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[Support] binhex - get_iplayer

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Overview: Support for Docker image arch-get-iplayer in the binhex repo.

Application: get-iplayer - http://www.infradead.org/get_iplayer/html/get_iplayer.html

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-get-iplayer/

GitHub: https://github.com/binhex/arch-get-iplayer



If you appreciate my work, then please consider buying me a beer  :D




For other Docker support threads and requests, news and Docker template support for the binhex repository please use the "General" thread here

Edited by binhex
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  • 1 month later...

I'm suddenly getting an issue with this container. Had an orphaned docker image so I removed and tried to re-create it. Pulled all of  data down but then got this message at the bottom of the screen:


Unable to find image 'the:latest' locally

Pulling repository the

Error: image library/the:latest not found


I upgraded unraid to 6.1.9 yesterday but this docker container appeared OK.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Get-iplayer is great, so thanks to binhex for making a Docker of it.


Just a suggestion - it might be a good idea to include an option of searching by PID, as this can result in more shows being downloaded.


I have this working for me - I just added a new variable "PID" to your Docker and edited your start.sh script.  The script gets overwritten every time I edit the Docker or if it gets updated, so it would be nice if you could add something similar?



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Get-iplayer is great, so thanks to binhex for making a Docker of it.


Just a suggestion - it might be a good idea to include an option of searching by PID, as this can result in more shows being downloaded.


I have this working for me - I just added a new variable "PID" to your Docker and edited your start.sh script.  The script gets overwritten every time I edit the Docker or if it gets updated, so it would be nice if you could add something similar?


can you expand on this a little bit, maybe some code snippets might give me a clearer idea how you've included this, im not sure how PID would work in relation to a show name?.

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This link gives the reason for preferring PID search rather than show search. 




I'm new to Bash scripting so don't laugh....


# split comma seperated string into list from PID env variable
IFS=',' read -ra PIDLIST <<< "${PID}"


Then modified your loop to:


# process each show in the list
for index in "${!SHOWLIST[@]}"; do


And added a test to see if PIDs are being used:


if [[ -n "${PID}" ]]; then 
		echo "[info] Running get_iplayer on PIDs..."
		# run get_iplayer for PID, saving to incomplete folder
		/usr/bin/get_iplayer --profile-dir /config --pid --nopurge --modes=flashhd,flashvhigh,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal,flashlow --file-prefix="${show_name} - <senum> - <episodeshort>" "${PIDLIST[index]}" --pid-recursive --output "/data/get_iplayer/incomplete/${show_name}"
		# run get_iplayer for show, saving to incomplete folder
    	echo "[info] Running get_iplayer on shows..."
    	/usr/bin/get_iplayer --profile-dir /config --get --nopurge --modes=flashhd,flashvhigh,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal,flashlow --file-prefix="${show_name} - <senum> - <episodeshort>" "${show_name}" --output "/data/get_iplayer/incomplete/${show_name}"


Basically you use --pid instead of --get.  Also make sure --pid-recursive is added.


There are probably cleaner ways to do this, as you can probably get the showname from get_iplayer (c.f. with your <senum> and <episodeshort> parameters), but it was just a test to see if I could get it working.


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Oops missed this bit from the loop:


		# strip whitespace from start and end of show_name
	show_name=$(echo "${SHOWLIST[index]}" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//')


thanks for the example code, i suppose my only other question is how are you grabbing the PID for the show?, is there a particular command your running to find this out?

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As far as I know, you just have to get it from the URL for the iPlayer webpage.  I don't think you can get it from get_iplayer.


In terms of the above code, it makes a big assumption that the entered Series and entered PIDs match.


I think something like this would work better (although I haven't tied it):


/usr/bin/get_iplayer --profile-dir /config --pid --nopurge --modes=flashhd,flashvhigh,flashhigh,flashstd,flashnormal,flashlow --file-prefix="<nameshort>- <senum> - <episodeshort>" "${PIDLIST[index]}" --pid-recursive --output "/data/get_iplayer/incomplete/<nameshort>"


The loop would need editing in case only PIDs were entered and therefore SHOWLIST was empty (and I don't think you can save your Docker config without entering a value for the Series variable), but I'm probably telling you what you already know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get-iplayer is great, so thanks to binhex for making a Docker of it.


Just a suggestion - it might be a good idea to include an option of searching by PID, as this can result in more shows being downloaded.


I have this working for me - I just added a new variable "PID" to your Docker and edited your start.sh script.  The script gets overwritten every time I edit the Docker or if it gets updated, so it would be nice if you could add something similar?

So PID will give HD option?  I just tried on a show and the video doesn't look that great.


Do I need to put HD in the name?



Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk


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No.  Searching by PID can just give more results (older than 7 days).


The option




sets the quality.  Binhex's script uses




You could try


--modes best 


which downloads HD if available then falls back to SD, but I'm pretty sure that should be equivalent to Binhex's string anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I think I can answer my own question.


Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk


Hey Binhex: Is this something that's in your base image?

I was thinking I'd build in the option to use a proxy in some other images, but if it's in your base I won't need to.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm very green when it comes to linux and docker and I'm having difficulty setting up up this container. I've set my config (appdata on the cache drv) and data (media directory within the array) locations, but when I select install, nothing happens. I'm guessing it's waiting for another bit of setup info???  I selected HOST for the network bit. Should it be bridged? If so, what port (default)?







UPDATE: Disregard. I did not have advanced view selected and thus didn't have the environment variables set.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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