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[Support] binhex - SickRage


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Hi guys. Also FYI it seems to keep dropping my NZBGeek API key. I have added and saved several times. When I go back to the setting it is gone again. Also showing the related warning in the logs.


2018-10-19 15:23:01 WARNING::SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-76316::[NZBGeek]::Invalid api key for NZBGeek. Check your settings

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i am considering decrementing this in CA in favour of sickchill (rebadged sickrage), as im reasonably confident nobody really wants to use the current sickrage code (aka echel0n's) right?, anybody got any objections?, i will wait 1 week for replies, if no grumbles i will make it so.

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On 10/15/2018 at 1:40 PM, chesh said:

FYI: Converting from Sickrage to Sickchill was extremely simple.  Take a backup of your configuration from before Saturday (10/13) and just restore it into Sickchill (should be in appdata\Sickrage\backup and is a .zip file).  If you don't have a backup in that location, do my trick above to switch back to the 10-6 version of Sickrage, don't start the container, rename all of the .old files in your configuration directory back to .db files and then start Sickrage.  From here you can go into Settings -> Backup/Restore and make a backup.  Then, shutdown Sickrage, start Sickchill, and restore your backup. Should be as easy as that.  I had previously gone to Medusa, but it uses slightly different tables in the .db file and not everything was working as nice as I would have liked (some shows were showing up in my shows list, but I couldn't access them from the dropdown and then Sickrage started redownloading all the episodes, even though I didn't have any missing episodes). If you do these instructions to switch to Sickchill, the worse you may have to deal with is it not knowing about all the episodes it has downloaded since the backup was made.  They'll just show up in your Schedule as missed episodes.  If you go into each show that is "missed" (but has already downloaded) you can just "Re-scan files" and it will find the file downloaded and not try to redownload it.   It may try to postprocess it again, but that won't harm anything other then move the episode to the front of Recently Added TV. 


Before I swtich to Sickchill, I kindly ask that you help confirm the steps to be taken.  I rolled back to :v2018.10.06-1-01 a couple weeks ago, when the last update broke SR.  It's been running great ever since, although it will not get any updates.  I use nzbtomedia script, which is working perfectly right now.  


What steps are necessary to keep nzbtomedia working?


In your notes, you say to perform a backup prior to 10/13, how ever that date has passed.  I did a backup today, again I'm on :v2018.10.06-1-01.


Please confirm is these steps are correct.


1.  I have SR backup already, taken today.

2.  Install Sickchill docker, using the same config settings as I used with SR (tv directory, download directory, and create a new directory on my cache drive for Sickchill.

3.  Stop SR and start Sickchill.

4.  Go to Sickchill webgui and restore the SR backup file.  I hope this restores my account and search provider information.

5.  Copy nzbtomedia folder that is currently in my SR folder To the Sickchill folder.


There is no Sickchill section in autoProcessMedia.cfg, so do I need to make any changes to this config file or does it still point to SR section?


Did I miss anything?


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2 hours ago, Switchblade said:


Before I swtich to Sickchill, I kindly ask that you help confirm the steps to be taken.  I rolled back to :v2018.10.06-1-01 a couple weeks ago, when the last update broke SR.  It's been running great ever since, although it will not get any updates.  I use nzbtomedia script, which is working perfectly right now.  


What steps are necessary to keep nzbtomedia working?


In your notes, you say to perform a backup prior to 10/13, how ever that date has passed.  I did a backup today, again I'm on :v2018.10.06-1-01.


Please confirm is these steps are correct.


1.  I have SR backup already, taken today.

2.  Install Sickchill docker, using the same config settings as I used with SR (tv directory, download directory, and create a new directory on my cache drive for Sickchill.

3.  Stop SR and start Sickchill.

4.  Go to Sickchill webgui and restore the SR backup file.  I hope this restores my account and search provider information.

5.  Copy nzbtomedia folder that is currently in my SR folder To the Sickchill folder.


There is no Sickchill section in autoProcessMedia.cfg, so do I need to make any changes to this config file or does it still point to SR section?


