the appropriate line.  Manually typing / modifying the <Category> line will be error prone, and the entries must be spelled exactly the same as what the plug-in generates.  (Hence why I'm not detailing in this thread what the entries actually are - to discourage people from entering them manually)




With this plug-in, after selecting your categories, copy and paste the 3 lines displayed to your template.



You can select as many categories as you wish.  I anticipate plenty of overlap in the MediaApplications and MediaServers categories, but felt that it was justified going forward.



The Categories are as follows:


Backup - any container which does some sort of backup (eg: crashplan)

Cloud - any container which either interfaces with an online cloud service (eg: dropbox), or turns your server into some sort of cloud server (btsync, pydio)

Downloaders - nzbget, cp, sonarr, etc


Home Automation - The "internet of things" containers, X10 controllers, etc.


Network Services:

Web Servers - Apache

DNS Clients / Servers - DynDNS

FTP Clients / Servers - glFTPd

Proxies - Polipo

VOIP - Teamspeak, etc

Management / Analysers Observium

Messengers (IRC, etc)

Other - One offs / very hard to categorize dealing with network services


Media Applications - Use media applications for containers which manage / manipulate media collection

Video handbrake

Music puddletag

Books / comics / etc ?

Photos piwigo?

Other Applications for media other than video, music, books / comics / etc, photos


Media Servers - Use media servers for containers which actively serve media to other computers, etc

Video - plex

Music - Logitech Media Server

Books / comics / etc - Ubooquity

Photos piwigo?

Other Servers for media other than video, music, books / comics / etc, photos


Productivity - Libre-office

Tools / Utilities - Dolphin

    - System Utilities Items which affect the operation of unRaid itself (dynamix Plugins, etc)

Other - One offs / hard to categorize, etc. (Pints).  The general consensus was to also put FoldingAtHome and Boinc into this category.


Ideally, we want to avoid using Other (under either network, or by itself) as much as possible, but also we don't want to create a category specifically for 1-2 containers either.  If you feel like a category is missing from this list, let me know and we can update everything if its warranted. (group decision?)




There is also a new XML tag <Beta>  (The plugin also shows this value)  Setting this to "True" will flag the container as a beta container to let the user know that the container may have some issues, etc.  Setting it to "False", or not including the XML Tag will flag the container as a stable container. 


NOTE:  ANY container which is present in a repository which is Beta (sparklyballs, smdion, Zhukov) will automatically be flagged as beta by the Community Repositories / Community Apps plugin regardless of the setting of this tag.  If the container is stable, move it out of the beta repository.


In approximately one week, I will release the new Community Apps plugin which will utilize the categories, and will replace the Community Repositories plug-in.  Hopefully the majority of the containers out there will have been suitably modified by then.





Change Log

2015.08.25 - Full RC6 Compliance.  Remove option to auto update templates (far easier to copy & paste anyways)

2015.06.07 - Add in support for <Date>

2015.05.31 - Rename DNS Server to DNS Client / Servers

2015.05.30 - Added clear categories button

2015.05.24a - Changed IRC to be Messengers

2015.05.24 - Add IRC to Network Services


2015.05.22 - Initial Release

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Great work, can't wait to try it


EDIT: I used method number 3. Just added the lines to all of my templates on github. It was easy enough

Community App plugin works perfectly with your categories.  Thanks! 


lol  You can thank Sparklyballs for #3 (he's my guinea pig) - Those lines were just initially there for my own debugging, but he pointed out how much easier it would be to copy / paste.

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Great work, can't wait to try it


EDIT: I used method number 3. Just added the lines to all of my templates on github. It was easy enough

Community App plugin works perfectly with your categories.  Thanks! 


lol  You can thank Sparklyballs for #3 (he's my guinea pig) - Those lines were just initially there for my own debugging, but he pointed out how much easier it would be to copy / paste.



OH GREAT !!!!!


my name is probably mud by the "tag crew" for suggesting categories and now you blame me for making things easier........

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Downloaded it just to be nosy, looks great, think this idea will work really well!

I think so too.  It should help all users to be able to find the applications which they want to run in a far easier manner.  Still more ideas on the table, but first the containers have to be categorized.


Thus far, 14% 17% 40%of the current containers have been categorized.

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Why don't you just release it so the community can put pressure on the docker developers! Seriously though, this looks fantastic.

Still some more refinements needed.  And ideally I would like the majority of containers to be categorized.  But next Friday it will be pushed out either way.
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Updated my templates.... I hope I did them correctly.

You missed nZedB.


As a note, any containers which are not categorized (eg: if the maintainer has gone AWOL), they will still be displayed, but under a special category "Uncategorized".  Naturally, we do want to avoid that however.


As far as doing them "properly", I am not the category police.  You guys know your containers far better than I do, and I'm sure will categorize them correctly.  Besides, if someone does blatantly mis-categorize a container, I'm sure the community will let them know with a "Huh?"

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i'm currently in a Move from House to House.  My UNRAID is down until end of next week.  I'll update my containers when the server is put back online.

No big deal...  Stuff like that is why I'm holding off on the release of the plugin.  (Plus, it gives me time to play around with optimizations, other ideas, etc without worrying about introducing bugs)
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