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[Support] ken-ji - Dropbox

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My first post, so I am a total newb. Running Unraid 6.12.4.

I tried otherguys Dropbox first, only as it had more downloads, but I couldn't get it working because of the

[ALERT]: Dropbox needs to rename your existing folder or file named Dropbox to finish installing. Please close any open documents and try again.


I have read what I can about this, and from what I could see Otherguy support seemed to not explain this, so I deleted that container and the Dropbox folder and started again with ken-ji's, this docker, but I have the same problem and no understanding of how to perhaps force a no update to dropbox? As I had read elsewhere, I would have thought forcing a no update would not fix the issue as I read elsewhere that Dropbox would eventually say "nope" to an older piece of software, but I AM A COMPLETE NEWB. Little experience of Linux over the years apart from copy pasting scripts to copy other folks fixes, mostly on a smoothwall server.


Watched a lot of SpaceInvader One videos, but though they are excellent, many seem to age quickly as unraid updates.


Any suggestions for a complete new guy on this or should I give up? My next thought was binhex-rclone, but I may fair worse with that!?


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am new to unraid so trying to learn as i go


i have installed dropbox container but just wondered where I need to go to access the folders from my unraid system? 


The reason for me needing this is because I store my photos in dropbox and want my plex container to be able to access the pictures in dropbox

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you get Dropbox working!?

So, did you login using the link shown in logs and link yur Dropbox account to the app?

If you did, how did you manage the error i mentioned?

I hope you are further along than I got, if so you should find a Dropbox folder in your shares? But I think you have to set that folder up before installling the dropbox container, as you need to point to it in the install files? But I am as new as you here!


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no still not figured out where it saves to

i thought it was the location in the 'Data files' variable but that doesn't seam to be the case, because I have navigated to that location, added a file, and it doesn't sync up to dropbox. Unless I am miss understanding, and it doesn't upload

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah ive managed to sign in to my account, and the logs show that its downloading, indexing and uploading files, but still cant see where its saving these files to. I have even removed it, deleted the folder i had in the veriable 'data files' and re done it all again and, again, cant find the files

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  • 5 months later...
On 11/20/2019 at 6:17 PM, ken-ji said:

I think the error is because when you run Dropbox on the array, it correctly sees the filesystem as shfs which is artificially unsupported.

Some users have just created a ext4 loopback image. I suppose with the container working again, you can have it on the cache drive

I'm sorry, what? So, is there a way to sync my dropbox to an Unraid share? if an ext4 loopback image (whatever that is!) is required why is this not in the setup instruction or why is this in the repository? 


I'm sorry. I know that is harsh for an effort that you are providing for free. I'm sure I am being ungrateful. I just don't understand how to use this as is, and I doubt most others do either. I feel like this should be made more useful or removed from the apps altogether. 


... after removing this I was able to install dropbox-by-otherguy and it didn't get the same error syncing to the same location. So I don't know why there is a difference. I don't actually see any files in the directory though so I'm not sure it works. 

Edited by smileybri
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Yes, @smileybri I agree with @JonathanM. Although Ken-ji was really helpful and active up until 3 years ago, he has not been on here in ages.

I am now using Dropbox-by-otherguy (Repository: otherguy/dropbox:1.9.0). Would love to know if anyone has progressed on from this version yet! I think the latest is 1.12.0?

Dropbox changed their API quite dramatically a while back and it coincided with Ken-ji's absence. So, I wouldn't put too much weight on solutions that were being used in 2019.

As long as you used /mnt/disk1/desired-location for the Dropbox user files field, your files will appear there. After you have started the container and opened the Dropbox Auth URL that gets posted in the container Logs, it can take a while before the syncing kicks into gear.

On one occasion I had to reset permissions on the Dropbox synced files location via unraid Tools > New Permissions, then restarted the Dropbox container, before it would sync properly.

Let us know what is appearing in your container Logs if you are still struggling.

Edited by tomfool
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  • 1 month later...

It has been a month, and I gave up on the effort, but I might try again with Dropbox-by-the-otherguy when I get around to it. I didn't have success on the first try. I use Dropbox for home and work, and it is a shame that the Dropbox Linux client won't sync multiple accounts. This is why I thought syncing one to an UNRAID share to access from my desktop would be helpful. 


I might not know enough about how the Community Applications repository works, but wouldn't this project be marked as deprecated if it isn't expected to work any longer? Is there a place that I go to make such a recommendation? 

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