Did I miss anything?


that sounds about right, i have no experience with nzbtomedia so maybe somebody else could chip in there, but i would guess it should be as simple as replacing any references to sickrage with sickchill, a bit of experimenting maybe required to get this right but you shouldnt break anything if you are using a seperate container and config area.

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I have attempted to migrate over to sickchill but I have been unsuccessful thus far. Installing sickchill is not a problem. I can get that up and running without issue. The problem i am running into is rolling back Sickrage to 10.06-1-01. I have edited the repository as posted above but sickrage fails to launch at that point. When i look at the logs i get this line:

17:50:37 ERROR::MAIN :: Your config version (11) has been incremented past what this version of SickRage supports (8).

I really dont care about copying over config files as that doesnt take long to set up. I really just want to move the database over. I originally tried restore a sickrage backup from 10-28 into sickchill and it said it completed successfully, however, nothing actually happened. Neither my config or my library info transferred. I even tried manually copying the database files over to sickchill without success. Does anyone have any ideas??


EDIT: After taking a break and starting with a fresh install of Sickchill, i found that the only thing i needed to do was use my most recent database file from sickrage (sickrage.db), rename it to sickbeard.db, and move it into the sickchill appdata directory, overwriting the existing db. This does NOT keep any config settings, but for me that was acceptable.

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I use nzbtomedia and it is working great with SR.  It took a while for me to sort that out and I'm worried about breaking it.  I'd like others running SR and the nzbtomedia script to confirm my above steps are safe steps to migrate.


It sure would be nice to just keep SR up and running, as it works great and it isn't broken.  I vote to keep it if we can.

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5 hours ago, Switchblade said:

It sure would be nice to just keep SR up and running, as it works great and it isn't broken.  I vote to keep it if we can.

Here's the thing, if i mark it as deprecated it simply means it wont be visible in CA so any new people wont see it, that doesnt mean it wll stop working, as the docker image will still exist. However, having said that i would STRONGLY encourage you to move over to sickchill, it is simply a matter of time before index site piratebay, rarbg etc or tv series metadata site tvdb etc changes things and then you will be left with an sickrage install that simply wont ever receive updates (as all development of sickrage is now moved to sickchill) and thus will become broken, leaving you with the only course of action which is to move to sickchill.


i really wouldnt worry too much about things being broken, run both side by side, tweak sickchill until your are confident it works and then simply shutdown sickrage, job done, just take backups and you cant go wrong.

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On 10/30/2018 at 7:53 PM, TechnoBabble28 said:

EDIT: After taking a break and starting with a fresh install of Sickchill, i found that the only thing i needed to do was use my most recent database file from sickrage (sickrage.db), rename it to sickbeard.db, and move it into the sickchill appdata directory, overwriting the existing db. This does NOT keep any config settings, but for me that was acceptable.

Thanks, this was a life-saver.  I wasn't aware of the whole Sickrage issue until I found today that the UI had completely stopped working - so no way to backup and restore.  At least this gets me to my library.

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Hi All,

nzbToMedia is fully compatible with SickChill (Formerly SickRage), SiCKRAGE (Formerly SiCKRAGE TV), Medusa, SickGear, and most Common SickBeard Derivatives.

For all of these the section is still [SickBeard]
Just set fork = auto under the appropriate category.

This will work with either webUI user and pass entered OR with the api entered (for those forks that support api postprocessing. SiCKRAGE, SickChill, Medusa)


So, all setup should be as per your previous, but I recommend switching to fork = auto to avoid any changed names. This also allows for more flexability as new features are added to the WebUI or api commands.


Here is the recommended autoProcessMedia.cfg details for a working SickChill, SiCKRAGE, Medusa interaction using api

        enabled = 1
        host = localhost
        port = <Sick* port>
        apikey =
        fork = auto

Here is the autoPorcessMedia.cfg details for a working Sick* fork using WebUI

        enabled = 1
        host = localhost
        port = <Sick* Port>
        apikey = ""
        username = <WebUI user>
        password = <WebUI Pass>
        fork = auto


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have moved to SC and restored the backup from SR.  Everything is there and looks good.  I did a rescan for all files for all tv shows.


