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[support] sdesbure docker repository


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Docker Images built on top of archlinux thanks to binhex :-* (see it's awesome support page)



(stolen from binhex support page)

OK, sounds good to me, so how do i install your Docker apps using unRAID?.


Firstly you need to be running unRAID ver 6 beta 9 or later, once installed follow the instructions below:-


    Navigate to "Extensions" and then "Docker" in the unRAID webui

    Enter in a URL of https://github.com/sdesbure/docker-containers in the "Template repositories" field

    Click on the "Save" button

    Click back to "Extensions" menu and then click on the "Add" button

    Click on the "Template" dropdown menu and select the desired Docker image

    Click the "Advanced View" toggle on the top right and fill in required fields e.g. volume data, environment variables etc

    Click on the "Add" button at the bottom of the window to begin pulling down the Docker image

    Once the image is downloaded you should see it appear in the "Extensions" section under the heading "Docker Apps"


Docker Apps

I have colour coded each application as follows (again as binhex):-


green - confirmed working, no known issues

orange - needs enhancements/under testing

red - currently broken/wip.




GitHub https://github.com/sdesbure

Docker https://hub.docker.com/u/sdesbure/

Changelog https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdesbure/docker-containers/master/CHANGELOG.md



First release of Jackett!!

First release of Netatmo_Librato

Moved Jackett to 0.6.4

Added Domoticz server

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Trying it.... but when I add a site where I do have an account, after I enter the correct username/password, I get:


Configuration failed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure


This may Jackett itself and not the docker... but pehaps someone knows.


Also, how do I add any of the new trackers to Sonarr? I see the API... saw instructions at botton of Jackett web GUI.



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Where did you get the release of  That's the version it shows running, where I'm running the latest they show available (precompiled anyway) at on my install.


I compiled from source on my windows box, and the current source does show  Upgraded my install (from my original Jackett), and it still allows me to add Torrent Day.  Not sure why yours isn't working correctly.


I also went so far as to replace the jackett install in your docker I have running, and the code I compiled won't allow it to be added on your docker install running my code.  Could be a dependency or something possibly?


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Where did you get the release of  That's the version it shows running, where I'm running the latest they show available (precompiled anyway) at on my install.


I compiled from source on my windows box, and the current source does show  Upgraded my install (from my original Jackett), and it still allows me to add Torrent Day.  Not sure why yours isn't working correctly.


I also went so far as to replace the jackett install in your docker I have running, and the code I compiled won't allow it to be added on your docker install running my code.  Could be a dependency or something possibly?


it's directly a build from git (my fork to add frenchtorrentdb). I'll check tonight sorry!

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The current source they have on their git compiles to, so that's definitely the current version, just not the current version they have pre-compiled and available.  I usually grab the source and compile it on one of my systems, guess he snuck an update in there over the past 2 days..  Do you happen to know off hand where your docker stores it's config files, I'd like to keep that stuff on the unraid filesystem.


I just played around a bit with it, and can't connect it to my Sonarr either, gives me a 401 authentication failed.  I also get failures on all of the torrent sites that require login.  Seems like it might be something in the distro setup that you're using for your docker maybe??



Where did you get the release of  That's the version it shows running, where I'm running the latest they show available (precompiled anyway) at on my install.


I compiled from source on my windows box, and the current source does show  Upgraded my install (from my original Jackett), and it still allows me to add Torrent Day.  Not sure why yours isn't working correctly.


I also went so far as to replace the jackett install in your docker I have running, and the code I compiled won't allow it to be added on your docker install running my code.  Could be a dependency or something possibly?


it's directly a build from git (my fork to add frenchtorrentdb). I'll check tonight sorry!

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Still having issues adding trackers with your docker.  Any that require a login give me a data not received error when it attempts to test and add.  I was able to add the Sonarr info (I had the port changed to 9118 external in docker since I was attempting to run 2, and that threw off the authentication to Sonarr).  The attempted additions aren't showing up in the log files, so not sure which way to turn at this point. 


That being said, my previous install from the other thread still works fine.


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I built a new image with one more volume (/opt/Jackett/.config/Jackett) with should allow to make it work correctly. I have tested it and it work with my two trackers (and config is "saved").


Still having the same problem on my 2 trackers....  :(


yep some trackers sometimes stops to work :/

can you retest (version 0.5.1) ?


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

its an issue with jackett. They just corrected it. Sdesbure, can you please update your jackett docker?


What would be awesome is if you could include a variable so we can specify the version.


I saw another docker file that was setup like this:



RUN wget https://github.com/zone117x/Jackett/releases/download/v$VERSION/Jackett.Mono.v$VERSION.zip -O /tmp/jackett.zip


If we could have a version variable exposed via the web GUI then we could reinstall the container using whatever version we wanted..ala the latest would be '0.6.7'




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  • 2 weeks later...

not the best solution but I created a script to pull and run the latest jackett. It's not a docker or a plugin...sorry. I've only been using unraid for a couple of weeks. I'm not that advanced yet.


CVERSION=$(cat version.txt)

WVERSION=$(curl -s https://jackett.net/Download| grep -m 1 -o 'v0.[0-9.]*[\ \t]*'|head -n 1)



rm -rf Jackett.Mono*.bz2

wget https://jackett.net/Download/${WVERSION}/Jackett.Mono.${WVERSION}.tar.bz2

kill -9 `screen -ls | grep jackett | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d. -f 1`

tar -xf Jackett.Mono*

echo $WVERSION > version.txt

cd Jackett

screen -d -m -S jackett mono JackettConsole.exe

screen -wipe



Basically, this keeps track of installed version(cversion) and then scans Jacketts website to find the latest version, if the latest version is not the same as the installed version, it downloads the newest version, kills the Jackett I have running in screen, updates the Jackett folder and then restarts the screen session.


you need to install mono for this to work.


Maybe someone can make a plugin out of this?



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