In the log I saw this line for all of my tv shows - show Dir doesn't exist, skipping NFO generation

and it then moves to the next show.


I did not see these messages in the SR logs.  Will this correct itself, or do I need to fix it?


Thank you!


Here is the actual log entree:




update:  I had to edit each show and re-point to the show directory.  I just need to test the nzbtomedia script and should be good to go.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

about 2 weeks after installing Sickchill on my unraid, I get "Refused to Connect" error when I try to log into the gui. It is still trunning and doing it's job in the background, but I can't log into the gui. I can log into every other GUI with no problem.


What would be causing this and how do I fix? 


Unraid Ver 6.5.3

Can't see ver of Sickchill

Here is the log from the docker:

2019-01-26 10:42:58.485199 [info] Host is running unRAID
2019-01-26 10:42:58.512301 [info] System information Linux 1dd50a0c82bb 4.14.49-unRAID #1 SMP Mon Jun 11 16:21:07 PDT 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2019-01-26 10:42:58.547303 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2019-01-26 10:42:58.604592 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2019-01-26 10:42:58.673902 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2019-01-26 10:42:58.704887 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
2019-01-26 10:42:58.830231 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2019-01-26 10:42:59,191 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/sickchill.conf" during parsing
2019-01-26 10:42:59,191 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2019-01-26 10:42:59,194 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2019-01-26 10:43:00,196 INFO spawned: 'sickchill' with pid 49
2019-01-26 10:43:00,196 INFO reaped unknown pid 8
2019-01-26 10:43:01,198 INFO success: sickchill entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2019-01-26 10:43:03,642 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:43:03 INFO::MAIN :: 79173: Unable to find IMDb show info in the database

2019-01-26 10:43:03,959 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:43:03 INFO::MAIN :: 342225: Unable to find IMDb show info in the database
~Repeated 22 more times

2019-01-26 10:43:11,222 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:43:11 INFO::MAIN :: Starting SickChill [master] using '/config/config.ini'

2019-01-26 10:43:11,238 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:43:11 INFO::TORNADO :: Starting SickChill on

2019-01-26 10:43:11,238 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:43:11 INFO::CHECKVERSION :: Checking for updates using SOURCE

2019-01-26 10:48:03,522 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:48:03 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR :: Auto post processing task for /media/appdata/data/Complete was added to the queue

2019-01-26 10:48:06,515 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:48:06 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Beginning auto post processing task: /media/appdata/data/Complete

2019-01-26 10:48:06,517 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:48:06 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Processing /media/appdata/data/Complete

2019-01-26 10:48:06,589 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:48:06 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Successfully processed

2019-01-26 10:48:06,590 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:48:06 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Auto post processing task for /media/appdata/data/Complete completed

2019-01-26 10:53:03,818 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:53:03 INFO::DAILYSEARCHER :: Searching for new released episodes ...

2019-01-26 10:53:04,029 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:53:04 INFO::DAILYSEARCHER :: No new released episodes found ...

2019-01-26 10:53:08,818 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:53:08 INFO::SEARCHQUEUE-DAILY-SEARCH :: Beginning daily search for new episodes

2019-01-26 10:53:28,284 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:53:28 INFO::SEARCHQUEUE-DAILY-SEARCH :: No needed episodes found

2019-01-26 10:58:04,123 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:58:04 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR :: Auto post processing task for /media/appdata/data/Complete was added to the queue

2019-01-26 10:58:07,106 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:58:07 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Beginning auto post processing task: /media/appdata/data/Complete

2019-01-26 10:58:07,108 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:58:07 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Processing /media/appdata/data/Complete

2019-01-26 10:58:07,863 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:58:07 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Successfully processed

2019-01-26 10:58:07,864 DEBG 'sickchill' stderr output:
10:58:07 INFO::POSTPROCESSOR-AUTO :: Auto post processing task for /media/appdata/data/Complete completed


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